Pet Peeves

PP: strange dreams where I'm apparently a lesbian. Ok, so it's not that much of a pet peeve, other than the strange part, like finding a giant scary anthill full of big creepy ants in the middle of an abandoned playground and then taking my hot lady date to a Matt Nathanson concert in an old church. (I fell asleep listening to Matt Nathanson last night, so that part makes sense.)
PP: People driving in wintry conditions. Everyone needs to slow down and not follow so closely, but it seems like people drive faster than they normally would when it is snowing??
PP: Utah drivers in general. I have a theory that because so many people in this state are Mormon, they feel pressured to be nice and courteous all the time, but once they're in their vehicles they become magically invisible and can take out all their pent up rage and aggression by being massive assholes behind the wheel. I swear we have the worst drivers in the country.
PP1: having the temperature go from +8 C (46.4 F) to -32 C (-25.6 F) back to +5 C (41 F) in about four days.

PP2: feeling compelled to put in Fahrenheit conversions.
PP: The giggly twins that sit behind me. I swear, to grown men whispering and giggling for half an hour at a time. Drives me up the wall.

The kicker? One of them's my boss.
Oh man. Now I have a mental image of your boss doing the David Brent giggle from the British version of The Office.

PP: Bosses, or, well, authority in general.