Recent content by The Spokesman of Eumenor

  1. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Count to 10 before Cabinet, SC post

    You realise that's zero, right?
  2. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Map Discussion Thread

    Infamous, that's the word... hehe I'm right here Syria :-) Good to see lots of new nations on the map and that the old(ish) lot's still around!
  3. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    The North Pacific Bar and Grill

    Ahh the bar and grill! I've missed this place...
  4. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Map Discussion Thread

    Hi guys - am I still on the map? Presumably I was kicked long ago, being the relic that I am?
  5. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of Eumenor, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against...
  6. The Spokesman of Eumenor


    So as you may be aware, I haven't been around recently. I'm not going to pretend that this isn't just a post to stop my 30-day no-post spree for my map claim, as it is. But I would like to know what's been going on. What would you say are the most important 5 events (or more!) that have happened...
  7. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Roleplay Moderator Megathread

    To roleplay moderation team, I am back from an unannounced absence of a couple of weeks. I apologise profusely for my inactivity, and am ready to continue with moderator activity immediately. Yours, Eumenor
  8. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    Voting: September 2015 General Elections

    Delegate: SillyString Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Vice Delegate: Myroria Would you like to reopen nominations? < No > Speaker: Crushing Our Enemies Would you like to reopen nominations? < No >
  9. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    ARCHIVED: New Membership Proposal

    I will reserve passing judgement until I see the legalese.
  10. The Spokesman of Eumenor

    ARCHIVED: State Funeral: Queen Matilda II

    R.S.V.P Name: Ilse Links Nation: Eumenor Government Position: Deputy Foreign Minister (note, but the Spokesman)
  11. The Spokesman of Eumenor


    I have done a GCSE Latin course, and I don't even know enough to piece together something useful to ask you. If you want me to conjugate some obscure part of speech or maybe list principal parts, that's fine, but if you ask me to say my name (es mihi nomen? Even a little bit close?), nescio.