I am invading Holland as we speak. (TLK reference)
Fulhead Land TNPer Dec 29, 2005 #322 Quick call nato! *to adviser* no tlk cant be last knights, get the missile!! TORCHWOOD!!! (hope hs comes along and understands)
Quick call nato! *to adviser* no tlk cant be last knights, get the missile!! TORCHWOOD!!! (hope hs comes along and understands)
Fulhead Land TNPer Dec 30, 2005 #326 i am imagining ^ going outside, kidnaping, killing and skinning a pig
Fulhead Land TNPer Jan 1, 2006 #328 i am pleased, though i am still assuleted by laughter when i imagine it
Sirixis TNPer Jan 1, 2006 #331 I am unsure as to why ^ posted that picture. There's nary a bikini in it.
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Jan 2, 2006 #332 I am bored out of my tree right now...
Sirixis TNPer Jan 2, 2006 #333 I am hopeful the new year will bring some more excitement around here (of the non-invasion sort. We've been there and done that.).
I am hopeful the new year will bring some more excitement around here (of the non-invasion sort. We've been there and done that.).
Fedele TNPer Jan 2, 2006 #334 Sirixis: I am hopeful the new year will bring some more excitement around here (of the non-invasion sort. We've been there and done that.). Click to expand... I'm hoping for a new wave of invasions but most certainly not of TNP.
Sirixis: I am hopeful the new year will bring some more excitement around here (of the non-invasion sort. We've been there and done that.). Click to expand... I'm hoping for a new wave of invasions but most certainly not of TNP.
D Democratic Donkeys TNPer Jan 9, 2006 #347 I am going to start a little science project when I get back to school. It's called fermenting my own alcohol. I'm also gonna mess around with distilling some (through freezing the fermented product). Hehehehe, this is the kind of science I like!
I am going to start a little science project when I get back to school. It's called fermenting my own alcohol. I'm also gonna mess around with distilling some (through freezing the fermented product). Hehehehe, this is the kind of science I like!
D Democratic Donkeys TNPer Jan 9, 2006 #351 I am going to do that. Who can stop me? I am annoyed that it looks like i'll be sleeping alone when I get back to school. Damn midyear transfer students.
I am going to do that. Who can stop me? I am annoyed that it looks like i'll be sleeping alone when I get back to school. Damn midyear transfer students.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Jan 9, 2006 #352 I am annoyed that my CD won't burn faster. Damn CD-Rs.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Jan 9, 2006 #354 I am annoyed that the blogs are down on MySpace. Grrr. I'm annoyed that Dad won't let me install Battlefield 2.
I am annoyed that the blogs are down on MySpace. Grrr. I'm annoyed that Dad won't let me install Battlefield 2.
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Jan 9, 2006 #359 I am stupefied at being cuted-out by Feddy's avatar.