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- Skaraborg#9816

Home Affairs Roll Call - May 2024
Hello Home Affairs. Time for the next Roll Call.
Please sign up using the template below to remain in the Department of Home Affairs. I will re-mask you depending on the item you check. Forums and Discord will remain accessible unless you do not post within a week.
Nation in The North Pacific:
Discord Username:
Mark X in the boxes for each thing you are interested in this term:
[ ] Recruiting (Telegram Lists, Manual Recruitment, ...)
[ ] Mentor (Forum, Discord and Gameside)
[ ] Birthday Messages
[ ] Reviewing Resources (telegrams, dispatches etc.)
New staffers must first apply in the Executive Staff thread, and then post their roll call here. Returning staffers who do not make post within a week will need to reapply.
Further information for the term can be found in my opening address. If you want to know what anything means, feel free to contact me.
- Skaraborg