Protection - Massive Attack
Thank you, Sarco. For some reason, the thought of searching for music videos on Youtube never occurred to me. At all.
So now, I am watching/listening to Triumph - Wu-Tang Clan.
As an aside, I saw this video on MTV one day at my 84-year-old aunt's house (we didn't get MTV at home, in a wee farming town, so this was the only opportunity I got.) As the adults chatted and such, I saw this, and went "What the hell is that, and where can I get more???"
That day, the preconception of "Rap=noise" was shattered for a young(er)* Byard, and I like to think, a sense of enjoyment of the novel was born.
*All right, I was about the age several of you are. And this video had just come out. Do the math.