Favorite Things!

infatuation would make a bit more sense. and i am also a big fan. disappointingly there have been no chances for me to infatuate yet.

FT:gigantic tax returns
FT: Nathan Fillion as anything... Mal/Captain Hammer/Rick Castle...

FT Addendum: Nathan Fillion playing Rick Castle who dresses up as Malcom Reynolds for the Halloween episode of Castle. It made my nerdy heart skip a proverbial beat.

Late-night conversations with best friends that go from random to maximum rediculosity in 30 seconds, and you can't breathe because you are laughing toooooo damn hard.
thats the point! all the houseboaters were trashtalking me because im older than them because i was talking about making mix tapes, not mixed cds.

FT: being able to pretend that im the well travelled older guy thats been to all the gigs everyone else wishes they'd been to.