What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

I sat at my screen staring at iTunes with my $9.99. I read the 13 reviews for the Jimi Hendrix Blues album (All of them gave it 5 stars) and, finally, I broke down and bought it. I have no money left.

I give it 5 stars. Incredible. Do you like blues? Buy it. Do you like guitar work? Buy it. Do you like Hendrix? Buy it.

I'm listening to "Born Under a Bad Sign".
Protection - Massive Attack

Thank you, Sarco. For some reason, the thought of searching for music videos on Youtube never occurred to me. At all.

So now, I am watching/listening to Triumph - Wu-Tang Clan.

As an aside, I saw this video on MTV one day at my 84-year-old aunt's house (we didn't get MTV at home, in a wee farming town, so this was the only opportunity I got.) As the adults chatted and such, I saw this, and went "What the hell is that, and where can I get more???"

That day, the preconception of "Rap=noise" was shattered for a young(er)* Byard, and I like to think, a sense of enjoyment of the novel was born.

*All right, I was about the age several of you are. And this video had just come out. Do the math.
That song is awesome.
You know originally it was by Dylan, Daim, and he liked the Hendrix version so much that he played that way ever since. So says my experience Hendrix CD...