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  1. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    My Son, Prince Telthas of the Commonwealth is to wed Lady Larkana of the Commonwealth. We wish to extend an invitation to the good people of The North Pacific to join us on this joyous occasion. Alliance of Queens and the Commonwealth
  2. Rose


    Minor correction, my computer was hacked by an annoyed NSer after he was banned from Audux. GNN received a more detailed report today. (OOC: Now that I'm done wanting to do bodily harm to people over this, I can be rational again)
  3. Rose

    Office of the External Affairs Minister

    Not to rush you or anything my dear... but when you get a moment can you look at the Embassy requests that have been backlogged for about 2 months now? And also congratulations on your new position.
  4. Rose

    Want an embassy?

    Just in case all of these applications may have been over looked by the new Minister (always difficult settling into a new office) a polite bump.
  5. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Thank you for the update, that is very much appreciated.
  6. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    The Royal scribes made an error, that was meant to say the 14th not the 12th. Should we give up waiting on an Embassy, we've gained almost 100 new nations while waiting... :o
  7. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

  8. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    It's alright I am well aware that these things are often delayed and Audux is willing to wait patiently until someone in authority has noted the backlog of Embassy requests.
  9. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Consulate still delayed, so some light reading for our friends in TNP.
  10. Rose

    Want an embassy?

    A few updates, we recently moved to new hosted forums located HERE! We also now have a Queen, namely me, due to the previous King's resignation.
  11. Rose

    Embassy of Europeia

    There must be something in the air, another Region had an Ambassador who posted a story much like you describe in our Region. Great Britain and Ireland has my heartfelt condolences, post this over in Audux my friend, I'd like my Citizens to see that we are not in fact alone in these insufferable...
  12. Rose

    Question from the curious

    *chuckles* This thread reminds me of Hampshire. :P I'll have to poke the Foreign Minister there to confirm an active Ambassador is sent to you guys.
  13. Rose

    Question from the curious

    Is there any problem with those of us from other Regions letting your Government know when we find those with such large numbers of Endo's in your Region? We know you have been threatened with war and many of us prefer TNP stable, happy and with it's rightful government. And to be honest that...
  14. Rose

    Question from the curious

    Well I was recently recruiting for my pimt size little ol Region and I started to wonder as I looked around... Does TNP have a maximum number or percentage of the Delegate's endorcement count that other WA Nations can have? And if so what would it be? I know that I'm used to much smaller...
  15. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Since we don't have a Consulate as of yet I'll just post this here for TNP's light reading of the week. Yes I know, it seriously needs work in the prentation department.
  16. Rose

    Brothers, I call you to gather your weapons.

    Wait TNI might be considered fearsome by someone? And to think I've been amuesing myself harassing the playground bullies all by my lonesome... They are really easy to run off, shout boo at them loudly enough they go run off somewhere else whimpering. *shrugs* Obviously TNI isn't any more...
  17. Rose

    CoN Announcement

    *sits back and quietly applauds The Narnian Council*
  18. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Thank you Felasia. I am delighted to be here.
  19. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    :Hello: Heya Kanbei.
  20. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Thank you all. :D
  21. Rose

    Want an embassy?

    We are requesting a Consulate. Our Region is Audux and I am Lady Rose Alphanesia and shall be our Ambassador to you. We are a Consitutional Monarchy. We have a King who is Head of State, a Senate of 5 elected Citizens, appointed Ministers and then our Privy Council who oversees the running...
  22. Rose

    Greetings from Audux

    Greetings I am Lady Rose Alphanesia currently assigned as Ambassador to your charming Region. I look forward to becoming better aquainted with all of you.