Search results

  1. Hulldom

    Ambassadorial Reshuffle - 11/23/24

    Not using the seal on this because it's not needed, it just needs to be public. Following the results of a check-in and some internal wrangling, I have reshuffled our Ambassador Corps' assignments as follows. Ambassador Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 @Comfed The West Pacific Stargate Spiritus...
  2. Hulldom

    Foreign Affairs Opening Address - November 2024

    Hello North Pacificans! Young and old, new and ancient, welcome to what I'm affectionately calling my revenge tour. This time with revenge being taken by inflicting myself on the good people of NationStates once again. It's an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to serve here again...
  3. Hulldom

    Starlight Advertiser, v. 2

    Hello, all! The second edition of our Starlight Advertiser is out. We'd appreciate it if you could give it a read (and hopefully an upvote)! :)
  4. Hulldom

    Hulldom for VD: The North Star Rises Again

    Hulldom for Vice Delegate: The North Star Rises Again The last few months of my life since I left the Delegacy have been absorbed in the wonderful world of data from American correctional institutions. I’ve learned that Arkansas for instance, still has massive working prison farms. You can find...
  5. Hulldom


    All, I stand before you today to announce my resignation as your Delegate, as a Security Councillor, and all other IC positions I hold in the North Pacific. I will be taking some time away from The North Pacific in general, but will still be contactable via DM for urgent business (will still be...
  6. Hulldom

    New Minister of Defense

    Good Evening, It is not often this term that I have chosen to take, well, any sort of public podium. For those of you know me, you'll know I prefer to work behind the scenes and genuinely am not entirely comfortable with being THE public face. However, that wasn't necessarily the case for my...
  7. Hulldom

    Midterm Address

    My fellow North Pacificans, First, I hope my relative silence compared to some of my Cabinet Ministers has not been considered remiss. As I explained to my Ministers when they first agreed to take their jobs that I hoped they would be able to speak for themselves, come up with their own ideas...
  8. Hulldom

    New Minister of Defense and Advisor to the Delegate

    Good Afternoon, After a week-long wait (I’m sure all of you were surely sitting on the edge of your seat!), I have finally come to appoint the new Minister of Defense. Before I say that (sorry, sorry, one more minute!), I would first like to say a few words about the outgoing MoD. ROM has been...
  9. Hulldom

    Opening Address - January 2023

    I can’t say I’m very good at this whole speech thing. I’m much better in a more casual setting and tend to be terse, yet here we are. Before I get into the stuff I know you’re all really here for, I want to take some time to close the last chapter. Some of you may be surprised to know that was...
  10. Hulldom

    Hulldom for Delegate

    Hulldom for Delegate I’ve always thought of life as being about learning. And in many ways, life is a task that’s all about learning on the fly and learning on the job. Of course, that may be a bit rich coming from a PhD student in any topic, much less political science. And just as our...
  11. Hulldom

    Minister of Home Affairs Appointment

    Few NationStates players can truly claim to be a tabula rasa type of player. It takes a truly special breed of person and player to get involved anywhere and everywhere they can put their hands into–be it defense, FA, culture, the WA, gameside, or even our beloved Home Affairs Department. Over...
  12. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Kringalia

    Commend Kringalia Category: Commendation | Target: Kringalia Proposed by: Lile Ulie Islands, Co-authored by: Quebecshire and Concrete Slab | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or...
  13. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Liberate Equestria

    Liberate Equestria Category: Liberation | Target: Equestria Proposed by: Gondolair | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Voting Instructions...
  14. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Tim-Opolis

    Commend Tim-Opolis Category: Commendation | Target: Tim-Opolis Proposed by: Quebecshire, Co-authored by: Minskiev and Zukchiva | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that...
  15. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] On the Supremacy of the Potato

    On the Supremacy of the Potato Category: Declaration | Type: Declare Proposed by: The Salaxalans | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Voting...
  16. Hulldom

    [PASSED] Kastonvia's Security Council Application

    The Security Council has nominated Kastonvia (Kastonvia) for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for this application was 10 ayes, 1 nay, and 0 abstentions with all members present. The Chair now presents this application to the Regional Assembly for its consideration. The Security...
  17. Hulldom

    [URGENT] Opening Distribution

    As a note, staffers who do not have current assignments should not complete this assignment. If I have talked to you privately or announced an assignment of yours, you are good to go.
  18. Hulldom

    Opening Address--September 2022

    Hello all, I must admit I find it kind of odd at times that I’m addressing you again from the seat of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. How wild it seems that scarcely two years ago I was just starting out here in the North Pacific. It reminds me of how far we’ve come and how quickly it’s come...
  19. Hulldom

    Closing Address -- Summer 2022

    Hello all, It’s been too long since I briefed everyone on what my Ministry’s been doing, so I want to take this opportunity at the end of this term to do so, and to reflect on what the term has brought us. Our biggest achievements, in my mind at least, have been the two big treaties that...
  20. Hulldom

    Hulldom for Vice Delegate

    Hulldom for Vice Delegate Well, I’m betting most of you expected I’d run for elected office eventually. Maybe not right now, but certainly in the not too distant future. Upon attaining a successful admin check, which I thought might be a hindrance, and thinking it through, I thought “why not...
  21. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Repeal: “Commend Europeia”

    Repeal: “Commend Europeia” Category: Repeal | Target: SC #234 Proposed by: Pallaith, Co-authored by: Hulldom Onsite Topic | Replacement: Commend Europeia Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or...
  22. Hulldom

    [GA - DEFEATED] Protections During Territorial Transitions

    Protections During Territorial Transitions Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Mild Proposed by: Daarwyrth, Co-authored by: Bears Armed Mission | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or...
  23. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Commend The Voice of ARB

    Commend The Voice of ARB Category: Commendation | Target: The Voice of ARB Proposed by: SherpDaWerp | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Voting...
  24. Hulldom

    [SC - PASSED] Condemn Elysium Station II

    Condemn Elysium Station II Category: Condemnation | Target: Elysium Station II Proposed by: Kingdom of Napels, Co-authored by: Miravana and Vara | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or...
  25. Hulldom

    Distribution—FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—On Pax Polaris Occidens

    On the Pax Polaris Occidens The North Pacific is delighted to announce the ratification of a new, multilateral treaty with The West Pacific and New Pacific Order. Pax Polaris Occidens builds upon the Joint Statement On Continued Interregional Peace, released 12 June. The treaty reaffirms the...
  26. Hulldom

    F/S Update and TNP

    Hi all, I put together this thread so that we could discuss the upcoming frontier/stronghold update and what it will mean for TNP and her foreign affairs. I can add immediately that I am fairly confident that our treaties with Europeia and Balder will be amended at some point to encompass the...
  27. Hulldom

    [TASK] Check-In!

    Hello all. Please respond to this thread by filing in this set of code. Nation: Regions Assigned To: Joined Discord? (if applicable): Joined Forums? (please insert URL to forum profile):
  28. Hulldom

    Yet ANOTHER Opening Address--May 2022

    My fellow North Pacificans, New opportunities are always great. New things to do, new buttons to push, new people to interact with: it is hard to say that the new is not, in some sense, good. And, in essence, every new term in The North Pacific’s Government is like that. However, we are new...
  29. Hulldom

    [URGENT] Roll Call--May 2022

    Hello all, As part of the new term, we, of course, will be having a roll call. This Roll Call will end in approximately 76 hours at 12:00:00 AM EDT Monday, May 16, 2022. While we get acquainted for the moment being, I'll be taking the form of the September 2021 recall (with a slight tweak)...
  30. Hulldom

    Closing Address -- May 2022

    Well, my friends, enemies, cronies, proteges, underlings, whatever you may be, My time at the MoWAA is (most likely, and at least temporarily) at an end. It’s a day that I’ve been looking forward to and simultaneously dreading ever since my appointment. This place is the only Ministry I’ve...