Community Recruitment Project


Roman has gotten the ball rolling and we all need to keep it rolling. To that end I propose a group effort to message new nations encouraging them to join the forum and government. The first thing that is needed is a telegram.

We'll also need volunteers to send out the message and some form of coordination to make sure no one is double telegramed. The easiest ways to do this are by a schedule where each person gets a time of day and telegrams every nation created during their shift or by having each person post when they start, the nations they telegram, and when they finish. The first method removes the potential for overlap but is harder to have people join in on and can leave gaps in the schedule. The second method allows for more spontaneous telegraming sprees but it more prone to human errors due to forgetting to post needed info.

I personally favor the second method as there is a greater flexibility in messaging nations which is what we need while this is in the beginning stages.

So, what information do we want to include in a telegram while also keeping it short and simple?
I have an outline which I will be sending out by autoTG soon:

The North Pacific Bulletin March 2012

For [nation name here]

Regional alert level: blue

Some regional news for your perusal,

- January Elections (who ran, who won)
- TNP v JAL: what it was about, that it was a mistrial [was hoping to send this out after filing charges again...]
- Proposal to remove AG independence
- [more proposals since I originally outlined this]
- Delegate looking for Government workers
- Speaker missing, special election ongoing
- On gameside, discussion of Repeal & Replace; has also been brought to TNP.

Govt recommends WA membership / endorsing BWii [as appropriate]
Well, I am definitely in favor of this idea and will also participate in it. We should coordinate to make sure that the telegram is only send for one time to each nation though. Maybe by the first letter of each nation name?
While Elu's telegram will get the message out to every nation in the region at the time of it being sent it won't continue to send telegrams to nations as they are made and is essentially a regional update for the region. That is where the rest of us come in, with Elu catching us up to current nations we have to make sure each one gets a welcoming telegram to encourage them the join the forum.

Fel, the issue with that is the nations made be founded while the people who are assigned them aren't around while others won't have any nations founded with their assigned letter while they are around. By having people posting when they start, stop, and who they sent a telegram to, thereby having people sending telegrams while they're around.
You know, with the proper, and I hate to use the term, marketing, in TGs, we could have un-heard of activity on this forum and in the government.

Properly planned, (regular news TG's, voting and citizenship drives, etc.,,,) we could end up with so much activity we wouldn't believe it.
I would definitely appreciate help in drafting the telegram though. With a written telegram it takes me less than five minutes to start up the autoTG. Writing one that I like might take me forever.
The North Pacific Bulletin March 2012

For [nation name here]

Regional alert level: blue

The government of your region, the North Pacific, would like to let you know about what's been going on.
• January Elections -- Blue Wolf II and Felasia (Denarian Knight) ran for Delegate. Blue Wolf II won the election with 45% of the vote to Felasia's 30%. Felasia followed Blackshear41 in joining the regional Security Council instead.
• TNP v JAL -- A case against Durkadurkiranistan II, who ejected most of the region in 2010 after seizing the delegacy, was filed last year by the Attorney General and went through a bewildering series of procedural mishaps and disapparances of judges. Now a new Chief Justice is in town, who ruled that the original case was a mistrial. The Attorney General (me) has filed a new complaint ( ).
• Observing that the Attorney General who filed suit was under the law prosecutor of the case even after their term expired, Haor Chall proposed changing that and also making the Attorney General removable by the Delegate.
• A series of proposals came in to our volunteer legislature after this: A proposal to change the region to a theocracy worshipping Flemingovia, a proposal to adjust the regional Security Council law, a proposal to override the Security Council's decision to not accept Novare Res's application, a proposal to legislate regulation of Regional Message Board advertisements from other regions, and last but certainly not least a proposal to recall Blue Wolf II for inactivity. All of these proposals are currently at vote!
• Shortly before disappearing, Blue Wolf II asked for people to volunteer ( ) to work in his cabinet. A number of people volunteered, but have not been appointed.
• In January we elected Speaker New Kervoskia, but he went missing. Currently, Limi (Very odd and Random) is beating Govindia (Ramaba) in an ongoing special election.
• On the NationStates forum, administrator Salusa Secondus brought up discussion of a possible Repeal & Replace system for WA resolutions; this conversation has also been brought to TNP.

If not WA nation:
The North Pacific would really appreciate it if you were to join the World Assembly. You could then help protect the region from invasion, vote on nationstates-wide issues in the World Assembly, and contribute to the North Pacific's voice on them as well!

If WA nation, endorsing BWii
The North Pacific would like to thank you for endorsing our delegate-elect. Good work!

If WA nation, not endorsing BWii
The North Pacific would like to ask you to pretty please endorse our delegate-elect Blue Wolf II. This interregnum has lasted long enough.

If you find this kind of bulletin dull, just let me know in a reply telegram and I'll make sure you never get another one.

Thank you for reading and the best of wishes,
Minister for Regional International Affairs,
Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda

Nice! Very nice! :clap:

Perhaps add in an invite to join the forum if the nation hasn't already? Oh, and links to interesting or fun threads (some of which might be designed to spark interest in the forum and draw more activity.

Looks like you're on the right track and an excellent start!
I have a link to one thread already. Any suggestions for more?

Yes I probably should include an overall link to the forum.
Oh, here's a fun idea that might get some attention and encourage people to visit the forum.

Each week we create a humorous thread that profiles a forum member. Sort of a 'roast' thread but of good natured humor. (which in my case would probably end up a crucifixion and burning at the stake. But it would be fun. LOL!)

But seriously

Also, threads where various officials of the government give a more or less brief explanation of what exactly they do in terms of their government position - help demystify some of the whole thing for people who have no idea about what the regional government is all about. I think that some people who haven't gotten involved are a little intimidated by it all.
Oh, here's a fun idea that might get some attention and encourage people to visit the forum.

Each week we create a humorous thread that profiles a forum member. Sort of a 'roast' thread but of good natured humor. (which in my case would probably end up a crucifixion and burning at the stake. But it would be fun. LOL!)

But seriously

Also, threads where various officials of the government give a more or less brief explanation of what exactly they do in terms of their government position - help demystify some of the whole thing for people who have no idea about what the regional government is all about. I think that some people who haven't gotten involved are a little intimidated by it all.
On the subject of intimidation, I've started planning a proposal to reorganize the board here.

Check it out!

I also hope to make new badges and test them out. People who want to help can join and ask for whatever masking they like.

I welcome suggestions and such while I'm brainstorming.
It could be construed as an attempted coup. That's a joke, son. :lol:

I wouldn't consider it 'intimidation' by any means - the idea of a test forum for exactly this purpose was already discussed but petered out.

Actually, it's a good testing idea to see what structures work best for a regional board and give us an idea of how hard it might be to reorganize this board and streamline it. We currently seem to have a lot of sub-fora that have little or no activity for months at a time that can be consolidated or archived and eliminated.

So far, what you have looks fairly simple and structured without any clutter in optical terms.

As a research experiment, I think it's interesting and worth looking into if it's motivated by practical considerations as opposed to political motivations.

A more modern look to even this forum would go a long way - new badges, reworked banners and a few other buzzers and bells that make it more user friendly and easier to follow (like 'bugs' that indicate whether or not a user has viewed a given part of the forum or a bug that indicated new posts in a given section or thread). The bug idea shouldn't be too difficult to set up as it is part and parcel of this forum format (invisionfree/zetaboards).

I'll take a more detailed look at it and let you know what I think of the format just for sh*ts and giggles.
Interesting. I like the structure of the RA section - no need for a specific archive section as everything like votes and discussions can stay right were they are without the need for a periodic clean-up and archiving.

I just thought of an interesting idea to test here - that can be brought up in the RA to make people more connected to their NS nations (so that people know who they are talking to).
The North Pacific Bulletin March 2012

For [nation name here]

Regional alert level: blue

The government of your region, the North Pacific, would like to let you know about what's been going on.
• January Elections -- Blue Wolf II and Felasia (Denarian Knight) ran for Delegate. Blue Wolf II won the election with 45% of the vote to Felasia's 30%. Felasia followed Blackshear41 in joining the regional Security Council instead.
• TNP v JAL -- A case against Durkadurkiranistan II, who ejected most of the region in 2010 after seizing the delegacy, was filed last year by the Attorney General and went through a bewildering series of procedural mishaps and disapparances of judges. Now a new Chief Justice is in town, who ruled that the original case was a mistrial. The Attorney General (me) has filed a new complaint ( ).
• Observing that the Attorney General who filed suit was under the law prosecutor of the case even after their term expired, Haor Chall proposed changing that and also making the Attorney General removable by the Delegate.
• A series of proposals came in to our volunteer legislature after this: A proposal to change the region to a theocracy worshipping Flemingovia, a proposal to adjust the regional Security Council law, a proposal to override the Security Council's decision to not accept Novare Res's application, a proposal to legislate regulation of Regional Message Board advertisements from other regions, and last but certainly not least a proposal to recall Blue Wolf II for inactivity. All of these proposals are currently at vote!
• Shortly before disappearing, Blue Wolf II asked for people to volunteer ( ) to work in his cabinet. A number of people volunteered, but have not been appointed.
• In January we elected Speaker New Kervoskia, but he went missing. Currently, Limi (Very odd and Random) is beating Govindia (Ramaba) in an ongoing special election.
• On the NationStates forum, administrator Salusa Secondus brought up discussion of a possible Repeal & Replace system for WA resolutions; this conversation has also been brought to TNP.

If not WA nation:
The North Pacific would really appreciate it if you were to join the World Assembly. You could then help protect the region from invasion, vote on nationstates-wide issues in the World Assembly, and contribute to the North Pacific's voice on them as well!

If WA nation, endorsing BWii
The North Pacific would like to thank you for endorsing our delegate-elect. Good work!

If WA nation, not endorsing BWii
The North Pacific would like to ask you to pretty please endorse our delegate-elect Blue Wolf II. This interregnum has lasted long enough.

If you find this kind of bulletin dull, just let me know in a reply telegram and I'll make sure you never get another one.

Thank you for reading and the best of wishes,
Minister for Regional International Affairs,
Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda

You were never appointed a Minister for Regional Affairs. In fact, Blue Wolf never appointed anyone for anything.
It's national RP IC ;)

He's the Zemnaya Svobodan Minister for Regional International Affairs, not the North Pacific Minister.
I meant that this board is intimidatingly large.
I know that, but I thought a humorous comment was called for.

It's actually a daunting task to even conceive of the format and architecture of a regional forum. Keeping things simple is extremely difficult, and making the complex simple is even more difficult.
What do you think should be put in a telegram to be sent to nations as they are created.

I think there should be:

welcome to the game and region message
link to the forum
encouragement to join the WA and endorse the delegate
a couple quick ways to get involved
a way to follow up with any questions

Draft 2:
The North Pacific Bulletin March 2012

For [nation name here]

Regional alert level: green
Regional forum:

The government of your region, the North Pacific, would like to let you know about what's been going on.
• January Elections -- Blue Wolf II and Felasia (Denarian Knight) ran for Delegate. Blue Wolf II won the election with 45% of the vote to Felasia's 30%. Felasia followed Blackshear41 in joining the regional Security Council instead.
• Recall vote -- during the last week, we held a recall vote ( ) during which the Regional Assembly judged that Blue Wolf II had simply been too inactive and we need to elect a new Delegate. Nominations begin shortly.
• TNP v JAL -- A case against Durkadurkiranistan II, who ejected most of the region in 2010 after seizing the delegacy, was filed last year by the Attorney General and went through a bewildering series of procedural mishaps and disapparances of judges. Now a new Chief Justice is in town, who ruled that the original case was a mistrial. The Attorney General (me) has filed a new complaint ( ).
• Observing that the Attorney General who filed suit was under the law prosecutor of the case even after their term expired, Haor Chall proposed changing that and also making the Attorney General removable by the Delegate. ( ) The proposal has stalled for technical reasons.
• A series of proposals came in to our volunteer legislature after this: A proposal to change the region to a theocracy worshiping Flemingovia, a proposal to adjust the regional Security Council law, a proposal to override the Security Council's decision to not accept Novare Res's application, a proposal to legislate regulation of Regional Message Board advertisements from other regions, and last but certainly not least that proposal to recall Blue Wolf II for inactivity. The theocracy proposal has been tabled, the security council law has been adjusted, Romanoffia has not been admitted to the Security Council, and the proposed RMB ad regulation law has not passed.
• Shortly before disappearing, Blue Wolf II asked for people to volunteer ( ) to work in his cabinet. A number of people volunteered, but have not been appointed.
• In January we elected Speaker New Kervoskia, but he went missing. Limi (Very odd and Random) defeated Govindia (Ramaba) in a the special election, and soon appointed Govindia his Deputy Speaker.
• On the NationStates forum, administrator Salusa Secondus brought up discussion of a possible Repeal & Replace system for WA resolutions; this conversation has also been brought to TNP.

If not WA nation:
The North Pacific would really appreciate it if you were to join the World Assembly. You could then help protect the region from invasion, vote on nationstates-wide issues in the World Assembly, and contribute to the North Pacific's voice on them as well!

If WA nation, endorsing BWii
The North Pacific would like to thank you for endorsing our delegate-elect. Good work! However, he has just been recalled, so um, if you could perhaps unendorse him now that'd be a good step forward.

If WA nation, endorsing BWii and not Pasargad
The North Pacific would like to thank you for endorsing our delegate-elect. Good work! However, he has just been recalled, so um, if you could perhaps unendorse him now that'd be a good step forward. In the meanwhile though the Vice Delegate will be temporarily the Delegate -- Pasargad (As he has been so far due to Blue Wolf's inactivity). If you were to endorse Pasargad the region would be quite grateful.

If WA nation, not endorsing Pasargad
The North Pacific would like to ask you to pretty please endorse our Delegate (at least until the special election ends two weeks from now) Pasargad.

If you find this kind of bulletin dull, just let me know in a reply telegram and I'll make sure you never get another one.

Thank you for reading and the best of wishes,
Minister for Regional International Affairs,
Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda
