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  1. Cosmosplosion

    Opening Address: Dawn of a New Day

    Thank you for the appointment - looking forward to working through this term and beyond!
  2. Cosmosplosion

    April 2020 Role Call

    Discord ID: cosmo#2256 Participating in shows: Yay Hosting: Yay Scripting: Nay Recording: Nay Editing: Nay Summarizing: Nay
  3. Cosmosplosion

    Delegate's Report Bill

    I agree with COE on the above. I also like the bill and would like to see it adopted.
  4. Cosmosplosion

    Count to 2021 before 2021

    1681 We need to get on this.
  5. Cosmosplosion

    Results: March 2020 Special Vice Delegate Election

    Congratulations to Artemis - had Vivanco dropped the diss track that he promised to, this would have been a much different election. Alas, here we are.
  6. Cosmosplosion

    Request For The Resignation Of Wonderess From The Judiciary

    It is still again relevant the content of those quotes. You are protected in your right to endorse or not endorse whoever you would like to. Those quotes took me by surprise. You following that up with a statement saying that you would not "protect the existence of a regime if you find it...
  7. Cosmosplosion

    Request For The Resignation Of Wonderess From The Judiciary

    Good evening. I come to the region tonight to make a public request to the recently elected Justice, Wonderess. While I was previously aware of a relationship between Wonderess and United Massachusetts, it had not previously concerned me, despite UM's links to fascism and anti-TNP actors in the...
  8. Cosmosplosion

    [SC - Passed] Condemn This Game

    Against, but some of you care too much.
  9. Cosmosplosion

    Voting: March 2020 Special Vice Delegate Election

    Vice Delegate: 1. < Artemis > 2. < 9003 > Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  10. Cosmosplosion

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  11. Cosmosplosion


    They always ask who fired the first shot, but let it be known that Cosmo fired the last one. Thank you.
  12. Cosmosplosion

    Vivanco for Vice-Delegate - March 2020 Special Election

    The region eagerly awaits the words of a true leader to emerge from the fog, counselor.
  13. Cosmosplosion

    Vivanco for Vice-Delegate - March 2020 Special Election

    I will be removing my endorsement, temporarily. I ask Vivanco to record a diss track of the other candidates. Upon completion and release of said diss track, I do solemnly swear to vote for Vivanco.
  14. Cosmosplosion

    [Draft] Industrial Standards Act

    This definitely has some promise. As stated above, there is an issue with creating a proposal that just creates a committee. Also, make sure the committee is only inspired by real life topics, not a direct rip off. In general, I think it would be good to mandate specific standards, have this...
  15. Cosmosplosion

    Who's your favorite sports team?

    National Basketball Association; Los Angeles Lakers Memphis Grizzlies Atlanta Hawks Major League Baseball; Los Angeles Dodgers Detroit Tigers Every other team that isn's the Astros National Football League; Cleveland Browns (Go Dawgs!) National Hockey League; Las Vegas Golden Knights...
  16. Cosmosplosion

    Candidacy Declarations: March 2020 Special Vice Delegate Election

    I must arrogantly decline. Thank you.
  17. Cosmosplosion

    Applications for the Executive Staff

  18. Cosmosplosion

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Truthfully, I would be open to supporting a repeal of #443 if it was replaced by a resolution that totally outlawed capital punishment, but I don't think that's the angle you are going for here.
  19. Cosmosplosion

    Vivanco for Vice-Delegate - March 2020 Special Election

    I would like to offer my endorsement to Vivanco. He is best suited to bring traditional humor back to government, unlike @mcmasterdonia who has only brought zoomer humor to the government.
  20. Cosmosplosion

    [Locked] Repeal "Preventing the Execution of Innocents"

    Hello, do you happen to have Discord by chance?
  21. Cosmosplosion

    [GA - Passed] Repeal: “Disease Naming Compact”

    This proposal to repeal the recently-passed "Disease Naming Compact" highlights the flawed premise and execution of the resolution. Firstly, the resolution falsely assumes that cooperation is almost nonexistent between member states and that nations are unable to adopt a common name for a novel...
  22. Cosmosplosion

    [GA - Passed] Repeal: “Disease Naming Compact”

    Repeal: "Disease Naming Compact" Category: Repeal Proposed by: Gorundu | Onsite Topic Voting Instructions: Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution. Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution. Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from...
  23. Cosmosplosion

    [GA - Failed] On The Health And Financial Well-being Of Workers

    I would like to wholeheartedly agree with Pallaith on this matter. As the author of this resolution, I offer this; AGAINST
  24. Cosmosplosion

    [SC - Failed] Condemn Cormactopia Prime

    Against. Hopefully it doesn't even reach quorum.
  25. Cosmosplosion

    Start a word with the third letter

  26. Cosmosplosion

    Cosmo Writes Comedy Sketches (and other things)

    How to maintain the spark in a relationship: high energy, loud, obnoxious man, like the guy from the sham wow commercials Hey, look, you ever meet a someone and there is just that instant connection, you immediately know that they are "the one" for you, you have amazing conversations, you...
  27. Cosmosplosion

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    I am not one to involve myself in regional politics too heavily so far, but I do have some concerns. If we assume you continue to grow your endorsement count by as much as you have this week, it is still going to take an additional three weeks to get to second place, and if we look back, the...