Search results

  1. The Palindromic Land

    2012 Darwin Award - First Place?

    For talking about our new "consitution" in the News Box? :P
  2. The Palindromic Land

    The Sacagawea Alliance

    Oh, did that trial end? I thought it was just stalled into oblivion.
  3. The Palindromic Land

    Meme image thread

    I don't save them when I see them, but I did like this one.
  4. The Palindromic Land

    Meme image thread

    Is this a personal thread, or can anybody post here?
  5. The Palindromic Land

    Apology letter

    Quite frankly, I don't give a hang-gliding crocodile's ****** if you can't get along elsewhere. It doesn't have anything to do with TNP, and I don't want to hear about it. The apology was nice; the continued discussion, not so much. I'm done. Have a nice day. :)
  6. The Palindromic Land

    TNP is good people

    Hey, what most of you may not remember (what with not being here and all) is that JAL's first delegacy was a lot of fun, and he didn't do a half-bad job. (Up until that last few hours, when he accidentally ejected several hundred nations and got himself deleted.) This place was reasonably...
  7. The Palindromic Land

    Filing of Charges

    History suggests it will last for months, and if it does ever reach a verdict, it will be argued over so hard that it will never be enforced.
  8. The Palindromic Land

    Council of Five results

    I am moderately concerned about the potential for fraud in this sort of election. Don't many people control multiple nations in the region?
  9. The Palindromic Land

    Admin Requests

    Whatever you did, it worked. Thank you very much.
  10. The Palindromic Land

    Admin Requests

    I received the Regional Assembly mask a while ago, but there are still many threads I cannot see, and others I cannot post in. My badge has changed, but my permissions appear not to have.
  11. The Palindromic Land

    Poll: public posting of irc logs

    I have always been a fan of handling these things more privately; releasing records to the government or security council as necessary (that clear public interest thing), rather than making them public. Of course, this can lead to distrust of the government by the citizenry, but this is TNP, so...
  12. The Palindromic Land

    Govindia's ban Article VI Section 2 review

    Isn't what you quoted pretty much what you are asking for?
  13. The Palindromic Land

    Govindia's ban Article VI Section 2 review

    Nobody is completely free of biases. All a person can do is to not act on them. (I would have suggested myself, since I am both indifferent and planning on going on vacation shortly, which seem to be the two necessary characteristics for associate justices, but it seems as though this matter...
  14. The Palindromic Land

    This is supposed to be a "normal" storm season?

    I always imagined those as more like tornados, expecially since I thought that much of the surrounding area was desert.
  15. The Palindromic Land

    Old R.A. Member Application thread

    I suppose I may as well rejoin the circus once these elections are over. Sitting around and watching people try to drag the region down is getting old. TNP Nation: The Palindromic Land of Fodnal Cimordnilap Eht WA Nation: N/A I, The Palindromic Land, as the leader of The North Pacific nation...
  16. The Palindromic Land

    Re: Topid's admission

    You don't have to brag about how quickly it's going...
  17. The Palindromic Land

    Campaign Thread: Flemingovia for CJ

    How will you reconcile your clear willingness to pervert justice through obstructionist tactics in the JAL trial with the duty of the Chief Justice to uphold that very justice? Also, what is your opinion of those groups in which Rock, Paper, or Scissors is thrown immediately after the count of...
  18. The Palindromic Land

    TNP Flag and WFE

    If Max Barry can celebrate April Fools Day, I see no reason why this region cannot.
  19. The Palindromic Land

    Security Alert

    You can still telegram people in other regions. In fact, it might be more interesting now.
  20. The Palindromic Land

    Request for Comments

    It's minor, but surely I can't be the only person who doesn't like the font on "The North Pacific" at the top of the page. It just looks wrong somehow.
  21. The Palindromic Land

    Automated tool for checking of region's W A votes[Archived] [Complete]

    Violet just added that to the game today at the request of Glen-Rhodes. It's certainly interesting.
  22. The Palindromic Land

    Community Recruitment Project

    I personally have no problem with letting Elu send them all out by auto-telegram. Seems like less work that way.
  23. The Palindromic Land

    ATTN: Govind

    Haven't you previously linked to your facebook account? (Also, your name is essentially the same as your nation name.)
  24. The Palindromic Land

    The North Pacific - A Virtual Desert...

    The problem with telegramming people is that it isn't a solution. It brings them here, they work for a while, and then they get bored and disappear. Speaking of coups, JAL was a good and active delegate for the majority of his terms. If only we could avoid the pesky purges at the end, I'd...
  25. The Palindromic Land

    Speaker's Disappearence

    Yet Romanoffia wants to take power from the people and give Blue Wolf more. /off topic
  26. The Palindromic Land

    The North Pacific v. JAL

    Talking to yourself again, flem? :lol: *ducks out of the room before being thrown out*
  27. The Palindromic Land

    Status of Application

    No, that's part of the RA.
  28. The Palindromic Land

    Status of Application

    Or, indeed, the ability to even comment on proposed legislation.