[GA—IN QUEUE—FOR] Repeal: “Cannibalism Act”


TNP Nation

Repeal: “Cannibalism Act”
Category: Repeal | GA #691
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic
Replacement: Prevention of Cannibalism

General Assembly Resolution #691 “Cannibalism Act” (Category: Moral Decency; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Hereby expresses, in its opinion:

Horrified that the practice of cannibalism puts WA states at risk of major public health crises, due to incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorders deriving from cannibalism affecting sapient species, such as humans, that are very hard to detect based on technologies common across the multiverse, have devastating effects on the physical and mental ability of infected, and inevitably terminal for sapient individuals affected;

Even more terrified by the idea that the target resolution allows "person-sourced meat" to be sourced from those granting "the affirmative and notarised written consent of every person from whom it was produced", which neglects that, due to WA laws on legal competence (GA299), allow the ghastly situation of legal parents or guardians granting consent to themselves to eat their own children without their children's consent;

Noting that consent to be consumed should be able to be withdrawn at any time but that humans near death may not be able to rescind such so-called affirmative and notarised consent, such as the lack of access to a notary, the cost of a notary, or through their own substantial health issues;

Convinced that the collective benefits of avoiding horrible, painful deaths from consuming, even if inadvertently, food derived from cannibalism all WA states multiverse outweigh the minor infringement of autonomy on the part of the dead or the living, or the failure to satisfy the culinary preferences of a tiny portion of the populace;

Flummoxed that the said resolution's blocker in clause 6 means that humans can be force-fed meat from other humans under some circumstances, against the consent of the consumer;

Noting that an outright ban on cannibalism across WA states is not possible because of the blocker in clause 6 of the target resolution, where the WA "disclaims all authority to impose additional restrictions on cannibalism or person-sourced meat";

Urging the World Assembly to give careful as to whether a replacement is even necessary in the first place, and, if deemed so, to vote in favor of an outright ban on cannibalism;

Hereby repeals GA691, Cannibalism Act.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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I'm for this - but with the caveat that I don't support the replacement. Cannibalism is a bizarre, niche obsession of a few authors, that then turned into a meme on the WA Discord server. None of these resolutions are actually helpful or necessary.
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And I've noticed that I seem to have submitted a version before I made some minor corrections to grammar (because I tend to use voice typing, sometimes a word or two is dropped). Sorry about that.
And I've noticed that I seem to have submitted a version before I made some minor corrections to grammar (because I tend to use voice typing, sometimes a word or two is dropped). Sorry about that.
The current text of proposal displayed here is correct yes? Also, no worries. I gotchu! ;)
Why is repeal a desirable outcome, except to facilitate the passage of a ban?

I can understand the perspective of "we should ban cannibalism and #691 stops that, so repeal", however the intent is seemingly to oppose such a replacement as well. In that case I don't see the point of this repeal.
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Why is repeal a desirable outcome, except to facilitate the passage of a ban?

I can understand the perspective of "we should ban cannibalism and #691 stops that, so repeal", however the intent is seemingly to oppose such a replacement as well. In that case I don't see the point of this repeal.
Because this entire topic is a bad waste of time, and so anything that repeals or prevents a resolution concerning it is a positive development. There should be no WA resolutions dealing with cannibalism.
Because this entire topic is a bad waste of time, and so anything that repeals or prevents a resolution concerning it is a positive development. There should be no WA resolutions dealing with cannibalism.
The target would prevent resolutions banning cannibalism.

I promise it dies for good unless @Magecastle tries to re-introduce it. (That was explicitly stated in the forum thread and in my TG for the campaign).
For the record, I also do not intend to submit a replacement if this passes -- while I don't see the point of the repeal, it also doesn't seem imminently harmful not to have WA law on this topic.
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The target would prevent resolutions banning cannibalism.
I understand that. My position is that the World Assembly should not take any sort of position on this matter — regardless of the form that may take.