I am happy to keep spamming.
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #92 I am losing control of lower body functions. Too late to do anything about it...
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #94 I am going to cough in the manner of a suprised British gent... *cough*
Kumiko TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #100 I am happy about that. I am also saying you should upload that cute av you made.
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #101 I am done for tonight, my services are no longer required. Toodle pip!
Queen Astarial TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #107 I am unable to decide which is best and am wanting Kumi's advice.
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Nov 29, 2005 #112 I am wanting a vacation and sunshine, not snow.