will people be able to actually ask querries or will the mods be preventing any Real querries andonly allowing the fluff querries like they did the last time (the last time I was involved in one 4 years ago)
I can see the outrage at him, Heck he was part of the problem The EP had last year.
But, How did something like this make it through the Mods into voting?
I recall the policy that things such as this a direct attack on a member or player was banned.
if this passes the next thing we will see is...
I cannot stand a few things, like the lice in america who let their freedoms slip away for a bit of saftey, disgusting sub human animals. . .
most of all I cannot stand vomit, namely others.
Max really needs to get a few of us who have stuck with the game in on helping it evolve rather that just impliment the knee jerk "Fixes" to appease the weenies who like to gripe and demand deletions everytime someone doesn't sumbit to their stupidity.
I have a Cat sitting on me.
(on the Cheezeburger I don't recognize the I can has site, I started with Caturday over on 4 chan. where all the Cats were stolen from. And yes the quality of the cats dropped severly when I can has started making their own.)