What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Battleship of Thieves - Walker Kong

I love this song!

the pyramids and heiroglyphs
are like towers for the sunken ship
that's made it's way from Tinseltown
where electric storms made everything loud

our ship is made of stolen parts
from suburban homes and
industrial parks
oh, here at sea we're far from home
we miss our friends
and rock and roll shows

the waves all blitz
coming round through the masses
and it feels like we've been set free

the phonographs and 45s
the soundtrack of our former lives
were left to turn with autumn leaves
the cinder blocks crushing everything
in sight

loaded with a textbook cast
on its way to live what's past
a stranger sort of holiday
the sharks will turn into humans one day

the clouds move slow
as if they'll never storm
and it feels like we've been here before

the battleship of thieves
resurrects us, every face
where sunken souls rise up

turn to the bottom and change the song
from fast to slow
the way it goes
from loud to soft

and here comes that good old battle sound
whoa oh oh oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh whoa-oh

Email me. I'll send it to you. It's FANTASTIC.

From the album Transparent Life which is very good. Yes.