Opening Address - September 2024


Man of Many Talents
TNP Nation

Opening Address
20 September 2024

My dear citizens, residents, friends and allies,

The winds of change have swept through The North Pacific. Today, a new chapter in our region’s history has unfolded, as a new face, a fresh presence, was chosen by you, the people of TNP, to lead as your Delegate for the next four months. I am deeply humbled by the support and trust that each and every one of you has given me, and I hope to repay that trust by striving to become the best Delegate this region has ever had.

It is well understood that we live in uncertain times, of changing tides and shifting alignments. The fires of war surround us and threaten our security. Our government and army struggle with inactivity and collapses in morale. The Frontier/Stronghold update continues to sap our region of active talent and manpower. Our difficulties are many, our challenges formidable and complex.

I pledged to tackle these problems by bringing much-needed reforms and energy to our region, and that is exactly how I intend to operate as Delegate: an active and forward-looking leader. I do not seek to return us to the old ways, nor to persist in the stagnating status quo, but to boldly forge a new path and lead us to a new horizon.

I understand that many of you preferred the familiar comforts of a steady and experienced hand to navigate TNP through uncharted waters. I recognise that I have much to learn with barely a year of experience in government. You may rest assured that I will continue to listen to the advice of our most knowledgeable statesmen, and I believe a combination of dynamism and experience will serve us well in the months ahead.

Behind every great Delegate is a team of great Ministers, and I have chosen the following to lead our Ministries for the next four months:

Minister of Defense - @cosmicsonic

Cosmic is an up-and-coming NPA officer who has deeply impressed me with his energy and initiative during my time as Minister of Defense. These attributes are exactly what the NPA needs this term to revive its activity, rebuild its officer corps, and advance the war. I’m confident that he will perform well in this critical role.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - @Chipoli

A familiar face, Chipoli is a former three-time Vice Delegate, former Acting Delegate, former two-time Minister of WA Affairs, and Minister of Foreign Affairs under Delegate Simone. His experience in FA will be an asset in the ever-changing landscapes of diplomacy.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs - @Jinkies

Although she had only been MoWAA under Simone for 10 days, Jinkies made an immediate impact on the Ministry with her activity and enthusiasm. I have no doubt that she will help me fulfill my vision for this Ministry to the fullest possible extent through commendations for our region-mates, mentorship of aspiring authors, and enforcement of MGC sanctions against our enemies.

Minister of Culture - @Halsoni

Halsoni (Ruben) was an active host and organiser of cultural events under Simone. He has many bright ideas for the Ministry over the next months and I can’t wait to see them coming to fruition with his dedication.

Minister of Home Affairs - @Caius

A former Minister of Home Affairs and Deputy Minister several times, Caius has both the experience and energy needed to revitalise the Ministry and bring it back to activity. He will play a key role in my recruitment expansion strategy, and implement a new reward system to motivate our staffers.

Minister of Communications - @Kaschovia

Kasch now returns to one of his old roles! I need no lengthy introduction at this point. With four times as Minister of Comms, not to mention leading its May 2023 revival, he’s practically the godfather of the Ministry. I expect that he will perform excellently in this role as he has done before.

Lead Gameside Advocate - @Griddyland

Griddyland is an active, friendly, and constant presence on the RMB, an ideal candidate for Lead Gameside Advocate. In our private discussions, I was even impressed by his preparation for the role.

Advisor to the Delegate - @Pallaith, @Dreadton, and @9003

Pallaith’s and Dreadton’s appointments are quite obvious as they are highly experienced in their respective fields of FA and legal matters. 9003 is a new choice: I was fascinated by his Cards program in The Wellspring, and I hope to revive ours with his ideas.

Cards Guildmaster - @Dreadton

Dreadton will also continue in his role as Cards Guildmaster. He has organised a Cards Working Group responsible for reforming our Cards program, and I want him to continue that good work.

As I have pledged in my campaign, I hereby abolish the Ministry of Radio and return its portfolio, including the NBS, to the Ministry of Communications.

Ministers and Advisors, take your oaths promptly. Despite the numerous obstacles in our way, I firmly believe that we can overcome them with sufficient resolve and a sense of direction. If we band together in these turbulent times, our strength will be unstoppable, our march of progress ever moving onward.

Here’s to a great term, and a new age.

At your service,

Delegate of The North Pacific
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I felt I had to say a little more than the usual congratulations to Picairn, because a big part of my message as a candidate was that this wasn’t the time to go with someone new and untested, and that the problems we face are important and require a steady hand. I wouldn’t have run if I didn’t believe that was true. But the beauty of democracy is that everyone gets to offer their input and they may not see it the same way I do. They may not see certain things as automatically more important than everything else. And even if they agree with me and still vote for someone else, that doesn’t mean they don’t think my message is important, they may just be willing to look at a different approach.

I know a lot of people supported me and what I brought to the race, and to them those things were important as was the experience that I had. I hope they do not feel like we’ve made a major error, or that we’re unmoored and taking risks. Picairn and I know that you can’t succeed in this job without a good team, and he has one. We all have to work together to succeed, because these are tough times, but just because some of us have been here longer or have done the job before doesn’t mean the input of those who have not isn’t just as vital. I know that the people who stuck by me will stick by Picairn too, and don’t forget that we were less tested and experienced at one point. I was a first-time delegate before, and people had to give me a chance and let me show them what I could do. I don’t believe the closeness of the election speaks ill of either of us or what we’re capable of, but illustrates that we could have gone down either road and ended up fine. I never believed Picairn couldn’t do this job, I just believed in what I had to offer more. He has my confidence and I’m also confident that before long he will have all of yours as well.