What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

one more time - the french kicks

I heart this song with much hearty hearting.

One more time
I wake and I'm anywhere
Well, I'm feeling lonely when
You look like you’re coming after all

All that time
And laugh only when you're still around
Thought I'd feel something else
When love keeps me climbing up the wall

A little heat and I lose some more sleep
A little sleep and a little more heat
In other ways, I keep waking up
A little heat and a little more

Oh, that's fine
Relax, will you, while you're still around
But I'll be your only friend
When off running things into the ground

You're alone with me
Nothing wrong with me

It's still hard
A little heat and a little more sleep

In other ways, I keep waking up
Lose some heat and a little more
One more

One more time
And that's coming on again
One more day of loneliness
That's you incapacitating love

One more time with me
dragostea din tei - o-zone

Most Romanians hate this song sooooo much!

Názov Stavby - Stát'anúti

P-13 - Bez izvinenij

NTM - Pour que ca sonne funk

Puff Daddy - I'll be missing you

de Heideroosjes - Klapvee

Nek - Laura non c'è (just soooo cheesy!)

Mistie - Somebody said

Cindy Lauper - Girls just want to have fun ( :D )
as i rise - the 'rists

i have come a few miles
i got blisters on my slippered feet
as i rise, as i rise.

california's okay
but i think i might stay in the shade
for a while, for a while.

ladybug, ladybird
you're the prettiest song i heard
in a while, in a while.

la de da la da da
la de da de da da da
la da daaaa, la da da-aah

I <3 Colin Meloy
Sorrow - Pink Floyd

Mmmm...perfect rock. I love this song. Like I would love one of my own children. And that's probably blasphemous or hyperbolic to most people, but it's true. I think this might be my favorite Pink Floyd song.
YAY! They're well worth the listen. I had to go find some.

my slow descent into alocoholism - the new pornographers

I said my, my, my, my slow descent
into alcoholism, it went
something like this (aa-aa-aa)
something like this (aa-aa-aa):
salvation holdout central
salvation holdout central...
Interview With Thel D'ran


File Photo: Unlimited with Unistrut at Emperor Loop's funeral

An abandoned grain silo, now an observatory: Too far from civilisation: I nervously glanced round as the huge, barn door creaked open. In walked a man of slight stature, who according to my records was Thel D'ran. We meandered through a maze of discarded telescopes, and old newspapers from the Great Bight era, where we finally halted at a table where just enough space was cleared for me to sit down and take my notes.

So to begin, how did you come to be involved in The North Pacific? 'I joined in late May of 2004, but it was a few days before I realized that one can change regions. Just as I was pondering where I might go, I got a TG from Magicality, inviting me to the forum, once I looked at the forum, I realized there wasn't a map.
I volunteered to make one and as an unexpected consequence, I started to get a lot of endo. It wasn't very long after I joined that Blackshear had his troubles and we were without a delegate. Those of us who were online worked quickly and via chat to move Magicality into the delegacy before the update. She was asleep at the time and those of us who were shifting forces mused what a neat thing that would be to wake up to. And we thought we were safe.' He pauses for a moment, 'By summer, however, Magicality had been stung by a wasp IRL and had had a reaction to it and the treatment. For two weeks, I (and others) were maintaining her endotally in hopes that she'd return. By this time, I was tracking all of the top ten endo'd folks in the region and chatting with as many of them as had AIM, YIM, etc.'

I interrupt him there, and this is the beginning of the UPS Rail/Great Bight era? Thel nods. 'One of them was UPS Rail. I asked the same thing of him I asked of everyone - "What are your intentions should you become delegate?" Keep in mind, I have made an effort during my time in game to avoid picking up a bias. I didn't want to become pro-ADN, or pro-NPO, or whatever. I was working to become pro-TNP.' He smiles, '[no one, in my three or four months in the game at this point, had ever bothered to tell me anything about the NPO. So when UPS Rail answered me by saying, "I intend to install a NPO-style structure" - or words to that effect. Since I was a newcomer and a confirmed "antibiaser" my reaction was, "Well, at least he's got a plan." Then he took over. And I found myself in the Rejected Realms. I instantly formed the region "Avengers Assemble" (and if I knew that "AA" had meant something else once, I might have chosen a different name). The Avengers quickly became a region of nearly a 100, the membership of which looked like a Who's Who of TNP. But three or four months in the game, some lovely maps, and a big new region didn't seem like the foundation for leading an counter-coup. So I waited for someone else to step forward. Long story short, no one seemed to. That's when I started the Government in Exile or GiE. Meanwhile, the Puppet Attack was being planned (but this was still unknown to me). '

Written by Emperor Matthuis
Editor of The Northern Telegraph
Editor-in-Chief of The NINN.