[SC—AT VOTE—FOR] On Embassy Collection

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Professional Gnome Wrangler
TNP Nation
Mackinac Island

On Embassy Collection
Category: < Declaration >
Proposed by: Millenhaal, Co-authored by: New Makasta | Onsite Topic

This Security Council,

Stating the purpose of an interregional embassy as a way to connect two communities together by forming a tangible link between them, and displaying a deep, close friendship held by two regions,

Recognizing that many regions choose to dedicate their existence to the purpose of solely accumulating as many of these embassies as possible, between as many regions as possible, sometimes for an overarching goal, and sometimes for simple vanity, these regions being referred to as "embassy collectors",

Hearkening back to the days when the practice was far less widespread than it is now, when it was dominated by the likes of The Embassy, The Great Universe and SECFanatics, and while they were often ignored and considered annoying, the small number of them made them only a minor inconvenience instead of something of such scale as to reach the attention of this august body,

Bemoaning the current oversaturation in the field of embassy collection, which has led to many innocent and mostly inexperienced regions being completely and utterly confounded by the frequency with which they receive embassy requests, and with new regions that collect embassies being born and dying each and every day, destroying any meaningful connections they may have fostered in their time in operation,

Acknowledging that some embassy collectors are more respectful than others with their business, and that there exist embassy collectors that attempt to do good work, but that there are far fewer of them than the malignant kind that this resolution is meant to target, and stressing that this resolution is not about these regions,

Tired by embassy collectors' unproven claims that their practices foster interregional growth for those that choose to reside in smaller regions and have embassies with them, as embassy collector regions often have very little activity on their regional message boards or in other platforms, a not insignificant portion of which is unscrupulous RMB recruiters attempting to lure new nations into regions where their potential will be squandered,

Frustrated that some embassy collectors do not undertake any filtering of beliefs whatsoever, meaning that these regions are open to fascists and other assorted far-right and alt-right nations coming from regions that champion those ideals which this organization works so tirelessly to fight against, with a multitude of embassy collectors steadfastly defending their right to fascist embassies and some fully embracing such beliefs,

Angered that some embassy collectors, in sheer desperation, have resorted to pestering and tormenting those who rightly decline embassies with them, hoping, and often failing, to intimidate the target region into submitting to an embassy with them, an example being the now gratefully defunct Lardyland, who had become infamous for exactly this style of embassy collection,

Perplexed by the idea that there is any amount of skill or deft diplomacy involved in the collection process, with most embassy regions having embassies with collectors because they simply accept every request they are issued, failing to build a meaningful connection with any region that chooses to build an embassy with them, turning what should be something symbolizing friendship into another meaningless number to add to an embassy collector's portfolio,

Abhorring how the treatment of embassy regions as trophies is taken to the extreme by the raider groups who engage in wanton destruction of regions for no noble cause but to proudly display their conquests on the embassy pages of their jump points, burying the histories the regions once possessed, reducing them to a name amongst a sea of other names,

Hoping to discourage any more regions from falling into the trap and conducting embassy collection themselves with the passage of this resolution by proclaiming discontent with the practice that has maligned the collective conscience of the multiverse for so many years,

Hereby declares that a majority of embassy collectors, those who engage in unscrupulous behaviors such as ruthless badgering of their fellow regions and who sully the name of the better embassy collectors who mind their own business, are an astronomical nuisance that will likely continue to pester the multiversal community until its inevitable heat death and they are all eternally buried by the unstoppable passage of time.

Co-authored by New Makasta.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to criticize the act of embassy collections. Embassy collection has been a thing for a long time, but more and more regions have started to practice embassy collection. The proposal criticizes the large scale in which the increasing number of embassy collectors rise and fall, how they spam all other regions with embassy requests, and for being rather negligent when it comes to avoiding embassies with problematic regions (fascist, far-right etc.)

The Ministry echoes the arguments given by the proposal. A lot of embassy collectors are only focused on the amount of embassies, and not the interregional connection behind the embassy. While this does not apply to all embassy collectors, most tend to claim they are a gift for interregional growth, while actually being a nuisance to it.

The proposal is clear, well-written, and gives a great summary of the many irritations surrounding embassy collecting.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote FOR the SC proposal at vote, "On Embassy Collection".

This IFV Recommendation was written by New Matzeratia in collaboration with the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.
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Embassy collectors are the bane of my existence, and their historical tolerance of unsavory figures makes me loathe them even more. If there were a proposal to destroy them altogether I would vote for it, failing that, this one will have to suffice.
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