Favorite Things!


I actually saw this at the grocery store last week. My daughter was begging me to get it (though she'd never touch the stuff). I almost did from simple morbid curiosity but my arteries threatened to strangle my brain if I did so I kept walking.

FT: Muscle flexing in front of the bathroom mirror.
syber rad:
that i can finally get a good deep dish in Canberra
Haha, other places are weird. :yes:

FT: Yogurt, I love the stuff. That and a little plain granola and I am in heaven. Albeit a heaven that looks exactly like the real world, except that I am eating yogurt.
ACB = Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood... er, i mean, the American Council of the Blind.

FT: That it doesn't matter what you post, it's the OOC. Also, FT: all of you. Awwww.