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  1. Eriadni

    Admin Requests

    Hiya, I'm cleaning up some accounts across NS, and am requesting an account deletion (if at all possible) please. Thanks
  2. Eriadni

    [SC - Passed] Commend Common Territories

    Against - not a fan of weapons companies from an rp perspective.
  3. Eriadni

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    [/spoiler] ~LL
  4. Eriadni

    Just a Thought

    As a resident of a country where IR is widely used, I would support such a measure. I disagree with using the points but would also support each voters having to rank every candidate, rather than being able to choose just one. That said, a quota system would also be worth trying, where each...
  5. Eriadni

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Eriadni Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs Previous experience in this area of government: Ambassadorial experience in former regions
  6. Eriadni

    [SC - Defeated] Condemn LKE

    Changing vote to against, in light of R3N's statement
  7. Eriadni

    List 2: Issue Answerers

    150 - 300 DONE 6 replies
  8. Eriadni

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Yes, my bad
  9. Eriadni

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation: Eriadni Ministry: Communications, Domestic Affairs, Foreign Affairs Experience: Ambassador in my last region. Citizenship currently pending approval
  10. Eriadni

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Eriadni I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that...
  11. Eriadni

    Regional Update April/May 2019

    May Update from the Social Liberal Union Ministerial Elections The SLU held its ministerial elections in April with the positions of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Domestic Affairs open to the ballots. The results have been published as follows: RESULTS OF THE APRIL 2019 MINISTERIAL...
  12. Eriadni

    Regional Update March 2019

    Hi all, We are currently undergoing delegate and speaker elections. As I consider these events and their outcomes to be of high importance, I will include them in the March report. This report will be posted in roughly a week and this topic updated. Thanks, Eriadni March Update from the...
  13. Eriadni

    Regional Update Feb 2019

    February Update from the Social Liberal Union Hello TNP, here is a short summary of the SLU's activity throughout the last month! The Open Parliament There has been one piece of legislation introduced in the last month and that was: On the Nomination of North American Republics to the Eggic...
  14. Eriadni

    Regional Update Jan 2019

    JANUARY UPDATE FROM THE SOCIAL LIBERAL UNION Hello TNP! I would like to introduce myself as the new ambassador from the Social Liberal Union and here is a little update on how we're going as of the new year! November 2018 Delegate Elections The most recent delegate elections saw Goncar...