Office of the Minister of Communications

End-of-Month Report for May
We're Back... But What Now?

Hello, everyone.

Since the elections ended, I have been busy overseeing the Ministry of Communication and its return to the executive. This report simply aims to outline what I believe have been our primary achievements so far, and where I plan on focusing my efforts over the next month as we look to build upon the foundations we have put in place.

  • Naturally, overseeing the successful release of TNS Issue XXVI is our principal achievement this month. I am super happy with how the articles and the design came together in the end, and my focus now will be on getting it out to as many people as possible over the next week or two.
  • Also at the top of our successes this month would be the most recent broadcast from the NBS. The show required some additional editing, but overall turned out very well. It's now sitting at almost 100 views in the first few days of its publication, which is a significant improvement on shows of the past. We've also begun exploring the idea of setting up a Spotify platform for posting broadcasts, which should be operational within the next week or two.
  • We've put in place a balanced reward system with CR points, the leaderboard for which I have posted in the Staff Rewards and Ratings thread. I'm happy with how this system has incentivized involvement, but I hope to expand upon it further in the term. Announcing the Staff Member of the Week and Month awards has been a great way of appreciating the work staff have done so far, and it is definitely something I want to see continued.
  • I'm also happy with the leadership team I have assembled so far. We have a lot of ambition to get things done this term, and I know I'll be able to rely upon my deputies to take a second look at things, suggest new ideas, and provide useful insights.
  • Planning for an issue of TNL has begun, which can only be seen as a success as long as we commit to the article ideas and get to work. This will be the primary goal of the term, so work will start tomorrow allowing article claims and making initial steps into the drafting process for each idea.
  • The roll call saw 17 responses, which I am quite pleased with, although I will be working on improving recruitment from gameside avenues to get some executive staff applications throughout the remainder of the term.
  • An additional subforum was also created for drafting articles specifically, in which we have seen some promising contributions from editors. I hope this area becomes a hub for feedback and article drafts over the next three months, and that we will eventually see a group of regular editors provide suggestions and insight so the quality of our articles can naturally improve.
  • Behind the scenes, I have also established some well-needed record keeping areas, such as a term calendar, staff registry, publication worksheet, and CR leaderboard. It is my hope that this infrastructure will find its way into the hands of future ministers, but for now it has worked wonders for the planning and monitoring of our progress.
Plans for June
  • Getting the next issue of TNS planned and ready to go will be a day one priority, so a new planning thread can be expected.
  • I'll also be discussing our next broadcast with the NBS team. We're exploring short form content ideas, as well as another lengthy show. I'm hoping we can also get more panelists onboard from varying areas of the region and government. Getting the Spotify platform up and running is also on the to-do list for the next week.
  • TNL progress will be a top priority, with initial drafting and article claims to begin on day one as well.
  • I'd like to be more proactive with putting together and releasing editions of the Northern Notes to cover smaller happenings within the region every fortnight. I'll be sourcing a more diverse pool of writers, as I have primarily planned and conducted initial drafting on my own over the last few weeks, so I'll be putting together planning spaces for that as well.
  • Maintaining and updating the staff rewards system will be an ongoing task, but I have plans to further expand the system to incentivize and encourage recruitment from gameside avenues of the region through more cards-related awards. It is my hope that we can establish a greater presence on the RMB in terms of our processes within the ministry, as well as increasing the visibility of official announcements.
New Appointment
  • I'm appointing @Sacred Butterfinger as our newest member of the Deputy Minister team. He's shown exceptional initiative in suggesting new ideas and contributing to the ministry in these last few weeks, so I am excited to see what more there is to come from him in a position as a deputy. He will be assisting us in setting up and designing for the Spotify platform we have planned early this month.
Overall, I'm very optimistic about the rest of the term, and I am confident that with these foundations in place, we'll be able to achieve most, if not all, of our goals.
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End-of-Month Report for June
Midterm Milestones and Beyond


We've just finished the second month of the term within the Ministry of Communications, and once again I am extremely happy with how things have been going. Here's a run down of the achievements for this month, and the plans for next month!

  • We put out a great issue of The North Star, featuring five pieces, two from writers Comfed and Caius, and an interview with Skaraborg. Issue XXVII came to 8,310 words in total, which is absolutely phenomenal.
  • We recorded two new broadcasts, which are currently in the process of being edited for release within the next week or two.
  • We made progress on our next edition of The Northern Lights, which I now anticipate will be done most likely by mid-August.
  • We saw our newest staff members @AraFuttio and @GreenGamer075 start to get involved with the ministry, with AraFuttio winning joint Editor of the Month with @Sauron for their work on articles for TNS.
  • We updated our Communications Rating leaderboard, resulting in a handful of deserved promotions. We're now at 10,310 CR won overall for the term!
Plans for July
  • The month begins with new planning threads for TNS Issue XXVIII: July Edition, which will allow the newer members of the ministry to get involved for the first time.
  • Bringing some more designers on board with the process for putting together the graphics for TNS is on the agena and I will reach out to potential staff for that.
  • Actually putting out the Northern Notes is a higher priority this month, so I will be in discussion with my Deputy Ministers and staff about how we can achieve this sustainably.
  • I have started the planning process for our next broadcast, which is most likely to be a midterm report show.
  • We will continue to make progress on TNL, getting initial drafts put together.
June has categorically been a success for the ministry. We managed an edition of TNS and two broadcasts, which is absolutely brilliant. Let's keep the ball rolling this term and make July even better!

Minister of Communications

Office of the Minister
Appointment of a Deputy Minister: 14 September 2023

Good day,

As an addendum to yesterday's opening address, I hereby appoint @Bobberino as a Deputy Minister of Communications.

Bob is a longtime deputy and staffer of the ministry who was most recently called upon by ex-Delegate Gorundu to serve as Minister of Communications in the wake of then-Minister Kaschovia's resignation. As a member of the ministry's leadership once again for this term, he'll be helping to round out the team by assisting with NBS Radio and carrying out various other administrative functions.

Thank you,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Communications
View attachment 786

Office of the Minister
Appointment of a Deputy Minister: 14 September 2023

Good day,

As an addendum to yesterday's opening address, I hereby appoint @Bobberino as a Deputy Minister of Communications.

Bob is a longtime deputy and staffer of the ministry who was most recently called upon by ex-Delegate Gorundu to serve as Minister of Communications in the wake of then-Minister Kaschovia's resignation. As a member of the ministry's leadership once again for this term, he'll be helping to round out the team by assisting with NBS Radio and carrying out various other administrative functions.

Thank you,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Communications

Let’s *continue* to get loud. Shall we, Robes?
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Office of the Minister
Ministry Removal Notices: 18 September 2023


The following staffers have been removed from the Ministry of Communications:

@Cloud has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Gavriel has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@GreenGamer075 has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Gorundu has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Neptune has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Northern Keberuntungan has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Scorch has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Tom has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@Treekidistan has been removed due to not responding to the roll call
@XTKH has been removed due to not responding to the roll call

If any of the above would like to remain as members of the ministry or object to their removal, please message me privately. Thank you.


~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Communications

Office of the Minister
Appointment of a Deputy Minister: 22 October 2023


I am pleased to announce that I hereby appoint @AraFuttio as a Deputy Minister of Communications.

Ara will be joining the team alongside us, as they've been a consistently enthusiastic presence within the Ministry. Though I'd initially considered them for a spot on the Communications leadership team back in September with my initial appointments, they've since proven all the more worthy of a promotion with their work on TNS and NBS Radio.

I look forward to seeing how they'll develop in the role, and I look forward to teaching them what I can.

Congratulations, Ara! You may now take your oath of office!

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Communications

Office of the Minister
Removal of a Deputy Minister: 29 October 2023

Evening, all:

It brings me no joy to announce this, however, I hereby remove @nvxl as a Deputy Minister of Communications.

For a few weeks now, my team and I have made various attempts at getting into contact with nvxl. We did this in the hopes that they'd respond and (hopefully) return so that further progress could be made within the collaborative design team that I tasked them with leading at the beginning of the term.

Unfortunately, their extended absence from the ministry cannot go unaddressed any longer. As no notice of any expected absence was given to me, particularly for an extended period of time, I'm left with little choice but to dismiss them as a result. For reference, no member of the ministry's leadership team has heard from them since 29 September. They have, nonetheless, been active on the forums and have posted in various WA voting threads since then without a word in response to us.

I appreciate nvxl's passion for graphics and recognize their potential as a staffer. Should their activity improve in the future, then they're more than welcome to return to the role of a deputy minister upon further review.

Thank you,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Minister of Communications

Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

Ministry Removal Notice, 13 January 2024

Hello all,

The following staff members have been removed from the Ministry of Communications:

@Bobberino has been removed due to not responding to the roll call.
@Comfed has been removed due to not responding to the roll call.
@Lord Dominator has been removed due to not responding to the roll call.
@Marcus Antonius has been removed due to not responding to the roll call.
@Sauron has been removed due to not responding to the roll call.

If any of the individuals mentioned above would like to continue serving in the ministry or have any objections to their removal from the ministry, kindly send me a private message. Thank you.



Minister of Communications
I have been removed from Communications.

Fair enough.

Glad to have been of service. :salute:

As promised, I return my name badge and passkey. :lol:

I'll go and haunt TNPU instead.

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Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

Leave of Absence, 30 January 2024 - 6 February 2024


I'll be on a Leave of Absence from the 30th of January up to and including the 6th of February due to a test week. I'll still be around and available for questions but I won't be able to manage the Ministry of Communications. All the deputies will continue to manage their respective areas and inquiries can be directed to them.



Minister of Communications

Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

Declaration of Inactivity, 17 April 2024 - ~30 April 2024


I want to start by apologising for my recent lack of activity. My real life has been very demanding as my final exams are in less than a month. Therefore I'm declaring a period of inactivity. This differs from a LoA in the sense that I won't be completely away, at least not more than I currently am, I just won't talk. All inquiries can still be directed to me and I'll still faithfully answer all of my DMs.



Minister of Communications

Appointment of Deputy Minister
Following his return to the Ministry, I have decided to reappoint @Halsoni as a Deputy Minister of Communications. His experience needs no explanation and he will be a vital asset to the Comms leadership team.

Welcome back Ruben! Please take your oath promptly.

Minister of Communications

Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

One Month Report, August 23 2024


I've been sitting in this lovely seat for exactly one month now, following former Minister AraFuttio's departure from the role and I am happy to announce that we have officially turned this ministry around! When I entered the office, I was met with a struggling ministry suffering from severe inactivity, resulting in massive delays in our publications. Now we are thriving. We managed to successfully publish a severely delayed edition of The North Star after just a little over two weeks and have consistently released issues of The Northern Notes. I'll get into that in a little bit more detail now.


Here's an itemised list of the things we've done in just under a month:
  • We released The North Star Issue XXXVII June-July Edition after I decided to combine the two to remove the delays we were facing.
  • We've released not one, not two, not three, but four issues of The Northern Notes, thereby continuing to execute the Delegate's campaign promise of regular (weekly, even) TNN issues.
  • We are getting very close to being able to release The North Star Issue XXXVIII August Edition as almost all the articles are in their final stages of writing with the deadline being the 25th. That way we have enough time to edit and design so we're able to release TNS on the 31st of August. This might be slightly delayed due to my real life as I'm almost starting college and will be going on an introduction week next week, but I'm confident we'll still be able to release it on time despite my real life.
As you can see, quite a lot was done in a month. I am very proud of this and I'm confident in our ability to recharge this ministry to full capacity again.

What Is Next

We'll continue to consistently release TNN issues and continue working on the next issue of TNS. We'll also start planning the September Edition of The North Star which will be very exciting! I've also been working with Jinkies behind the scenes on a second installment in the epic approval rating saga so you have something juicy to look forward to. The survey will probably be released today or tomorrow!

Thank You's

While I am obviously amazing and very talented in every conceivable way (this is a joke), I couldn't do all of this on my own. A special thank you to my deputies, @Picairn and @Kaschovia, for their consistent help with the organisation and designing of TNS. You guys take such an enormous load off my shoulders and I couldn't be more thankful. A special thank you goes to my good friend @Jinkies for her amazing and diligent efforts within the ministry. I've collaborated with her on the surveys you have/will see(n) and she's been a consistent and hard-working writer for our publication. One word; queen. Another thank you to Delegate @Simone for his support with The Northern Notes and for giving me this opportunity to serve. I am eternally grateful and being back in this role makes me realise how much I love this region.



Minister of Communications

Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

Deputy Ministerial Appointment, August 26 2024


This person has been a consistent and diligent contributor to the Communications Ministry, and although she's not been here for a long time, I can see she's deserving of a promotion. It is for those reasons that I appoint @Jinkies as Deputy Minister of Communications. Congratulations, you deserve it.

Deputy Minister Jinkies, please take your oath.



Minister of Communications

Ministry of Communications of The North Pacific

Leave of Absence, August 26 - August 30 2024

Hi there!

On a completely different note than my previous announcement, I will be declaring a Leave of Absence starting today until about Friday as I will be going on an introduction week for my college where I'll be camping and probably be doing things God does not want me to. I can still be reached, but I might be slower to reply than usual. Questions and the like can still be directed to me, but if I don't respond, feel free to contact one of my deputies (Picairn is probably the best option to DM at the moment). Thanks!



Minister of Communications
Will the Minister of Communications be pleased to state if there is any timeline or date to release the next TNS issue?
  • We are getting very close to being able to release The North Star Issue XXXVIII August Edition as almost all the articles are in their final stages of writing with the deadline being the 25th. That way we have enough time to edit and design so we're able to release TNS on the 31st of August. This might be slightly delayed due to my real life as I'm almost starting college and will be going on an introduction week next week, but I'm confident we'll still be able to release it on time despite my real life.
Since it's already 15th September and 36 days since the last issue of TNS article, any update in this regard would be highly appreciated.