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  1. Gorundu

    Certification: March 2025 Judicial Election

    The 12-hour-long challenge period has now passed, and the Election Commission is now ready to vote on whether or not to certify the March 2025 Judicial Election Results as given to them by the Election Supervisors, per Section 4, Clause 10 of the Election Commission Rules: The vote will have...
  2. Gorundu

    [SC - PASSED] Commend Sil Dorsett

    Commend Sil Dorsett Category: Commendation | Target: Sil Dorsett Proposed by: Pallaith | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to...
  3. Gorundu

    [SC - PASSED] Condemn Lancaster of Wessex

    Condemn Lancaster of Wessex Category: Condemnation | Target: Lancaster of Wessex Proposed by: Fachumonn, Co-authored by: Westinor | Onsite Topic Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add...
  4. Gorundu

    Establishing a reasonable influence requirement to join the Security Council

    A few months ago @Sil Dorsett made this observation in his Vice Delegate's report: I'm not sure how many people saw this, I personally only found it some time later because I accidentally changed pages while viewing the Vice Delegate's Desk thread and this was conveniently located at the bottom...
  5. Gorundu

    Updating Community Guidelines to address disinformation?

    Over the past few months in the #real-life channel of the Discord server, we have had a resident of the region persistently peddle what can best at best described as extremely biased reporting, and at worst plain disinformation, specifically targeted at certain ethnic and religious groups with...
  6. Gorundu

    Question for the Vice Delegate

    Vice Delegate @Chipoli, based on the frequency of your recent reports, are monthly reports now the expected norm, or do you intend to return to weekly reports as your predecessors have done for several years?
  7. Gorundu

    Gorundu for Justice

    Surprise (?), I'm running for Justice. Let's get experience recap out of the way first. I'm a member of the Bar Commission, I've served as a prosecutor, and I've written a rather controversial brief for a rather controversial R4R. I've written a few bills that passed the Regional Assembly, the...
  8. Gorundu


    I resign as Delegate. This has actually been in my head for a few days now. While at the beginning of this vote, I thought I had the energy left in me to continue the fight for my Delegacy for another week, it turned out to be too much for me. I could fight a political campaign against the...
  9. Gorundu

    New NPA Generals

    New NPA Generals 2 August, 2023 Over the past year or two, the NPA General Staff had been slowly depleted through various departures and a lack of suitable candidates to fill in these gaps. This meant that the High Command pretty much gets an entirely new crew every term when the Ministers and...
  10. Gorundu


    Appointments @Magecastle is hereby appointed Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Further appointments for vacancies will be announced as soon as possible.
  11. Gorundu

    Democracy Day 2023

    Democracy Day July 7, 2023 Happy Democracy Day! I figure I would take some time out of my absence to mark this important occasion. As some of you might know, I am currently in Berlin, a city that serves as a living reminder of Germany's troubled history with democracy. Democracy in the real...
  12. Gorundu

    Declaration of Absence

    Declaration of Absence Per Section 7.8.48 of the Legal Code, I am declaring that I will be absent from the office of Delegate effective immediately for a period of one week. As required by Section 7.8.51 of the Legal Code, I will declare when I am resuming my duties in a subsequent post. As you...
  13. Gorundu

    The Deal with Being Delegate

    If I have to describe my past month as Delegate in one word, it would be “unpleasant”. It seems that crisis after crisis has followed TNP these last few months, and as Delegate you’re inevitably involved in all of them. And taking a stance as the Delegate is very different to taking a stance as...
  14. Gorundu

    Manumission Day Address

    Manumission Day Address May 26, 2023 Today is Manumission Day, and this year it marks 18 years since the end of Pixiedance’s reign of tyranny over the region. In those intervening years, we have experienced long periods of instability, multiple coups and coup attempts, rogue Delegates, and...
  15. Gorundu

    On The Aurora Alliance

    On The Aurora Alliance A month since The South Pacific expressed its sincere apology and acknowledged the wrong it did in allowing its Minister of Foreign Affairs to extort The North Pacific’s previous delegate, we have been given another apology from the same Prime Minister, this time for...
  16. Gorundu

    New Minister of Culture

    New Minister of Culture It is with regret that I acknowledge @Dreadton's resignation, and I hereby appoint @St George as Minister of Culture. St George/Madjack should need no introduction. Many of you may remember him as a successful former Delegate, but before that he had served stellar terms...
  17. Gorundu

    Gameside Advocate Appointments

    Gameside Advocate Appointments I am re-appointing @Fili as Lead Gameside Advocate for this term. Fili has done well in his dual role last term as both Minister of Culture and LGA, coordinating efforts in the GA team to make gameside players more aware of what's going on in the region and the...
  18. Gorundu

    Opening Address: May 2023

    Opening Address: May 2023 Friends and North Pacificans, I come to you today with my first address as your duly elected Delegate, somewhat bizarrely having already been doing the job for the past month. I am humbled to have earned your confidence to be elected to a full term as Delegate, and I...
  19. Gorundu

    Gorundu for Delegate

    Foreword When I was elected Vice Delegate four months ago, I certainly wasn’t expecting to be in this position come May. But it’s the job that I’ve been given, and over the last three weeks I’ve put in many hours and my best effort. There were many people, both within TNP and outside, who...
  20. Gorundu

    A new regional nation...sort of

    April 28, 2023 As some of you might know, neither the government nor the Administrators have full access to our regional nation The Northern Light right now due to the absence of the owner of the nation and the maintainer of a large number of our scripts, @r3naissanc3r. This has caused a few...
  21. Gorundu

    Response to Recent Defender Transgressions

    Response to Recent Defender Transgressions April 22, 2023 The North Pacific is a proud Independent region. While we share common interests and goals with regions we consider our friends and allies, and our interests may even be perfectly aligned at times, the decisions we make and the actions...
  22. Gorundu

    Statement from the Acting Delegate

    Statement from the Acting Delegate Dear North Pacificans, It is no secret that I have assumed the duties of the Delegate in rather difficult circumstances. The last time that a Delegate left office in the middle of a term - also by way of resignation - was in 2015, which in this region and in...
  23. Gorundu

    Vivanco's Petition to the Election Commission

    @Vivanco has petitioned the Election Commission to review the decision by January 2023 Special Judicial Election Supervisors @Pallaith and @Sil Dorsett not to consider @Rae's self-nomination as a declaration of candidacy. The relevant rules of the Election Commission governing citizen petitions...
  24. Gorundu

    [Passed] Hulldom's Security Council Application

    The Security Council has nominated Hulldom (Hulldom) for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for this application was 8 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 2 abstentions with 1 member not present. The Chair now presents this application to the Regional Assembly for its consideration. The Security Council...
  25. Gorundu

    [Passed] Military Modernization Cleanup Act

    As I mentioned in the thread for the original bill (now law), there were some changes that were discussed in the thread and should have made it into the final version but were left out due to an oversight. This bill is intended to fix that. Nothing else has been changed.
  26. Gorundu

    Gorundu for Vice Delegate, Mk 2

    Gorundu For Vice Delegate Yeah, it’s me, I’m back. Some of you might still have some memories of the close call I had with this position exactly a year ago. Anyway, most of you should have at least some idea of who I am, but for those who have joined this region more recently, here’s a brief...
  27. Gorundu

    [Accepted] Application for Admission to the Bar: Gorundu

    Application for Admission to the Bar Applicant name: Gorundu Part One: Experience as a Justice or counsel 1. Have you served as a Justice (including as a Temporary Hearing Officer)? No (if No, move to question 5) 2. Between what dates did you serve as a Justice (including as a Temporary...
  28. Gorundu

    Forum Disruption During Judicial Election 11/8 - 11/9

    For the second time this year we have been faced with a situation where forum access was interrupted for a not insignificant amount of time. To my best count, the forum was down for between 6 hours 45 minutes and 7 hours 30 minutes, based on the last post on the forum before it went down and...
  29. Gorundu

    [PASSED] The Treaty Repeal Amendment

    Given the recent discussions on the lack of clarity with the threshold for treaty repeals, I think this would be a sensible Constitutional Amendment:
  30. Gorundu

    Should the Oaths of Office thread be moved to the Agora?

    It's always kind of bothered me that the thread is in Delegate's Government, even though a lot of the oaths being sworn have absolutely nothing to do with the Delegate's government. It feels to me that having it pinned in the Agora is a much more appropriate place. Alternatively, the Regional...