I Just...

I just got Trillian set up thanks to Deikura's link, and it's all fancy-dancy and shiny. I didn't realise it let you have loads of different messenger accounts from different things all at the same time. I'm quite impressed. Enough so to bow to it! :worship:
I just have to point out that where I am it's quarter to four in the afternoon, so I've been storing up all my posts until the Americans came online.
I just forgot that I'd increased the volume on my earphones and restarted iTunes, nearly killing myself in the process.

I just had an MSN conversation with my sister where I denied that I knew a particular restaurant existed, but then when she told me where it was I realised that I have in fact had my picture taken outside it with the owner, 7 years ago. Long story.
I just had a really bad nightmare, seeing as I only got up about 45 minutes ago. I think that counts as just.

Also, I just had to suffer several teenage girls next door suddenly shouting Happy Birthday at similar sound levels to those of industrial work tools. While still half-asleep. There's a dent in the ceiling that's going to cost serious money.
I just can't get enough. And I just can't get enough...I juuuust can't seeeem to get EEE-Nough of Youuuuuuu.....

Depeche Mode of the Day # 4.