I Just...

I just gotta ge this off my chest:

I just changed my avatar and got a request to feed my blog on a prominent Utah writer's site. [invader zim's experimental happy child]I'm so happy! All the time! It's great![/IZEHC]
I just ate a load of jalapenos for the hell of it. And on the subject of ridiculously spicy food, Im going to make a vindaloo.
I just have to say that Cakatoa has excellent taste. That bunny cartoon in his avvy is probably my favorite. And one of the three taped on my bedroom door.
I just watched the Da Vinci Code. Pretty good movie, perhaps a bit overhyped...but BEST of all is that I saw the new PotC 2 trailer!
"I love moments like that....I like to wave as they pass me by"