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  1. BorkWI

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

  2. BorkWI

    [FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

    Heyo, I would like to claim on the map here ( for my new Inaius nation. Name: The Ottan Republic Colour: Darkish blue.
  3. BorkWI

    Eras Trading Cards

  4. BorkWI

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Sam Borkman EvoFA @SamBorkman • 3h My streaming schedule has changed slightly from what I posted yesterday due to an error in me writing things down in my planner. Tonight's stream on Viedeo will still happen as planned at 7pm FST. The changes made to this week's schedule are as follows: The...
  5. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

  6. BorkWI

    The Flowers in April [CLOSED]

    [LOCATION REDACTED] WNK HQ, The Isles of Farrun, Faltsu. April 22nd, 2016 5:30pm. “We attack here.” stated a WNK militia commander while pointing at a police station on a map of a seemingly rural part of the largest of the Farrunese Isles. “Intelligence reports that this location houses...
  7. BorkWI

    Random Faltsu Worldbuilding Stuff

    Less Important But Also Still Relevant People in Faltsu David Jung (Yung) Age: 26 Sex: Male Race: Human Height: 5'10" Weight: 147lbs Religion: Tetist Messianism Spouse: N/A Occupation: A waiter at Helen's Kitchen (a small family owned restaurant), and the personality behind Sam Borkman. Bio...
  8. BorkWI

    The Flowers in April [CLOSED]

    This Op-Ed article was written by Paul Reventin on April 18th. “...Democracy as we know it, is not perfect. One of its greatest shortcomings is time; and I am afraid we have run out of it.” These are the words that His Majesty Xel himself said in his televised national address on the 7th of...
  9. BorkWI

    The Flowers in April [CLOSED]

    This Op-Ed article was written by Paul Reventin on April 16th. On April 14th, six military and cargo ships loaded with a variety of supplies made their way from mainland Faltsu to the port town of Narrac. It was a 608 nautical mile journey across the Mier vum Fuuss that took 27 hours in total...
  10. BorkWI

    The Flowers in April [CLOSED]

    The Palais, Denburg, Faltsu. April 7th, 2016 11:03am. King Xel Den sat at a dark brown fancy-looking desk. He straightened his papers and looked directly at the camera. He inhaled and began the televised national address. “Attention all great peoples of Faltsu. It is with great pain that I...
  11. BorkWI

    The Flowers in April [CLOSED]

    **Warning: This post contains strong themes of sadness and loss. If this is something you do not wish to read, then please do not continue past this point. Thank you!** April 6th, 2016 Dan sat on the grass in front of the family garden in the backyard of their house. It was just like any...
  12. BorkWI

    A Tale of Two Brothers [Closed]

    May 27, 2021 “Get up and get ready. We will be reaching Predice in 15 minutes. Follow the plans as they have been briefed to you. If you forget for some reason you can ask one of our 35 lovely armed soldiers that accompany us on our journey. May Tet watch over you as you do his bidding.”...
  13. BorkWI

    The Luscova Pact

    The Kingdom of Faltsu would like to request admittance into the Luscova Pact for the purposes of Economy, Infrastructure, and Defense.
  14. BorkWI

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

  15. BorkWI

    Kinnek In Distress [SCRAPPED]

  16. BorkWI

    International Federation of Red Heart Societies

    Name of Country: The Kingdom of Faltsu Name of national Red Heart Societies/Organisations: Red Heart Organization of Faltsu (RHOF) Red Heart Organisatioun vu Faltsu Head of the national Red Heart Societies/Organisations: Daniel Fredrickson Year of membership in the IFRHS-FISCR: 2005
  17. BorkWI

    Random Faltsu Worldbuilding Stuff

    Religions in Faltsu: Tetist Messianism Overview: Tetist Messianism is a small off-shoot of traditional (or normal) Messianism that a majority of people in Faltsu follow. Its main defining characteristic is that it has historically been pretty accepting of those in the LGBT+ community...
  18. BorkWI

    Random Faltsu Worldbuilding Stuff

    Popular Military Songs in Faltsu: Ech sinn e schlechte Weeër Friem (I am a Poor Wayfaring Stranger): This song was composed in 1858 by a wounded Faltsish soldier named Félix von Frantz in a field hospital who was trying to comfort a physically disabled soldier that extremely distraught over...
  19. BorkWI

    Scraps of Roleplaying

    Stéck vum Liewen (Slice of Life) David Jung* was suddenly awoken by a loud noise resembling that of wind chimes. He rolled over and blindly reached for his phone. After a few attempts, he finally grabbed it and hit the snooze button on the alarm to silence it. It was 7:30pm after all, and he...
  20. BorkWI

    Dishes of the World

    Frühstücksbrei Frühstücksbrei is a traditional Faltsish breakfast porridge made with cheesy grits, cheese, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, and chives. It is a must-have if traveling to Faltsu, and many restaurants serve this great meal all day. Many people use prepackaged ingredients to make...
  21. BorkWI

    Saintes Convention

    Accession to the Saintes Convention: Full Nation Name: The Kingdom of Faltsu Signed by: Prime Minister Violet Klein Date signed: 2021-04-11 Date ratified: 2021-04-22
  22. BorkWI

    Savattenstad Convention

    Accession to the Savattenstad Convention Full Nation Name: The Kingdom of Faltsu Signed by: PM Violet Klein (and ratified by the Faltsish Parliament) Date signed: 2021-04-11 Date ratified: 2021-04-22 Additional Protocols Ratified: [X] All
  23. BorkWI

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    NikkiTS Art @NikkiTS • 2h @SamBorkman after getting a his fresh new haircut. #SamBorman #Evotainment #EvotainmentFA 76k Retwitches • 205k Likes Sam Borkman EvoFA @SamBorkman • 1h OH MÄI GOTT! That looks so cool!! 9k Retwitches • 67k Likes OOC Note: "OH MÄI GOTT" = "OH MY GOD"...
  24. BorkWI

    Random Faltsu Worldbuilding Stuff

    Random Military Worldbuilding Stuff Scrapped Military Projects: Projekt Korone This project was initiated in August 2014 by the personal recommendation of King Julien as a way to decrease human casualties in war. However, it was scrapped in late 2017 after it was realized that the...
  25. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

    National Stuff: Faltsu national Anthem: “Vive De Faltsish Kinnek!” National Animal: Marmer Fox This beautiful fox is native to Faltsu. It is illegal to hunt them, but you can keep them as pets with special permits. Killing one on purpose is shunned and...
  26. BorkWI

    The International Anti-Whaling Association

    Admit Midir to the International Anti-Whaling Association? The Kingdom of Faltsu: YES
  27. BorkWI

    Aurorian Economic Alliance

    The Kingdom of Faltsu has voted “Yes” in accepting Swindenland’s request to join the Aurorian Economic Alliance.
  28. BorkWI

    The International Anti-Whaling Association

    On behalf of the Kingdom of Faltsu, Foreign Minister Emily Marx officially requests membership into the International Anti-Whaling Association to help catch poachers, and educate the public on endangered species around the globe. THE KINGDOM OF FALTSU
  29. BorkWI

    Local News Topic

    Powerful Storm Hits Over 8 Million People in Kapital Distrikt Just yesterday there was a strong storm that hit the Kapital Distrikt. A tornado warning was issued for the entire province and over 8 million people had to drop whatever they were doing and get to safety due to the Emergency Alert...
  30. BorkWI

    Twitcher (now with Messenger!)

    Sam Borkman EvoFA @SamBorkman • 2d I am sorry that I had to abruptly end the stream on just short notice earlier today. I had gotten an Emergency Alert on my phone showing a tornado warning, and I didn't want to leave the stream going in case of technical difficulties that could've been...