[GA, passed] Basic Self-Defense Rights

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TNP Nation
New Matzeratia

Basic Self-Defense Rights
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Zinke Zoogle Bee-Bop | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Believing self defense to be an essential human (or otherwise) right to ensure safety and peace of mind,

Hereby enacts the following in all member nations:

  1. Every person shall have the inalienable right to protect themselves, other people, and property from violence, destruction, and theft given that the force used for defense is not excessive.
  2. For the purposes of this resolution;
    1. "violence" shall refer only to physical harm done from one person to another, and
    2. "attack" shall mean a person initiating (or attempting to initiate) violence with another without having been provoked by violence or the actual threat of such violence by the individual(s) they have harmed.
  3. If a person, other people, or someone's property are put at an imminent threat of harm or theft due to another person's active attack or attempt of theft, force no less than what is necessary to stop the incoming attack or theft must be permitted in response, provided that such response is proportional to the actual threat.
  4. Nothing in section 3 shall apply to any action taken against a law enforcement official lawfully conducting their duties.
  5. No person shall face any civil or criminal penalty as a result of any of the actions protected by section 3, provided that no physical damage is inflicted on any party other than the one guilty of the original attack. Any such physical damage to bystanders may still be punished by law where such damage could have been avoided while still acting in self-defense.
  6. If a person commits an action in which they mistakenly believe they would be protected by section 3, the reasons for their mistake including real-time context, the person's mental capacity, any prior history between the relevant parties, and any other factors deemed relevant in a court of law shall be considered. If a person can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that;
    • the actual danger in question was obscured as a direct result of actions taken by the original aggressor,
    • the person acting in defense of themselves or others could not have known or reasonably have been expected to know that the perceived threat was not as serious as it had been perceived to be, and
    • the response to the perceived level of threat would have been protected by section 3 had the perception of danger been accurate,
    the person shall face no civil or criminal penalty as a result of the actions they took in response to the perceived danger.
  7. be it clarified that nothing in this resolution shall prevent any member state from expanding and strengthening the availability of self-defense.

Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to provide and implement a universal statutory framework for self-defense. Whilst a potentially laudable effort in a vacuum, it is a widely held view that this issue is best handled on an individual national level. In addition, there are some concerns with the amount of ifs and buts, and this was pushed through the forum quickly.
The Ministry agrees that this issue is best handled on an individual basis. For this and the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the at-vote GA resolution, “Basic Self-Defense Rights”

National reasons primarily; I do however feel that this has become a resolution with a grand aim necessarily being supplanted by unending ifs and buts. This was submitted very quickly without much forumside discussion, where the consensus was also that it rests quite heavily on the crutch of "reasonableness".
Against. I think the tests for lawful self-defence prescribed in the proposal are largely what one would expect from an attempt to pass a resolution on this issue, however, I am of the view that the law of self-defence ought to be left to national governments to determine absent some particularly pressing issue of specific concern.
EDIT: spelling “absent”
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(IC) it's kinda weird for me because my bears eat humans for lunch.

(OOC) we don't ban murders in GA anyway, so what's the point?
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Against. I think the tests for lawful self-defence prescribed in the proposal are largely what one would expect from an attempt to pass a resolution on this issue, however, I am of the view that the law of self-defence ought to be left to national governments to determine absent some particularly pressing issue of specific concern.
EDIT: spelling “absent”

There are some areas where I think rules on self-defence make sense across the WA - for example fighting on a flying plane or a ship at sea, but that's kinda already regulated via WA resolutions on those areas.
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