Foreign Affairs Opening Address: September 2024
My fellow North Pacificans,
I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as your Minister of Foreign Affairs for another term. I would like to thank our Delegate, @Picairn, for entrusting me with this vital position and extend my congratulations on his election victory. I look forward to accomplishing his agenda and intend to continue my own plans from the previous term, namely the publication of the FA Digest, timely ambassador reports, and an embassy review exercise. I covered them in detail in my previous opening address, which can be read by clicking this link. Before delving into the future, let’s take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of the past term.
Our primary foreign affairs accomplishment was the acquisition of the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators. Picairn and the rest of the NPA deserve their plaudits as well, as they demonstrated immense discipline during an operation that required considerable stealth. However, diplomacy was also a key factor in the acquisition, as it allowed us to negotiate a favorable agreement with the CCD delegation, which in turn paved the way for the operation to proceed. Our FA skills initiated the takeover - our military skills completed it. We seized the opportunity to expand our diplomatic network by establishing onsite embassies with the member regions of the Augustin Alliance, namely Conch Kingdom, Ridgefield, Anteria, Lands End, and Cape of Good Hope. Hopefully, the expansion of our diplomatic network will continue in the future.
Along with my earlier planned projects, I would like to introduce a new initiative in addition to those. This initiative was conceived by my predecessor and has the support of the Delegate. Although they were never released, I would like to present our staff with case studies to review to enhance their knowledge of FA, particularly their decision-making. Case studies are scenarios inspired by NS history, designed for one to assume the role of a regional leader and choose the best option for the region. This initiative, along with the aforementioned plans, will hopefully contribute to boosting the skills and competence of our future regional leaders.
As for the Foreign Affairs leadership team, I will be retaining @Attempted Socialism and @Kaschovia as Deputy Ministers. They have served excellently in the roles and have consistently demonstrated themselves to be part of the greatest foreign affairs minds in the region. As such, I see no reason not to keep them performing in their current roles. I am additionally looking for a third deputy, one with less experience, one who has some knowledge but is willing to learn even more about the world of foreign affairs and grow as a player. This is not a guarantee that I will be appointing a third deputy, but rather a notice for those who may be looking for an opportunity. Those interested are invited to message me privately and have a conversation with me.
That just about concludes my opening address. I can’t wait to get started, and I’m sure you all can’t either! I tried to keep things concise this time, as most of my plans were mentioned in June regardless. I look forward to continuing to raise the bar of the ministry, and if we all bring the necessary energy and passion, we can do just that. Let’s do this and make it a great term!
Minister of Foreign Affairs