Share Your Photos Here!

I want a 'lectric one. I'd sell my Ibanez, cuz I'd get like $1500 for it, but it was Dad's and he said I'd get written out of the will if I ever sold it. I'm tempted to "borrow" Dad's Fender Strat. He never plays it. Like he'd miss it. However, I think my brother has it in his closet. With the amp too, the jerk. Brothers. Psh.
A Fender Strat? Hot piss! I can't think of anything more cooler. Except vintage motorcycles.

Steal it! Steal it!

I'm like the angel and devil on your shoulder...but just devil. To reiterate, steal it.
I think I had a flatmate like that once! Oooo! Don't worry, they'll never read this.

And if they do; everyone thinks you're a twat.
It is also my goal to make you destroy your keyboard! Although why I'd want to do this is beyond me, as it would make life unlivable.

I should put more thought into my goals, really.
That reminded me of the time that my keyboard got taken away and instead of typing stuff, I would write it out in MS paint and then head over to imageshack and then post it.

I think that was the day that I realized I liked TNP maybe a little too much.

Liking TNP too much? Impossible, I say. Oh, and for the record, ^ has the most amazing MSPaint skillz I've ever seen. She's some kind of MSPaint sorceress.
^ keeps up with the techmology!

Edit: this isn't Describe the Person Above You! All the topics have blurred into one.
That happens sometimes. I've experienced that phenomena before. I think it needs a name, though, as it currently doesn't have one.

Sudden Onset Spamitosis. I like to call it SOS for short.
Yep, a clear cut case of SOS there! Another phenomenon successfully named thanks to ^.

Oh wait...there it goes again!

*audience groans*

*IndieGirl is falling asleep at her computer. I think it really might be bedtime.

:hug: Thanks for the spamfest, Syd, ol' chap. I'll see you around. We should do it again sometime.
No, stupider is correct. It's just that some people decided arbitrarily that it would sound more intelligent to drop the -er ending and insert a "more" before the word. Stop trying to force your syntactical arrogance on me.












That's pretty cool.


GBM, if you allow me a guess:
UK's pics are from Budapest. The first is the parliament, the yellow building should be the Szechenyi-bath. And the rest somewhere in Hungary, too...:P
Nice pics, UK. Where are we?
VZ is correct, it's Hungary alright. And most of those are from the Budapest Zoo, which is a very pretty zoo if I do say so myself.

For those reading this thread if you haven't seen Polts' photos I suggest you take a look at them. Very very cool town, and the last one is an eye-opener.