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  1. Morheim

    Helmebaine Alliance OOC

    I'd be interested in starting some kind of Monarchist organisation. I've had a play about forming a Charter. Figure it could add something perhaps.
  2. Morheim

    A Junior Adventure

    This is my factbook entry for the group in question. If Narnia or Plembobria wants to claim them still then that's fine with me if they think it's the kind of group that would find a haven there. As for Cretis about being able to help out I...
  3. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: The Morheim Gazette

    QUEENS GREAT NIECE KIDNAPPED BY CULT The Queen's 14 year old great niece Abigail, often refered to as Abigail Junior or Abi, has been kidnapped by a religious cult calling itself the Children of the Gods. The teenager was abducted from the shoreline of the Askwith coast while out sailing...
  4. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: Juniors Adventure

    "Please....just let me go" Abi sobbed as they dragged her into a dark room, a large metal ring had been cemented into the far wall and her kidnappers dragged her across to it before placing a small length of chain through it and locking it in place. The young girl now was confined to around a...
  5. Morheim

    Helmebaine Alliance OOC

    While I like the idea of this could I maybe just give a word of warning from another region I RP in. There we formed a large alliance like that and it essentially stagnated RP as everyone was kind of on the same page. What would perhaps be interesting is a series of different alliances at...
  6. Morheim

    Week Ending 12th April 2015 - Episode 7

    GOVERNMENT NEWS The Zetaboards Terms of Service Act has reached a majority of Senators voting "Aye" and is now merely waiting to be passed to the Grand Chancellor for signing into effect while the Prosecution Service Act faces a similar situation. These are likely to be the last gasp moves of...
  7. Morheim

    New Technology City -Morheim

    ALl accepted.
  8. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: Juniors Adventure

    As the video had been shown panic set in amongst those in the palace. The Queen was currently sat in the underground bunker securely beneath the Palace, it was invulnerable to all but the worst of attacks, the bank of TV screens showed various news programmes and live footage of different...
  9. Morheim

    Tour OOC

    I'd be happy to host you in Morheim....been looking for a chance to get more involved :)
  10. Morheim

    Weekly Update - Week Ending 5th April 2015

    GOVERNMENT NEWS Well the big news this week is we moved.....the region is now hosted on Big thanks for CGJ for organising that after discussions in the Privy Council thought it would be easier to remember and look cooler. Do not worry though the old address will still...
  11. Morheim

    Weekly Update (Wk ending 29th March)

    GOVERNMENT NEWS With several big Role Play events coming up it was decieded to postpone the upcoming role play convention for a two week period. This will allow people to focus their time on the bigger RP events. Meanwhile this week the region got its highest number of members on the NS forum...
  12. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: Juniors Adventure

    OOC Thread [hr] The sun light reflecting off the billiard table flat sea, the light breeze whipped up the faintest of sprays as Abi turned her small single person dingy out to sea. The stretch of coast near the family home was almost empty this morning, a few speedboats further out were the...
  13. Morheim

    A Junior Adventure

    Figure its about time I start getting more involved in RP so why not start one. I've done lots of RPing in other regions and my general rule is I'm always happy for people to jump in as long as they don't god-mod or hijack my charectors (at least not without asking first). What I intend to...
  14. Morheim

    The Independent Order

    Thanks, actually impressed at how fast it went :)
  15. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: Short Stories from Morheim

    (OOC - Thanks for the feedback Syrixia. I just like writing and haven't had too much oppurtunity to get Morheim involved in much RP so figured I'll just write some short stories until that comes along) [hr] A TALE OF TWO PRINCESSES In her personal apartment within the Palace Crown Princess...
  16. Morheim

    The Independent Order

    Name of your region:The Independent Order Link to your region's forums: The Independent Order Head of Government: (elected every 45 days) DaveIronside Head of State: Grand Chancellor Beatrice Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent):MikeRaven Short description of your region: An active RP...
  17. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    "It is exactly for that reason that we would have to panel making the decision made up of respected scholars from nations not attached to the claim. They would be people just like yourself, concerned less with emotional ties to the artefact or remains and more concerned with preservation and...
  18. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: Short Stories from Morheim

    INDEX 1. Little Genius - The Queen and her Great-Niece celebrate success. 2. A Tale of Two Princesses - The royal siblings prepare for a big ball. [hr] LITTLE GENIUS No sooner had Richard's car stopped and one of the Guards approached to open the door than Abigail Junior had leapt out the...
  19. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    With the new comer arriving the Queen quickly welcomed them , a hastily arranged presentation of the decorative oak boxed mead was made and King Zertan invited to join them in the lounge. "If you'd permit me to just bring King Zertan up to speed, we were discussing initial impressions of the...
  20. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    OOC- Sorry for the inactivity, been away with work. Feel free to join in, that goes for anyone. Either just pretend you've always been there or arrive at either the airport or palace, whichever you prefer) [hr] The formalities out of the way the group made their way through to one of the...
  21. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    As the conversation had progressed the Princess and their guests had made their way into one of the black diplomatic cars, one of the security team was riding in the front as Rachel took the rearward facing seats. The car began to wind its way through the modern buildings that made up the area...
  22. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    Rachel had grown up protected by Morheim's institutions that valued the monarchy, it hadn't crossed her mind that people may not be aware how to speak to royalty, "Well, my own personal view is that I am a Princess of Morheim, the people of this nation see me as a member of royalty and heir to...
  23. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    The Sadakoyaman helicopter touched down at the airport, because of the historic buildings that made up much of St. Pauli's central area it had been thought best to have the esteemed delegates land on the edge of the city. Crown Princess Rachel waited for her Queen's Rifle Honour Guard to form...
  24. Morheim

    Morheim Embassy Programme

    To:- Grand Legate Markus Vinter We are delighted to have the opportunity to open up diplomatic relations with your nation, however there may be one issue with your application. We aim to base as many of our guests embassies in the central area of St. Pauli, however because of the historic...
  25. Morheim

    Wolfsea Ambassadorial Invitation

    Full Name of Nation: Queendom of Morheim National Capital: St. Pauli Head of Government: Prime Minister Amelie Habich Head of State: Queen Abigail Barren II Chief of Military: Queen Abigail Barren II Head Ambassador or Minister of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Minister Prince Arthur Barren...
  26. Morheim

    Voting: February 2015 Special Delegate Election

    Delegate: The Democratic Republic of Tomb Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  27. Morheim

    New Technology City -Morheim

    To: Inisqimaan Incorporated We are delighted to have recieved your application and see no reason to refuse it. We therefore are looking forward to welcoming you to Morheim and wish your company all the best in your endevours in your new facility. Best Regards Martin Dawson Project Manager...
  28. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    (OOC- As I have stated the idea behind this was to get people around a table, thrash out something people can agree to via negotiation and then hopefully form an organisation that may be of interest in RP stuff. Therefore I'm setting up the idea of a conference in St. Pauli, Morheim. If anyone...
  29. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    OOC - Can I just point out before what appears (no idea the background to this) to be an arguement continues. The concept of this is essentially like the real life UNESCO with some educational links thrown in and simplified as much as you can for a forum like this. The idea is that this is a...
  30. Morheim

    ARCHIVED: A Proposal to form an International Education and Cultural Organisation

    OOC - Can I just point out before what appears (no idea the background to this) to be an arguement continues. The concept of this is essentially like the real life UNESCO with some educational links thrown in and simplified as much as you can for a forum like this. The idea is that this is a...