Vrtbovska Zahrada
Here you go, and have fun using it!!
Greetings! I am your Ambassador from Europeia!
My Name is Revengerous,
I look forward to further Diplomatic Relations with The North pacific. We will have and update regularly almost every week as our region progresses. I bid TNP a "GRAND WELCOME"; from Europeia, and all of its members. Here is my Oath i am to take:
I, Revengerous, representing the region Europeia, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
Thank you guys for your time, i am an active Ambassador and will be around daily. SO if you need me just give me a call.
Ambassador Revengerous
Issue 1.OCTOBER 2007![]()
Chief Editor: Revengerous
Co-Editor: Danoboy
Special Thanks to;
Cover Page: HEM, looking into the beyond.
Photo Courtecy of Europeia © 2007 Picture Studios
Page 1: HEM Leader of the Month
Page 2: Hampshire and how justice is served
page 3: Verteger's an Paleomiz Wedding
Page 4: Special Interview with Cordova I
Page 5: Spam and More Spam
Page 6: Regional Adds
Page 7: Bonus Crossword
Page 8: HEM Haunting Contest
Page9: Letter to the Editor
Back Cover: Picture of LA Addvertising our Wonderful Spam.
Photo Courtecy of Europeia © 2007 Picture Studios
HEM- Leader of the Month
Written By Revengerous with Intro From HEM.
Over the Course of the Months, and since the beginning of Europeia's time, we cannot forget to pay tribute to our Past President, Founder, and Current Admiral & Supreme Chancellor. He has Offered more than a beginning to us; and a home. HEM came forth after being chosen to pose for the Cover of E-Leaders magazine, and gave a brief statement:
Intro from HEM:
"I started my NS carrier a little over a year ago in a region called "The League of Dictatorships" that I founded. The region died and I tried to found another which never took off too well. Later I founded Europeia with the intent of starting a democracy. I feel a good leader has to be fair and always try to help new nations and be kind to all people who are kind to you. I feel I have started to more from a passive leader to an assertive. TC controls Hampshire now and I like TC so situation over!"
"He has so much to offer Europeia, and he is always yet giving back to the people. Ever since I came here, he has been the most polite Member I have ever seen. I have seen him on countless times step in when he needed to, take for instance: The Episode with Rot and LA. They kept on creating new members and spamming up our chatbox. So HEM took it upon himself as a duty to take charge and fix the problem! He has excellent skills, as for his experience I can say nothing, except he has it."
Article Editor 2: So in the little time you have known HEM what would be the most memorable time from now till you got here?
"Hmmm... he most memorable time??....Well I guess it would have to be when LA tried to put me on trial for spamming the Senate forums, and HEM convinced me to stay; and got me to see what an idiot LA was and still is. You will find HEM can convince anyone of anything, even if they need convincing that they where a purple Monkey."
Article Editor 2: Is there any word you can give to describe HEM, maybe even a Quote from him that comes to mind?
"Godly...I know most wouldn’t agree, but he's the man pulling the strings out here. Let’s see.....a quote eh??? hmmm...... how about: "I hate Rot and LA so much for trying to kill our community here" Shows how much he cares for our region."
"He's a great leader and a Wonderful Chancellor"
With That Said we conclude our months Leader, we give our Congrats and our thanks to HEM for all he Does for Europeia: LONG LIVE EUROPEIA! LONG LIVE HEM!
Hampshire, and How Justice Prevails
Written By: Danoboy
As we look back onto people who have caused this region of Europeia harm, one cannot help but to think of a man, under the name of Lord Alphanesia. LA (as some might call him) has been banned from Europeia for causing all sorts of hell, and annoying members. Then it got much worse. LA took over a region called Hampshire, and started a new royal family. Hampshire had just become under the control of a dictator. A little knows organization at the time, called the Europeian Intelligence Agency (EIA) was called upon to take LA out of power.
The EIA got quickly to work, collecting data on Lord Alphanesia, and starting the process of removing him from power. After only a few weeks, the EIA got its chance, and took down LA. Both Europeia and Hampshire were ecstatic that the tyrant had fallen. An official Press Release from the EIA shortly followed:
“Ladies and Gentlemen of Europeia,
The Europeian Intelligence Agency (Or EIA as some of you may know it as) has been working endlessly to ensure the safety of Europeia and its peoples. Today, I bring news of success, news of liberation from a person we know all too well as Lord Alphanesia. LA has brought terror over the region of Hampshire, by taking over the government from HEM, as “the rightful king”. The EIA has been tracking LA, and has put in measures to take down him regime, and has succeeded. This is why I stand before you today. Ladies and Gentlemen, LA IS DOWN!”
Shortly after, the acting Prime Minister of Hampshire posted a speech about the revolution:
“Hello Europeia.
As you know, I am Prime Minister Solimaria of Hampshire. I, and many others including HEM, have succeeded in overthrowing the King and Queen and placing Goldfarb as ruler of Hampshire.
Although I led this revolution, I could not do it alone.
Anywho, now that the tyrant is gone, and liberty has won, I plan to announce that the new rulers will be firmly opposed to war with Europeia. Infact, I quite like you guys. Certainly much of the trouble between us was the King.
I would add that Hampshire needs you.
Alphanesia may have contacts and friends. People in other regions. I need your support, through arms and activity, to protect this new government.
I really want to let the world know something in Hampshire.
So, I come before you with a request for a pledge to aid us and to let you know that life is good in Hampshire, once again.
Thank you!
Viva le October Revolution!!
About a week after the successful October Revolution, Tiberius Capurcium returned to take back the throne that was his. LA also was unbanned, but only as a Citizen. No one knows the future holds for Europeia and Hampshire.
Verteger one of our senators has announced himself getting married to Paleomiz the Vice President and UN Delegate of Europeia! Verteger and Paleo first met about September, the same day that Vert Returned to Europeia. "An odd coincidence" he adds ”the day he returned from hiding from AC pirates". They got along quite well the first time they met, of course he "Verteger" was introducing himself to everyone new at the time, "Paleo was the first actually, now that I recall..." Vert said thoughtfully. The Marriage was actually planned the morning of October 13th. The Marriage will actually take place on the Fourteenth after the President Pine returns from his slumber. The Wedding will take place "Ritualy" in the Temple Forums, of course everyone’s invited! Verteger says he is looking toward a happy life with Paleo. "Aren’t we all?" he says. As Europeia's members look forward to this grand Wedding we are reminded to send Gifts to the Beloved couple threw the spam area, long may they cherish their life’s.
TO: The Wedding of Verteger and Paleomiz
Date: October 14th 2007, Sunday.
Where: Temple Forum Drive
Questioned By: Danoboy
Hello Mr. Cordova I
1.) Q: Can you give us some information on the activity of the embassies?
A: oh...o well....ours are somewhat active, I’ve been checking.
2.) Q: What do you feel is getting done?
A: It's mostly just bureaucratic stuff, and being friendly to regions that are similar to us in goals and values. Extending our reach in other regions (as in having others get to know us better)
3.) Q: what do you feel is not getting done?
A: Well, sometimes it's not our fault but there are times that other regions are inactive and that makes it very hard for us to have diplomatic relations. Another thing: perhaps we could be closer to other regions but that would entail a lot of officials and dignitaries, and it'd have to go through our senate, their senate.
4.) Q: Can you give us a small statement about Hampshire closing their Embassy?
LA: LA forcibly closed our embassy in Europeia and tried to blackmail me, he said that we could have it both if HEM apologized. And I felt it was beneath my dignity to even pass on that message to HEM. LA also threw, me, nasa and hem in jail in Hampshire without any evidence whatsoever.
I closed the Hampshirean embassy in Europeia in response to LA closing ours in Hampshire as well as the Hampshire avoidance act, which was passed in the Senate and required us to cut off all diplomatic relations with Hampshire
5.) Q: If you if where in the shoes of the original leader of Hampshire, what would have done?
A: I would have tried to appeal to my friends for help, as well as battle it out with the usurper. I mean, it's rightfully mine so I wouldn't just give up, not that the original leader had.
6.) Q: Can you give us an overview on how you feel The Foreign department is helping the Government?
A: Well, the department of foreign affairs plays an integral role in the government: without friends in the world, a region could not survive. There are several real life situations, such as North Korea, for example. They tried to cut everyone out and it’s not working for them.
International diplomacy is the cornerstone of civilized regions and the department of foreign affairs is the vehicle through which such diplomacy is practiced.
Thank you for your time Mr. Cordova I.
If you haven’t noticed Spam is becoming increasingly popular this month! With over 3,000 posts or more in the spam Forums, spam is becoming a "Drug" of "Recreational Use" for all members both new and Old.
According to the Spam King "Pez" no-one can keep up with his spamming or take his spam Throne from him. To test this theory I Revengerous Joined in on spam October 13th 2007 early in the morning while Pez Began...
After it seemed like I finished one spam post out raised five more from Pez. We continued to spam from 3:32 am to 5:45 am racking up post numbers along the way..
I couldn’t figure out his "Tennis Ball Powers" (inside joke), or how his computer was going so fast, but I admit he's good!
And it seemed as hard as i tried the Spam king had me running left and right. There was no way i could keep up. Eventually it got to a point where after i posted 1, seven was done By Pez!!
Well if this doesn’t prove He's the spam king I Don’t know what will.
If you wish to join in on spam, well you have yourself up for a treat, there's plenty of it!!
But beware the spam King!!
Asian Invasion!
Immigrations Department!
-Seeks a Junior Immigrations Secretary to assist in help keeping the place organized.
- No Expereince Required
-Apply In person
Become a Recruiter today! Help Build the Mother Region!
-Apply in the Office of Immigrations.
-Seeks the death of a most wanted member: LA
-REWARD IS: $250,000
-Must have head upon recieval of cash, or some form or reconizations that LA is Indeed Dead.
-Please send Head to the Co-Editor or Cheif Editor Of this Magazine!
The spirits of dead nations will now haunt Europeia. But for how long? You must find the graveyards that are in a hidden category on the forum and rest these spirits once and for all. The link to the graveyard is somewhere on the forum.
Happy Hunting!
OOC: If these ghosts cause any function problems with the forum let me know
REWARD: The person who calls in first to dano or rev upon finding it gets a limited edition Spam Cepter!! we wont show the pict here but you will also be hosted as the "Winner" with your name in the next issue of E-Leaders!
Letter to the Editor!
Do you have a question that needs answering or an issue in Europeia that needs addressed? Then fear not! write a letter to the Editor! Dano and Rev will answer all your questions!
Dear Friends,
We, of Europeia, would like to extend this invitation to your region and government. The event in question is a conference on the economies in NationStates, the viability of forum-based economies, strengths, and weaknesses. More may be added to the agenda at the behest of others. Anyone may attend that you choose to send, although we prefer that you RSVP by June 22; the Conference itself is being held from June 23 to June 26.
To RSVP, simply PM Lethen on our forums or tell us in your embassy. Further information will be provided.
Thank you for your time,
Foreign Minister Lethen
Europeian Foreign Update
June 30th, 2008, 13th Congress, 13th Cabinet, 8th Senate
Population: 170 Nations
Regional Power: High
WA Delegate: Cordova I
Lt. WA Delegate: Vacant
Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pez201
President: Nlhp
Vice President: Cordova I
Chief Justice: Anumia
Grand Admiral: HEM
Foreign Secretary: Lethen
Culture Ministers: Fioteria/NeoHabighorst
Immigration Minister: Asianatic
Legislative Government
Senate Speaker: Lethen
Cordova I (Sr.)
Danoboy63 (Sr.)
Neohabighorst (Jr.)
Lethen (Sr.)
Linkin Maximus (Jr.)
Pez201 (Jr.)
Pineapleboy (Sr.)
Europeian forum link
Trouble at the Old Mill
By Junior Foreign Secretary Peaceful Llamas
A controversy has recently been sparked by comments made by Norsefire Party Chairman, Solimaria. His very heated speech concerned inactivity in the region. During the speech, he reiterated many times that Europeia is “boring”. He lambasted many aspects of Europeia, saying that Foreign Affairs was a joke and that recruitment was a failure. He also said that the President must do something, as he says,Here are some exerts from his speech:because I am asleep in my chair here and you know I am not alone.
Frankly, I am tired of no debate. I am tired of a President who fails to recognize the amazing newcomers like NeoHabighorst and Atikva and Asianatic. I am tired of a leadership that dismisses its own ministers at a rapid race. We have had almost a revolving door in the minstries. One goes in, then comes out. And so forht.I am tired of tunning onto the forums and finding nothing is happening. I am tired of the lack of initiative. I am tired of seeing Europeia become the most boring, politiically correct place ever. What happened to great leadership that inspired us into patriotism? What happened to great leadership that stood up to the bad guys? What happened to Europeia being the haven for every democracy loving intellectual?
He was quickly criticized for his comments, often passionately, by other citizens. Many of them said that he had not been in Europeia long enough to make such judgments on activity, claiming that the region is actually very active in comparison to a few months ago.
(The speech and reaction can be found here)
Solimaria later apologized or his words, saying that it was out of his character to speak so.
(It can be found here)
Sovereign Regions Alliance Treaty Organization
By Foreign Minister Lethen
After much debate, the Europeian Senate has passed the Treaty of Cornwall, which makes Europeia a member of SRATO, the Sovereign Regions Alliance Treaty Organization, along with The New Inquisition, Great Britain and Ireland, and The Last Kingdom. The treaty, offered to Europeia by The New Inquisition, brought along with it plenty of division.
The proponents of the treaty, such as Foreign Minister Lethen, argued that now would be the best time to join while re-affirming that this treaty would strengthen ties with two current Europeian allies while also opening the available route to improve relations more with The Last Kingdom. It was also noted that an up-and-coming region such as Europeia could learn from the two senior members of SRATO, The New Inquisition and Great Britain and Ireland, both of which are veteran NationStates regions.
Those against the treaty, most notably Chief Justice Julian Anumia, argued that such a super-alliance would be doomed to failure as so many before it; it was also believed that the most effective method for improving relations would be many bi-lateral treaties, because unlike super-alliances, bi-lateral treaties would not potentially limit a region to selective thinking and limited relations (which was, as Julian Anumia argued, the case with The Land of Kings and Emperors in the Congress of Sovereigns super-alliance).
However, taking into consideration both sides of the argument, the Europeian Senate passed the Treaty of Cornwall with a few Ayes and many Abstains. Shortly thereafter, the treaty was signed by the President as well as Foreign Minister Lethen and Supreme Chancellor HEM.
Debacle in Venice!
By Foreign Minister Lethen
A few weeks ago, the Europeian Navy occupied the region of Venice as part of a training mission. The founder was dead, the last post on the regional message board was from 34 days ago, and the World Assembly Delegate, when online, made no claim to power in Venice nor did they claim to hold any sort of leadership position. All of those above factors made Grand Admiral HEM and his command staff agree that such a move would not attract unwanted attention, either from anti-Europeian regions or defender alliances. That proved to not be the case.
Over the course of a week to a week and a half, Senator Dodd and the Europeian Navy repelled three separate attacks; the fourth attack, spear-headed by 10000 Islands, managed to break through the lines and re-take Venice. However, the elected World Assembly Delegate was not active enough to eject the Europeian Navy, and the "defenders" soon decided to appoint their own Delegate. Using this time to their advantage, Grand Admiral HEM and Foreign Minister Lethen, among other Europeian officials, marshalled support to re-take Venice. Support was received from many allies and friendly regions, most notably The New Inquisition and Great Britain and Ireland (SRATO members), but the next wave of reinforcements was not enough or did not have a chance to reach the region in time.
At the peak of the Battle of Venice, before the "defender" Delegate began ejecting Europeian and allied naval vessels, the "defender" Delegate had 39 endorsements while the Europeian Navy point, Senator Dodd, has 27 endorsements with more on the way from undisclosed friendly regions and allies. The Europeian Navy and Grand Admiral HEM maintain that Venice was a victory, as three times out of four the attackers were repelled, while the "defenders", consisting of 10000 Islands backed up by the FRA, to name the two preeminent powers, maintain that a region doesn't win if they win three battles but lose the war (Note: There is no war going on between the FRA, 10000 Islands, and Europeia).
Grand Admiral HEM had this to say on the Regional Message Board, summing up his view of the battle and the "defender" attackers:
Senator Dodd/Grand Admiral HEM:Lol, I will say what defenders are. Hypocrites.
Reason being? There was no region 'trying to make it' it was a dead region with a three week inactive delegate with the last RMB board post from 34 days ago. If anything we saved the region because now attention is directed toward it.
No, I am not a sore loser, mainly because no-one has proved my argument wrong. Instead you come and preach on how mean and terrible I am because I became the delegate of a dead region *sigh*. And no, my region was different, because we cared enough to have an active delegate.
Let me highlight this point again. Or rather, ask it in the form of a question. How is invading a dead region hurting it? If anything the region has a small chance of gaining and really no chance of losing anything. If there is no active forum or RMB government, which the delegate beforehand admitted there wasn't any government and he did not consider himself any kind of 'leader' in the region. If there was NO leader, and no process to elect/appoint a new one, then how is it morally wrong to make yourself the region?
Onward, Lhaestaq, if you are not interested in what I have to say I have one word for you--Good--The feeling is 100% mutual. Your going to hear me anyway.
Neanbear, It annoys me the most when one person in a group says something and I respond, and another person in the group says "we don't do that" or anything in that form.
Skull Valley Tribe said:
"We'll see which is the mightier if you ever try to retake Venice"
I was responding to that. If you don't know what I am talking about feel free to ignore me instead of inflating your 'fenda ego and ranting on an on about my state of mind well being.
Love you all,
At this time, the Europeian government would like to extend a thank you to all those regions who aided us in the effort to re-take Venice, as well as a congratulations to those regions who prevented the re-taking of Venice (as well as a recommendation to look up Europeian Naval military policy). Overall, this demonstrates that the powers of medium- to large-scale military organization in NationStates are not dead, and that NationStates can still have notable battles without a massive landslide in favor of one side.
Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign Affairs
Written by: Lethen, Europeian Foreign Secretary.
Europeian Foreign Update
August 1th, 2008, 13th Congress, 13th Cabinet, 8th Senate
Population: 170 Nations
Regional Power: High
WA Delegate: Cordova I
Lt. WA Delegate: Vacant
Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy
President: Nlhp
Vice President: Danoboy63
Chief Justice: Anumia
Grand Admiral: HEM
Foreign Secretary: Pez201
Culture Ministers: NeoHabighorst
Immigration Minister: Asianatic
Legislative Government
Senate Speaker: Cordova I
Senate Chief of Staff: Asianatic
Renposa (CP)
Atikva (ECP)
Lethen (ECP)
Pineapleboy (IND)
Pez201 (IND)
Cordova I (IND)
(CP) = Centrist Party
(ECP) = Europeian Conservative Party
(IND) = Independent Faction
Election results
General Elections in Europeia for the Senate and the Presidency were held on 20/21 July (depending on where you live in the world)
Lethen, Pineapleboy, Pez201 and Cordova I were re-elected, HEM was elected, and Atikva and Renposa were elected for the first time and are now serving their first terms in the Senate. Nlhp was duly re-elected for his third consecutive term as Europeian President, with Danoboy63 as his VP.
SRATO Alliance
Europeia has entered the SRATO Alliance with her closest friends, the regions of Great Britian & Ireland, The Last Kingdom and The New Inquisition. The Alliance will provide protection for all four member nations.
Nothing like a haXor...
Europeia (momentarily) went into a frenzy when a user named "Le_then" (not the actual user named "Lethen", or course) posted on the forums in very poor English, making some citizens worried that he might be one of Europeia's enemies who had hacked into the forum. Eventually when the fur stopped flying it was found to be HEM, everyone had a good ROFL and it was noted that the posting activity in Europeia was higher on that day then it had been for any other day in the past month.
Party (in)activity
The Norsefire has had (another) name change and become the "Europeian Conservative Party", while the Vocational Party, headed by Pope Lexus X, is highly inactive but still maintains it's place as a political party.
Regional Societies
Europeian regional societies: Pride International, The Citizen's Voice Committee, The Europeian Society of Potheads and The Somilaria Centre for Public Policy have all been inactive for over a month. Europeian citizens with flame throwers and chainsaws await the closing of all four societies.
New position created
The position of Senate Chief of Staff has been created to help the Senate speaker with his duties, and Asianatic was appointed to the position.
Cordova I: lo...You know me...I like my bureaucracy just as much as you do! Plus I need an assistant!
Cordova I: lo...You know me...I like my bureaucracy just as much as you do! Plus I need an assistant!
HEM: You like it so much you posted it twice!
Laws passed by the Europeian Senate since the last update (June 30):
The Christmas Act, passed July 6 2008
This act makes Christmas Eve and Christmas Day official holidays in Europeia, although if there is a sudden event (a declaration of hostilities, for example) this holiday period will be ignored.
The SRATO Selection Act, Passed July 7 2008
This act regulates how Europeia represents itself in the SRATO treaty, in regards to choosing representatives.
Constitutional Amendment, The Military, passed July 11 2008
Amends Article VI, Constitution III to include the definition of a "training mission".
Amendment, Removal Act, passed July 26 2008
An amendment to the process which is used by the Senate to remove Senators who are inactive in Europeia.
Amendment to the Constitution, Article V, passed July 28 2008
Allows Associate Justices and the Chief Justice to be members of the Senate (but not the Cabinet).
Euro choice awards!
The results are in, and are as follows:
Most useful member: Lethen
Most bureaucratic member: HEM
Most drunk member: Pez201 and Cary123 were declared join winners by HEM
Most active newcomer: Neohabighorst
Most Inactive-Sorta Semi Active Member: Hyanygo
Most active member: HEM
Most animal-like member: Pez201 (declared a "landslide" by HEM)
Most likely to be rich: Allied Alliances
Europeia's Legal Eagle: Anumia
Most overrated member: Somilaria
Most Royal member: Cordova I
Most in need of spell-checker: Cary123
Most wise member: Pineapleboy
Most underrated winner: Asianatic
Most pathetic former citizen: Royal Mayorga
THE BEST MEMBER: (drumroll please...) HEM! Didn't see that one coming, did you?
Top ten posters:
Lethen 8,031
HEM 7,521
Pez201 3,917
Danoboy63 3,485
Cordova I 3,212
Paleomiz 2,446
Pineapleboy 2,370
nlhp 1,464
Anumia 1,285
Hyanygo 1,033
Nationstates site: http://www.nationstates.net/07482/page=dis...region=europeia
Europeian forum: http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/Europeia/index.php
Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign Affairs
Written by: Pez201, Europeian Foreign Secretary.
Cary123: and I have read almost all of the bible
Allied Alliances: No offense, but the people I know who've read the Bible generally have a better grasp on spelling.![]()
Cary123: what makes me wiser then nothing? nothing knows nothing.
Allied Alliances: With that most ignorant statement, I rest my case. Even nothing knows when to shut up.
Cary123: get out my bed, AA.
A Statement of Condemnation
Re: GB&I Forum Attacks
On September 21st, 2008 the forums of Great Britain and Ireland. A strong ally of Europeia were attacked by members of The True Revolution and The New Revolution. The attacks included posting vulgar pictures/multimedia and descriptions of homosexual sexual intercourse. And estimated 30+ threads were created by the spammers, and 10+ threads hijacked by the spammers and their vulgar topics. The chatbox was also taken over by vulgar pictures of likewise nature.
In light of these attacks:
The Senate Hereby;
-An Immediate Freeze on the embassy of the New Revolution pending further inquery. Relations are to be considered suspended.
- All ambassadors from the New Revolution are suspended from their duties pending further investigation.
- Block any foreign relations with The True Revolution
- Any and all ambassadors from the True Revolution are suspended from their duties pending further inquries.
- Requests a Court Permit to ban Novaya Zemlya (aka Loki the Fiend) aswell as Lord Jungian.
- Bans any citizen of The True Revolution at the time of these attacks from becoming a citizen of Europeia.
- Classifies The True Revolution and The New Revolution as a Terror Organizations until further notice.
While noting the government of The True Revolution did not plan these attacks personally, they condoned by the government and no punishment has been issued by said government.
Novaya Zemlya who spammed GB&I's forum with porn personally as the administrator on the New Revolution Boards. He is also Security Chief of the region.
Lord Jungian is Head of Foreign Affairs, a position he still holds.
There must be something in the air, another Region had an Ambassador who posted a story much like you describe in our Region. Great Britain and Ireland has my heartfelt condolences, post this over in Audux my friend, I'd like my Citizens to see that we are not in fact alone in these insufferable attacks. If I can be of any assistance you know how to reach me.a truly kind man, was turned into the main character of a True Revolution smash hit about a man who beats his wife, rapes women, and does myriad other dispicable acts. Yet they all smiled and laughed, cajoled their mate, pat him on the back. They didn't think they did anything wrong...disgusting.
I am utterly appalled at how unproffessional journalism can be in Nationstates. Without any confirmation, Numero Captain spouts off whatever sounds good to him and insults Europeia. I am insulted and saddened that he sunk so low to try to get his momment in the spotlight as it has now been comfirmed his article was a lie.
To whom it may concern,
It is with regret that I must inform you of the closure of your embassy due to its continued inactivity. Should you wish to re-open the embassy, please make a request for a new embassy in our Foreign Affairs department.
Yours sincerely,
~Pope Lexus X~
President of Europeia