I am pleased that our new Delegate has entrusted me with the opportunity to serve as Minister of Foreign Affairs once again. My last opening address was pretty long, so I am going to try to keep this one short and sweet, so as to set the tone for the coming term.
During the past term, we endured several storms abroad - the departure of The West Pacific and The Pacific from the Modern Gameplay Compact and the end of the North-East Pacific Security treaty being eminent in my mind. The state of the game is in constant flux; the two aforementioned events were the culmination of trends that were a long time coming, and we must be prepared for the ever-shifting winds of political change; on one hand, to avoid sailing into rocks, and on the other, to avoid stagnating in once place and being left behind.
OK, so maybe that was a little poetic. My point is, over the course of the next term, I will be working together with the rest of the administration to ensure that we are always prepared to adapt to the game's landscape in a way that best suits our interests. With the election of a new delegate with a fresh perspective, and several new voices appointed to the cabinet, we are better placed than ever to evaluate our place in the world and what must be done to evolve. I am hopeful that, in accordance with the new delegate's wishes, we can approach foreign policy in a manner which is consultative, both of our appointed advisors and ministers in cabinet and, where practicable, the Regional Assembly as a whole.
Relating to advisors, another important part of my job is raising up the next generation of diplomats. My belief is that the best way to learn this is through mentorship, with the mentees shadowing the mentor and asking questions until they are ready to take over in their own right. In this capacity, I am pleased to appoint @Attempted Socialism and @Chipoli to the office of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The dual staff structure of analysts, who discuss world events, and ambassadors, who serve as our messengers and representatives to foreign regions, will continue. Shortly, I will release a roll call for the ambassador corps - I do not consider one to be necessary for the analysts - and a foreign update announcing the start of a new term.
Minister of Foreign Affairs