I Am...

I am trying to decide: should I just work till near dawn then grab some sleep or should I grab a couple winks now then dive in early early. . . ?
I am likely to follow my usual method of making purchase choices: procrastinate until the desire to get something ebbs. This is how I've become a multi-thousandairre.
I am getting very annoyed with the news coverage of the Rio "drug cleanup" of the favelas. I am mad because it has nothing to do with drugs, and everything to do with the fact that these people are poor and unsightly for a city that will host the olympics. I am terribly disgusted.
I am cynical about news in general. I liked it more when I thought it was factual and unbiased and we weren't all being played for suckers.
I am very excited for the airing of some really dirty laundry. I am interested to see how people will react to being exposed to a higher level of reality, one that is normally hidden by the power-elite.
I am of the opinion that anything can be educational if approached with an open mind. (Yes, that's a feeble justification for the garbage I watch.)
I am glad you have both the time and inclination to read a quarter million documents.
I am done reading what has been released, which was only 267 cables. I am waiting for the next batch to be released. I am really excited for the China release even though it won't be until sunday.
I am remembering that I used to think he was singing "wrapped up like a douche" and I didn't know what a douche was, or if it was something that could be wrapped up in the first place.