I Am...

I am jealous of ^. I'm all stuck here at work...soaking wet from the monsoon I had to walk in to get here, working in the basement of the university IT building where all the campus servers are located, so the a/c is set to -30 C. My teeth are literally chattering.

You should feel sorry for me. *sniffle*

I am melting in the heat! Melting...

I think I'll go join Syb in his Australian winter. Which will probably turn out hotter than this bizarre Indian Summer we're having.
I am wearing a jacket. possibly for the last time this year.

and as shocking as it is, we do get cold winters around here. it even snows every five or six years. :o
its 3:30 am. do you really think i have a chance of thinking properly at this time of night missie?

I am wondering why gmail claims that IG is offline