What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

Just like heaven - The Cure

I always think of you when i hear The Shins, but for obvious reasons im sure.

The Pixies did have a CD called Surfer Rosa. I do surf, and in some languages rosa means red, and thats the color of my hair. But perhaps, its just because i wanna be cool like the Pixies.
I think it's because you and Tinka went off about the Pixies for a while on some thread on the Ol' s2. And I've subconsciously associated you with them ever since.

Also, Surfer Rosa is an amazing album. I need to get a new copy of it.

Tumbling Dice - The Rolling Stones
That sounds about right to me.

Toby Kieth - I aint as good as i once was

THis is just a fun song. I'll say this about country music, they sing about things i cant really relate to (i never picked up my mom from prison with my dog in my pickup....it was a buick) but the songs are FUN sometimes.
lol, my question was more of a 'does anyone have a problem with me listening to little river band?'

yesterday when i was brave - jebediah (again)
Modest Mouse - Alone down there

I bought an album of them after I saw it HERE, in this thread.
I'm not totally convinved of them, though.

Midnight Oil - Beds are burning :evil:
dang now that is a good combo. modest mouse will grow on you, especially if you see them live. you know the singer from midnight oil is now the Australian minister for the environment? got my vote.

uno - muse