[GA—IN QUEUE] Obesity Awareness


TNP Nation

Obesity Awareness
Category: Health | Area: Healthcare
Proposed by: Saint Asperes, Co-author: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly,

Definition Excess Body Mass: The state of being overweight due to an excess accumulation of body fat, which can impair health and lead to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and increased mortality risk.

Recognizing the impact of over eating and the accumulation of body mass, and the many other potentially life-threatening conditions and ailments that can be caused by the accumulation of body mass , such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and even death,

Observing that many modern societies are confronted with a scarcity of activities or public resources to effectively engage and promoting the well-being of their citizens on a national level, resulting in a lower lifespan

Believing that, as a result, the implementation of policies and programs aimed at promoting citizen health will be prioritized in order to foster a more stable and prosperous society for each respected member state,

Hereby enacts as follows,

1. Acceptation

This proposal requires member states to in-act and take strong and decisive measures in order to decrease the prevalence of fast food and unhealthy eating habits by establishing the following:

a. Creating school programs that ingrate nutrition and physical education into school curriculums.

b. Expanding access to affordable, nutritious food within each respected member-state

c. Establishing and enforcing regulations on food formulations such as reducing trans fats, sugars and sodiums with in consumable products

d. All Labels of consumable products products/goods must show all ingredients and nutrition facts on a label (labels should be readable), while having a visible warning print on them.

2. Influential Figures & Communication

a. Member-nations are encouraged to seek employment or volunteering (Influential figures from all fields subject to but not limited: Entertainment and Business Industries) within member nations, as a means to encourage and inspire citizens to give priority to their well-being by participating in a range of physical activities, embracing the advantages of fitness and healthy eating by doing the following:

b. Member states must establish robust communication channels dedicated to spreading positive and accurate information related to health and well-being. This includes promoting healthy lifestyle choices, debunking myths surrounding healthcare practices, and combating the spread of misinformation when it comes to consumable products that could jeopardize public health efforts and citizen safety.

3. Collaboration & Research

a. Moreover, member-states are required to aid in the collaborative effort among nations in order to discover more effective methods to enhance the general well-being of their citizens, by studying and developing and (engineering cures & treatments and collecting data). By cooperating as a collective, nations can exchange valuable information that highlights both the effective and ineffective approaches towards safeguarding the health of their citizens by doing as follows,

b. All member states must establish a permanent department dedicated to monitoring the current, and future trends of of its respected citizens . This department would serve as a sub-branch to the health department in member states that do not already have one established, with this sub branch will be responsible for advising the governing body of the respected member-state on crucial health-related proposals.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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General drafting, plus a few parts really don't make much sense (eg. "while having a visible warning print on them" without further qualification).

(also Tin got cut out of being co-author lol)

General drafting, plus a few parts really don't make much sense (eg. "while having a visible warning print on them" without further qualification).

(also Tin got cut out of being co-author lol)
Doesn’t surprise me, the original was AI-drafted iirc.

[non-WA] against

General drafting, plus a few parts really don't make much sense (eg. "while having a visible warning print on them" without further qualification).

(also Tin got cut out of being co-author lol)
Doesn’t surprise me, the original was AI-drafted iirc.

Everybody should know that the proposal text in the OP is NOT THE SUBMITTED DRAFT. (It was also not AI-generated to any extent, given how extensively I had to rewrite it!) Therefore, the votes previously cast in this thread may have been based on the proposal that was written down in Saint Asperes' OP, rather than the proposal that was actually submitted.

Here is the submitted draft in its literally-unformatted glory:

The General Assembly,

Acknowledging that the prevalence of obesity has escalated to a significant concern affecting numerous member states,

Understanding that obesity constitutes a public health emergency, as it can lead to chronic health conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and potentially even death, and

Convinced that more action must be taken at the local, national, and international levels to combat obesity,

Hereby enacts as follows.
1. Member states are required to take strong and decisive actions to combat the widespread issue of unhealthy eating practices that contribute to obesity. These actions should include:
a. introducing physical education and nutrition education programs both within school curricula and in non-school settings,
b. expanding access to affordable, nutritious food,
c. collaborating with the food industry to diminish the levels of sugar, salt, and trans fats in their products, and
d. providing for easily-visible labels on all packaged food which list the ingredients of that food and its relevant nutritional information (such as the amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat, sugar, and salt in each pack).

2. Member states are urged to create promotional campaigns in partnership with notable figures, including but not limited to entertainers, business leaders, and athletes, to motivate their citizens to engage in increased physical activity and adopt healthier eating practices.
3. Member states are required to monitor the prevalence of obesity in their population, while conducting and sharing research that explores effective strategies for reducing obesity rates.

Co-author: Tinhampton
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Everybody should know that the proposal text in the OP is NOT THE SUBMITTED DRAFT. (It was also not AI-generated to any extent, given how extensively I had to rewrite it!) Therefore, the votes previously cast in this thread may have been based on the proposal that was written down in Saint Asperes' OP, rather than the proposal that was actually submitted.

Here is the submitted draft in its literally-unformatted glory:
The fact that the author couldn’t update the OP counts against this for me.
Everybody should know that the proposal text in the OP is NOT THE SUBMITTED DRAFT. (It was also not AI-generated to any extent, given how extensively I had to rewrite it!) Therefore, the votes previously cast in this thread may have been based on the proposal that was written down in Saint Asperes' OP, rather than the proposal that was actually submitted.

Here is the submitted draft in its literally-unformatted glory:

Given the draft has been on the forum for a long while, the fact that it had to be extensively rewritten and the OP was not updated is really sloppy
Everybody should know that the proposal text in the OP is NOT THE SUBMITTED DRAFT. (It was also not AI-generated to any extent, given how extensively I had to rewrite it!) Therefore, the votes previously cast in this thread may have been based on the proposal that was written down in Saint Asperes' OP, rather than the proposal that was actually submitted.

Apologies, it would have been prudent of me to check the actual submitted proposal, though my vote remains Against. The proposal still does very little.