Additives to cigarettes

I smoke. I quit for 3 months cold turkey when i was hospitalized for a week for an operation. I found that I am more fond of the habit of smoking and the escape it gives you from annoying people or ugly girls.

I could just be in denial...but I think I would have to taste those ciggs u speak of before I say I would continue smoking without the additives.

err...I believe I am making this too OOC though.
This was actually the set-up for an elborate April fool's joke (so don't take anything I say in it seriously at all), but some of the arguments by the others might be useful.
Cigarettes are addictive no matter what.
I think this is targerted towards additives, not naturally occuring nicotine in tobacco, which is definitely addictive. Additives that cigarette companies devised to enhance the addictive qualities already present.

There is already something like this anyway. American Spirits are additive free, though still deliciously addictive.

Off topic: when did we get this smiley. :facepalm: