Regional Update Feb 2019


TNP Nation
Aquila #3129
February Update from the Social Liberal Union
Hello TNP, here is a short summary of the SLU's activity throughout the last month!

The Open Parliament

There has been one piece of legislation introduced in the last month and that was:

On the Nomination of North American Republics to the Eggic Order of Merit

The bill was introduced by Goncar to applaud NAR's status as " of the oldest continuously-active members of the Social Liberal Union, and has served the people of the Social Liberal Union in various ways, dating back to 2011 and continuing with little interruption into the present..."

The bill passed with 11 votes for, 0 votes against and no abstentions.

Foreign Affairs

The SLU is happy to report the opening of embassies with Pacifica and the establishment of relations between the two regions.

We're also proud to be a member of the Interregional Legislative Coalition, of which the current GA resolution originates. It is great to see the strength in such an alliance

Regional Activity

It's been a fairly average month for the SLU with plenty of Discord activity and discussion. The current Council of Leader's RP is ticking over nicely with the Burnhelm Crisis prompting RMP activity in the region.

As of this report, the Social Liberal Union is home to 112 nations.
