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  1. Free States

    The Allied Review (September 2017)

    THE SEPTEMBER UPDATE[hr][hr] Forums NationStates The Executive[c]The Judiciary[c]The Legislative[c][c][c][c]Chancellor: Regionia Wargrave (FP-BUX) Vice Chancellor: Steven G. Eastridge (FP-NAC) Chief of Staff: CDland (FP-NAC) State: Steven G. Eastridge (FP-NAC) Treasury: Vlaska (FP-CSN)...
  2. Free States

    TAS March Update

    [hr][hr] Forums NationStates The Executive[c]The Judiciary[c]The Legislative[c][c][c][c]Chancellor: Pepe Drakan (I-GAU) Vice Chancellor: Kastros (OP-HBE) State: Lewis and Daniel (OP-HBE) Treasury: Free States (RP-HBE) Interior: Arbor Mist (LRP-GAU) Culture: Gregory Drakan (LRP-BUX) Defense...
  3. Free States

    The Allied Review One

    As designed with the help of former Secretary of State Georgiana, logo designed by Imperium, final draft composed by Regionia Wargrave, Chancellor of the Allied States. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-...
  4. Free States

    TAS June Update

    Thank you, :hug:
  5. Free States

    TAS June Update

    JUNE DISPATCH The following is a report composed by the Secretary of State of The Allied States. Please visit our forums here:! We love to receive Ambassadors from other regions![hr] GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS: Senate: SERVING A TWO MONTH TERM...
  6. Free States

    TAS Update 1

    Trump is the Lord! :worship:
  7. Free States

    TAS Update 1

    REGIONAL UPDATE Issue 1 The following is a compilation of the news and opinion articles written by newspapers and private citizens of the Allied States. Please visit our forums here:! We love to receive Ambassadors from other regions![hr]...
  8. Free States

    Abbassador Replacement

    I am here! And it's good to see that my favorite pet is supporting me. :lol:
  9. Free States

    Foreign Envoys

    Are URL avatars not allowed in here?
  10. Free States

    Foreign Envoys

    Thank you. By the way, if I wanted to take citizenship later, would it be possible?
  11. Free States

    Foreign Envoys

    Nation: Free States of America Region: The Allied Republics I am taking over the embassy from Pepe. Your ambassador did quite a good job of convincing me to come here pay a visit.