I Just...

I jsut realized I'm done with work for the day, AND I mistyped "just" but I'm not going to fix it.

Sigh. Parting is such sweet sorrow...to my post count. Have fun NOT BEATING IT while I'm away. :lol:

I love you all. Truly. Madly. Deeply. Like Savage Garden...covered...in...spikes.

That's all I got. I should have quit 5 minute agos, but then you wouldn't have that gem of a profession of love, and you'd all have missed out.

And THAT would be a damn shame.

Adios, kids.
I just realised the OOC is now significantly more boring without IG.

Now all I have to entertain me are OPA, MO and SA! Pah!
(Just kidding guys, don't eat me - I'm all gristle)
I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough...All the things you do to me and everything you said...and I just can't get enough. I just can't get enough....

Kick it to tha MODE, kids. Eat it.
I just can't stand the thought of being outspammed while I go scan my picture...

But I will suffer it nobly and be off to do what I do best:

Burn things. I mean, scan stuff.
I just walked in on my roommate masturbating

Edit: It is really awkward to be sitting here. So i'm going to pretend like I didn't see anything and hopefully he pretends I didn't know what he was doing. :tb3: