- Discord
- kyle.kyle

The International Federation of Red Heart Societies (Santonian: Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Coeurs-Rouges) is a worldwide international humanitarian aid organization. It acts before, during and after disasters, wars, and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. Despite being composed of individual national societies, the IFRHS-FISCR professes neutrality, and is impartial as to nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs, class and political opinions.
Fundamental Principles
- Humanity
- Impartiality
- Neutrality
- Independence
- Voluntary service
- Unity
- Universality.
The members of the IFRHS-FISCR are the individual national Red Heart Societies/Organisations, plus the International Red Heart Society (Santonian: Société internationale de la Coeur-Rouge, IRHS-SICR). The IRHS-SICR is a neutral organisation that may be called upon to protect victims of armed conflicts.
General Information for IFRHS-FISCR (the umbrella organisation)
Formation: 1955
Secretary-General: Sofia Ceráda (Merilia)
Headquarters: Saintes,

General Information for IRHS-SICR (the international society)
Formation: 1953
President: Patrick-Gérard Dombreval (Saintonge)
Headquarters: Saintes,

Each country is encouraged to have its national Red Heart Society/Organisation in the IFRHS-FISCR (Your membership may be historical; ie. it may be before current time - anytime between 1955-current year) Kindly fill out this form:
[b]Name of Country:[/b]
[b]Name of national Red Heart Societies/Organisations:[/b]
[b]Head of the national Red Heart Societies/Organisations:[/b]
[b]Year of membership in the IFRHS-FISCR:[/b]
OOC: This is a background (fluff) organisation similar to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
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