[SC, passed] - Commend Nasicournia

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Commend Nasicournia
Category: < Commendation > | Target: Nasicournia
Proposed by: Westinor | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Turning the page to elden days, an age where chaos and destruction knew no bounds nor end, snuffing out the lights of civilizations and worlds in an ever-darkening night,

Beholding the rise of Nasicournia, a congregation of vibrant nations first bound together by their collective histories, a series of interwoven partnerships and conflicts connecting the first dozen and eventually hundreds of Nasicournian nations together into what would become not only one of the most developed regions in the world, but one of the first vibrant and multivarious communities. Nasicournia would house nations from other foundling allies like A New Begining and Cannabis Island to early raiders who, despite their eventual ideological dissonance with Nasicournia, would find a home united under Nasicournia’s collective stories, chronicling their many histories together — the most extensive of which include:

the aftermath of the release of a Katangarian dead-hand system, resulting in a series of conflicts between some of the greatest military powers in Nasicournia over possession of the superweapon,

the mystical tale of feudal warlords and their samurai servants across Nasicournia, battling one another in the name of honor and greed,

the intergalactic adventures of a pirate crew walking in the footsteps of pirate legend Lawrence Spacecreed, as space-faring militaries attempt to capture them in a journey through the stars,

Disheartened that while Nasicournia would transform under this collaborative premise, creating a regional identity and government that would see it flourish, its shining light would also draw the attention of malevolent forces both within and beyond Nasicournia’s borders, resulting in repeated attacks on the region upon the disappearance of founder Nasicournus,

Amazed, however, at the collective response of the community, which vigorously repelled numerous attacks with the help of their allies. They would go on to develop the unique strategy of establishing a border region known as the Nasicournian Borderlands to protect the homeland, an effort mirrored in success only by fellow antiquity region Hell, and eventually did the unthinkable, swaying the powers above to grant the insuperable powers of foundership to Pope Hope, the architect of the region’s rise,

Further awed that these constant assaults did not dissuade Nasicournia from the threats beyond its walls, rather inspiring its members to step up and take a defiant stand against invaders. Nasicournia would go on to help found the legendary Alliance Defense Network (ADN), which would go on to defend innumerable regions from attack and combat despotism and destruction at the hands of regimes like the New Pacific Order, which Nasicournia helped lead the opposition against in its earliest years,

Appreciating Nasicournia’s key role not only in developing the ADN’s framework, ranks, and leadership with its dozens of bright, passionate defenders, but also its identity and purpose. Nasicournia would serve as a hub for many of its members in between battles, where they would often join Nasicournians in their domestic events and efforts, and acted as a reminder of what the ADN was striving to protect — vulnerable, vibrant communities — many of whom like the North Pacific, Juxtaposition X, or Equilism, joined the ADN as a product of Nasicournian outreach and connections,

Astounded at Nasicournia’s incredible dedication to the practice of defending, being key in the birth of the cornerstone defender institutions of intelligence and operationality that continue to play a key role in defending to this day, exemplified by their regional defender apparatuses including:

the renowned defender army Nasicorps, led by fabled defenders like Pope Hope and Goobergunchia, who would be an ever-present force fighting on the front lines in early battles in regions like United States and Middle Earth. The Nasicorps would also act as a critical force within the ADN and other foundational defender alliances like the Allied Liberation League, particularly in operations of legend like the battles of the North Pacific against Pixiedance, and

the historical hallmark of defender intelligence known as the Nasicournian Intelligence Agency (NIA), which itself purveyed NationStates in the early years and was critical in the early protection of countless regions. The NIA acted as a crucial and oft-underappreciated information source in a time where information was quickly lost and raider organizations and operations were manifold, allowing invasions to go undetected long after the target was seized,

Enshrining the tales of those who grew bright in the underwood of this dark forest, the stories of their endurance lighting the trail for those of us who have since gone on into a brighter day,

Hereby Commends Nasicournia.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

For Against Abstain Present
The resolution proposal seeks to commend Nasicournia, one of the earliest regions to be founded in NationStates, which wielded considerable influence in many areas of the NS multiverse, from roleplay, regional gameplay to, last but not least, raiding/defending. The commendation is in a chronicle format and details much of the role that the region, especially with the Alliance Defense Network (ADN), a defender organisation, of which TNP was a member.

We believe the region is eminently commendable, especially as much of the history of this region is fading away due to the test of time, in particular changes to forums, archives, and the departure of veteran players from that early era. For TNP, this proposal somewhat coincides with our recently celebrated Manumission Day 2024 on 26 May, marking the end of Pixiedance’s reign of tyranny over TNP, for which Nasicournia made substantial contributions, as mentioned in the commendation.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the at-vote SC resolution, "Commend Nasicournia".
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For based on what I vaguely know about the region, but better ask someone who is more experienced in that part of the multiverse.
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