Economic Community of Gothis

Greater Ale Permars

RolePlay Moderator
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The Economic Community of Gothis (ECoG), is an economic and political Community created to bring the nations of Gothis together to promote stability, economic growth, and development. It is headquartered in Aarbeke, Waltalriche.​

The Kronach Accords

The Kingdom of Waltalriche, The Imperial Goynean Federation, The Royal Federation of Hessunland, The Grand Duchy of Gotmark, The Grand Republic of Gothis (Severoszlavia), and The Republic of Frisia

To FOUND an organization which shall promote international cooperation on the challenges that face Gothis;

To PROPOGATE free trade and reduced trade barriers alongside the standardization of production methods for the nations of Gothis;

To ABOLISH over time the various impediments to international travel and immigration that exist between the nations of our continent and to allow for the better flow of people across Gothis;

To ESTABLISH the foundations for transcontinental political cooperation;
And to ASSIST in the construction and maintenance of necessary infrastructure to promote a freer movement of goods, services, and capital across Gothis;

We, the undersigned signatories of these Kronach Accords, do hereby establish the Gothis Economic Community

Article I: Membership
Section 1. The Economic Community of Gothis, herein referred to as the Community, shall be an economic union established with the purpose of reducing barriers to trade, facilitating movement amongst nations on Gothis, establishing the foundation for transcontinental political structures and incentivizing infrastructure development. Members shall recognize the legitimacy of these Kronach Accords and shall abide by the provisions therein.

Section 2. Nations on Gothis shall be permitted entry to the Community after announcing their intentions in an official petition wherein they shall announce their intent to join.

Section 3. The provisions laid out in these Kronach Accords are binding upon every Member of this Community and cannot be opted out of. However, Members and their National Governments shall retain the right to self-determination, both in domestic and foreign affairs and policy.

Section 4. Any Member who shall find it necessary for their nation to not comply with legislation put forward by the Community may do so through an official petition to the General Assembly. Members in compliance with this Section and the requisite petition shall be exempt from having a grievance filed against them for opting out of passed legislation.

Section 5. Legislation passed by the Community shall not be incorporated into these Kronach Accords but shall instead be additional governing documents to this Community. Changes to these Accords and thus to the provisions that all Members of this Community are bound to shall
only be initiated and undertaken via amendments that shall require a majority of Members to be in favor of.

Section 7. Shall any Member of this Community fail to comply with these Kronach Accords and its legislation due to a filed and passed grievance, they shall be subject to sanctions, suspension of membership, or the expulsion of their nation from the Community. Sanctions and suspension of membership shall last six months except for expulsion which shall last for one year.

Section 8. If a Member of this Community finds that they have a grievance with another Member, they shall be allowed to file a petition with the Commission, who shall convene a Special Council to deal with the matter. The Special Council shall be composed of one representative from the Member who filed the grievance, one representative from the Member who the grievance was filed against, and one representative from all other Members of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Members involved in the grievance shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority (67%+) shall be required to move forward with a vote. The severity of punishment shall be based on a three-strikes policy, the first infraction shall result in sanctions, the second infraction shall result in suspension of membership, and the third infraction shall result in the expulsion of their nation. If a Member shall have found themselves expelled from this Community and have waited the requisite one-year wait period, readmittance shall require a majority vote (55%+) of the Members of this Community.

Article II: The Commission
Section 1. The Commission shall be the executive wing of this Community, composed of all permanent staffers, the President, the Vice President, and the respective Committee Chairs. The Commission shall be tasked with the administration, compliance, and record-keeping of this Community on behalf of all its Members.

Section 2. This body shall be led by a President, who shall be tasked with heading the Commission and representing this Community on the international stage, at economic conferences, and at other events. They shall be supported in their efforts by a Vice President who shall act as a check on the power of the President and act as the representative of this Community shall the President be absent. The President will be chosen by a simple majority vote of the General Affairs Committee (See Section III) and the Vice President will be appointed, and subject to GAC assent via a simple majority vote.

Section 3. The President and the Vice President shall have administrative authority to hire and fire staffers and to issue orders to be executed by subordinates. Further, they shall call sessions to open a forum for debate among all Members or to mediate debate among the Committees.

Section 4. Shall there be any Member of this Community who wishes to remove either the President or the Vice President from power, they shall be allowed to do so through the filing of Articles of Revocation to the Commission. This shall prompt the creation of a Special Council headed by a single representative from each Member of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Member who filed the Articles of Revocation and the President or Vice President, depending on who it was filed against, shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority shall be required to move forward with a vote.

Article III: Committees
Section 1. Each member nation will be a party to the committees which legislate this Community.

Section 2. The Committees will be as follows
General Affairs (GAC)
General affairs co-ordinates the work of the Community, prepares Community meetings and deals with issues crossing various council formations. Chaired by the President.

Foreign Affairs (FAC)
Chaired by the Presidency, it manages trade and development co-operation. It sometimes meets in a defence configuration.

Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin)
Composed of economics and finance ministers of the member states. It includes budgetary and community matters via an informal group composed only of Community member ministers.

Agriculture and Fisheries (Agrifish)
Composed of the agriculture and fisheries ministers of the member states. It considers matters concerning the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, forestry, organic farming, food and feed safety, seeds, pesticides, and fisheries.

Employment, and Consumer Affairs (ECAC)
Composed of employment, and consumer protection ministers.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)
Composed of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy ministers, this formation meets approximately once every two months.

Environment (ENV)

Composed of environment ministers, who meet about four times a year.

Section 2. Committee chairs will be appointed by the President, with the assent of the General Affairs Committee.

Section 3. Committee chairs must be reselected after one full year from their appointment, repeat appointments are forbidden within one term (meaning one year) of having possessed the chair, although Committee Chairs may be dismissed at any time by the President with assent from the GAC Committee.

Article IV: Community Headquarters

Section 1. The Community headquarters will be located in Aarbeke, Waltalriche at Riedrichstrasse 19. Alongside the facilities and administrative centers of the Commission.

Article V: Administration

Section 1. With the assistance of the Members of their Committee and their respective staff, the Committee Chairs and the vice President, acting on behalf of the Commission, shall compile a yearly budget to fulfil their salary requirements, their policy goals, their operations, and any other discretionary spending that is felt to be necessary. This compiled budget shall be submitted to the Commission for review by the President. Upon completion of this review process, the total sum of the Committee Budgets alongside the Commission Budget shall be totalled and submitted for payment by the Members of this Community. This annual budget and payment shall be proportionally divided among the members and shall not exceed 0.01% of a Member's total gross domestic product. Further, it shall fall upon the President to ensure that all members pay their share of the organizations budget.

Section 2. Members of the Commission, those being the President, the Vice President, and the Chairs of the Committees, shall be compensated from the General Fund of this Community.

Section 3. Members of this Community shall be responsible for compensating their representatives to the Committees within which they are a part.

Commission President
-Hugo Stöcker-
Kingdom of Waltalriche

Vice President

Committee Chairs

Member States
The Kingdom of Waltalriche
The Imperial Goynean Federation
The Royal Federation of Hessunland
The Grand Duchy of Gotmark
The Republic of Frisia
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Aarbeke, Waltalriche.

Hugo Stöcker narrowed his eyes as he minutely adjusted the silver placard with his country's name on it, his wire frame glasses sliding slightly down his nose. This had been his first assignment in over two years, previously the ambassador to Goyanes, Stöcker had worked for over a decade in Gojannesstad and had decided to take somewhat of a sabbatical, but a week before he arrived in Aarbeke, he had assumed it might have been permanent.

But then, a call came. He was told by the foreign office, that he would be representing the country in the new "Economic Community" that had just been birthed right in his old stomping grounds in Kronach. So he hopped, on a train to Aarbeke and set up shop, the hustle and bustle was immense in the days leading up to the other representatives' arrivals with the reconfiguration of one of the old city palace complexes into a temporary meeting hall as the new modern complex was being built. "It's almost poetic," Stöcker thought to himself, with the old being replaced with the new. Snapping out of his focus, the balding man watched as the other representatives took their seats. Stöcker, leaned towards his microphone and began to speak.

"I am happy, to have you all here today, for the first session of the General Affairs Committee of the Economic Community of Gothis. To start, I will be opening this committee to the nomination of a President of the Community's Commission. Regarding this, the Kingdom of Waltalriche as the inciting member of this organization would like to put itself forward as a candidate for the Presidency."
Riedrichstrasse 19, Aarbeke, Kingdom of Waltalriche

An elderly woman leans to a young man seated behind her. They spoke in Lechite.

Elderly woman: What is this fag up to?

Young man: Who do you mean, Baroness Stadtfeld?

Baroness Stadtfeld: That bald man over there. He looks meek. Have you heard the rumor?

YM: No, Baroness.

BS: I heard this straight from the Imperial Castle. The Waltalricher government offered support in case of a coup in Gniezno.

YM: What?

BS: I know, right? The insult went even further when they suggested deploying their forces in Severoszlav soil.

YM: That is...insulting.

BS: Now, back to that bald sissy. What's his name, again?

YM: Hugo Stöcker. He is the representative for Waltalriche.

BS: Yes. What does he want?

YM: He has just nominated himself for the Presidency of the E.C.G.

BS: What?

She glares at the Waltalricher representative.

YM: Do I need to translate more? Are you confident in your Mercanti?

BS: Don't bother! I'll speak in Gojan. That language of mutts should have never been allowed to spread in this continent.

YM: Yes, milady.

Baroness Stadtfeld leans towards the microphone.

YM: You are addressing the E.C.G. General Affairs Committee.

BS: Yes! I know!

Her loud voice booms through the microphone. The young man winced at the piercing noise it produced.

Baroness Stadtfeld merely huffed. She starts speaking in Gojan.

BS: Thank you, Representative Hugo Stöcker. Greetings, fellow members of the E.C.G.

As the representative of the Grand Republic of Gothis, I would like my first words to this esteemed committee to be a message of friendship.

I want to share our nation's gratitude for the generosity and confidence of the other nations who joined this promising organization. May our new partnership be fruitful. Let the E.C.G. become the bridge of future understanding.

I hope it will always brings peace to our continent when we need it the most.

In support of stability, I nominate the representative of the Grand Duchy of Gotmark. Next to Waltalriche, we see them as the best possible neutral candidate for the job. Thank you and good day.
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Aarbeke, Kingdom of Waltalriche

"I swear to Christ, I'll skin those Szlav bastards alive." Stöcker thought to himself as he gave the Severoszlavians a hard yet neutral look.

"The nomination of Gotmark is accepted and put forward. Seconds and thirds are welcome to begin the vote." He remained monotone and watched the Sevroszlavian delegation as they chit-chatted amongst themselves like a pack of drunk Kroancher nuns.

"They better hope the Gotmarkians turn that nomination down, otherwise they won't see a damn thing out of this so help me God." He thought, folding his hands out over the top of his folders and papers that sat, neatly organized on the desk in front of him.

He turned off his microphone for a moment and leaned to speak to his aide, a young woman of about twenty-four. "Tell Fritz that I want him to have a little heart-to-heart, with the Severoszlavian embassy before I turn their representatives into Kielbasa. Tell him that if they don't cut the shit, we'll start cutting the foreign aid and reorienting our strategic goals to align more with the Andrennians. And tell him that if that doesn't work, he should make it work or I'll find him a new home handling visa approvals in Iolanta."

"Yes, Herr Ambassador." The young woman stood and walked away, pulling her phone from her pocket to make a phone call.
OOC Notice: Co-written with @Greater Ale Permars.

Embassy of the Grand Republic of Gothis

A middle-aged man listened to a man named "Fritz."

Fritz explained in his native Aleman that if the Severoszlav officials "don't cut the shit," they'll stop sending foreign aid to Severoszlavia and start aligning with Andrenne.

The middle-aged man also speaks Aleman.

Middle-aged man: Is that all?

Fritz: Nein, Herr Ambassador. He threatened to send me to Iolanta.

Herr Ambassador: Tell Herr Stöcker to stop being silly. Your country doesn't send us foreign aid.

Herr Ambassador snorts.

I hope he'll realize this and that other big mistake. Does he expect Waltalriche to be elected uncontested? What's the point of calling for a vote without an opposing candidate? Odjebało ci?!

Fritz: At the very least do it for me, give the man what he wants.

Herr Ambassador slowly nods.

HA: Okay.

Fritz: Sure, you put up feigned opposition. That's fine. But he'll want your backing by the end of this in exchange for the Committee spot.

Herr Ambassador slowly nods.

HA: Committee?

Fritz: And because it's my ass on the line, I would rather die trying to get this done than be stuck in the blindspot of God that is Auroria. Least of all Iolanta.

Herr Ambassador presses his lips together.

HA: Iolanta is a shitty place.

Fritz: I mean, for fuck's sake! The place is getting invaded!

HA: It is.

Fritz: The only thing getting stamped other than visas would be my head with a Sorovian missile!

Herr Ambassador raises his hands.

HA: Alright, alright! You know, I like you. Even if you're acting all crazy and hysterical. Tell him Severoszlavia will vote him for Commission President.
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Aarbeke, Kingdom of Waltalriche

"Herr Ambassador, Fritz just called and he says he got them to agree on matching us for the final vote." The young woman said, placing the mobile phone into her work bag on the chair behind Stöcker.

"Although he said to tell you that there is no foreign aide going to Severoszlavia in the first place, so he wasn't sure what you were referring to."

Stöcker shook his head, "I meant to say future economic aid, christ I'm rusty."

"Well at least they'll cooperate now, and you have the "opposition" to make the vote more legitimate." She replied reaching into her bag, pulling out a pen and notepad from one of the inside pockets.

"Sure," He paused for a second, thinking. "Can you put in my lunch order after I'm done starting this vote?"

"I can, Herr ambassador, the usual?" She asked, clicking the button on her pen.

"No, not today its Friday. Get me some kind of fish, maybe like a cod sandwich or fish and chips. With that one Prydanian soft drink I liked last week, what's it called?"

'Toki's I think, the lemonade?" She scribbled it down on the paper, in what looked like a doctor's shorthand.

"That's it. Thanks Erika." He said turning back to address the chamber, Stöcker pressed the "ON button" of his microphone. He leaned in to speak.

"We will, if there are no more nominations, begin the process of voting. Make sure that any procedural or nomination related issues are settled now before we begin."
Sigurt Svenholm was a veteran of the Gojannesstad political scene. A former high up in Ken Lorge's Chancellery of Foreign Affairs, he was present through all of the formation of the PGU, and now he was here witnessing the Gothis Economic Community. His appointment to this role by Chancellor Årnad, a former PGU chairman himself, came as somewhat of a shock to him. He was hoping for an ambassadorial position in the tropics, not in a "cursed union" as some of his bar friends have told him a short train ride from Leivarden in Waltalriche.

Waltalriche, was let's say, not an ideal place for Sigurt. Waltalriche was Goyanes, except if it embraced rampant authoritarian activities instead, at least in SIgurt's eyes. But herein he saw an opportunity. "I can change this" he thought, tying his tie in his Aarbeke hotel room. A knock came at the door, prompting him to peer through the peephole. It was his executive assistant, Kristoff. He opens the door to his room.

"Well, Sigurt. Are we ready to go?"

"Let's do this. I sure as hell don't want to be in this room any longer."


Sigurt dropped his voting card in the box at the front of the room with a pit in his throat. He hated the fact that Waltalriche was who he voted for and not Gotmark. That being said there was a grander plan at play. Goyanes was to take the vice presidency of the organization and control of the committees. Given this, Goyanes would be able to achieve its policy objectives in a more subtle manner. He takes a moment and stops by Stöcker.

"I hope our agreement pays off. Herr Kanzlei is very interested in how this will all play out."
Stöcker eyed up the man, he had already cast his vote not three minutes prior, for Waltalriche of course, seeing as the polite custom of voting for your opponent was a foolish notion full of naïvete. He watched as the Goyanean man, dropped his ballot in the box like a soldier going off to war, stern and full of duty. Stöcker could tell when a man was beside himself, and this man Sigurt looked as if he'd just been ordered to kill his dog. The man approached him and said his words, Stöcker looked up at him.

"I think he'll be more than satisfied," He extended a hand and motioned it towards the assembled representatives and their staffs.

"After all, this is the future of Gothis." He gave a smile. "A future, which we'll all be a part of building."
Baroness Stadtfeld drops her ballot in the box. It is in favor of Waltalriche.

She mutters in Lechite.

"Why do they keep insisting on giving us foreign aid? We also give foreign aid to Anmativeda."

She snorts.

"They are probably trying to make us look stupid."
Stöcker beamed on the inside trying not to smile too much as the votes were tallied and announced.

One of the secretaries who counted the votes announced the results through a microphone on their podium.
"The votes have been tallied and a majority has been reached, the Kingdom of Waltalriche will take the position of President of the Economic Community and head of the Commission. The President may now present his choices for Vice President and the Chairs of each Committee."

Polite applause was given before Stöcker turned on his own microphone and began to speak.

"I would like to thank this body for entrusting me with the responsibility of administering the executive functions of this body, I will do my best to unlock this organization's potential and expand prosperity across Gothis. And so, I will be announcing the following as my selections for the committees and vice presidency.

Vice Presidency- Goyanes
Economic and Financial- Hessunland
Agriculture and Fisheries- Gotmark
Employment, and Consumer Affairs- Severoszlavia
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy- Goyanes
Environment- Frisia

And, as President of the General Affairs committee, I would like to put forward this list for your approval."
Some time ago
Kristoph Oyvindsson, Crown Prince of Gotmark, soon to be newly wed to his fiance Luis, fidigeted. Again. Liva Ottadottir, the tailor adjusting one of three suits the wedding planners had insisted upon just for the pre-wedding ceremonies, tutted at him. Again. "Stay still or this will take longer".

Kristoph grimaced and did his best to hold still, whilst continuing the conversation he was having with his younger brother. "Remind me again why you were so insistent on joining this alliance containing a spirits-damned theocracy?"

William leaned back in his chair, relaxed, deputising as Best Man as Cije had been called away for medical reasons. "Because, brother, it probably would've formed without us otherwise. And I'd rather get a foot in the door now whilst it's still small and we can use our influence in the most effective way. The Walties might be all mad, but Goyanes is not and they'll be the main economic backer of this alliance. Frisia and Hessunland are non-entities. I don't know enough about how Severoszlavia operate but, to be honest, that'll matter very little if we bring the Gojans with us and convince the Frisians and Hessunlanders to support our proposals."

Kristoph continued frowning as Liva fussed around his sleeves. "I feel like this will be a hard sell regardless to some of the Council of Deputies."

"It probably will, but we still have the numbers to push it through. And I have an able ambassador in mind."

Kristoph was about to ask who until he looked at who had just entered the small shop in Lerum. "Ah. Yes, she'll do."

Exactly at that moment
Máijá Ornsson shifted on the stop, about as uncomfortable as Kristoph had been mere moments ago. Rather than the uniform of Gotmark's armed forces or Geldkrieger or even the security attire she had been wearing just days ago, instead she worn the deep blue coat of the Gotmarker Diplomatic Service, complete with embroidered gold leaf pattern, along with a goatshead crown medalion she wore around her neck. A red sash ran diagonally over the coat, complete with her military medals. She had worn dress uniform plenty of times previously, but there was something altogether more ornate and serious about wearing the uniform of an ambassador.

She looked at Kristoph and William. "Well, Princes, how do I look?"

Kristoph was lost for words, whilst William laughed. "You'll do, I believe is the phrase my brother used." He rose. "To be more serious, you look every bit the part of the stiff, oppositional ambassador I want you to be. The goal is to protect our interests, push boldly for policies we want, and not be afraid to upset our new friends. Take hold of the opportunities presented to us to shape policy, especially in areas that interest us most - economic prosperity is secondary to environmental health and if you must choke industry to do it, do so."

Máijá Ornsson nodded. "The will of Gotmark will be done."

Right now
Máijá hadn't expected for Gotmark to be handed the committee it wanted, but given it was where Gotmark was known as a world leader, it probably wasn't unexpected when she rose in response to Hugo Stöcker announcement of their selections. "I must firstly congratulate you Mr Stöcker on your new position, I hope you will prove to be wise and unsectarian as you guide our new community.

I do, however, have to wonder if perhaps a mistake has been made in your selections. Whilst Gotmark is home to the best fish dishes in all of Gothis, I don't feel like that warrants not granting us the committee we are clearly most qualified to lead, that of the environment. We, unlike most other nations here, have extensive experience in recovering environments affected by both war and industrial abuse, having helped the nation of Norsos in particular with the regrowth of their historical forests and woodlands, amongst many others."

Máijá looked at the list again. "I see that you have granted our Gojan friends a committee that they, clearly, as most qualified for, despite them possessing the competency to succeed in other committees. We only ask that you treat Gotmark with the same respect. We have more in common with each other than not, you will find, if you can overcome your background and keep an open mind." Máijá spoke warmly in an attempt to mask the slight. "I trust you will reconsider these assignments? I'm sure our friends in Hessunland are most capable of the Agriculture brief and would be happy to lead the efforts there."
14 April, 2024
The Büro of the Arch-Treasurer
The Stadt, Friedensstadt
southern Gothis

"Well, the Waltalrichers have done it. A trading bloc with the Goyanneans and the Se... Sewer..."
With a huff of indignation, the Chamberlain - Karsten Voss, a fifty-something man, positively sprite for a man of the Kongress - clicked his slender fingers loud and clear above old Meinrad's face in impatience, reminding the 88-year-old where his glasses were. "Put your ff... put your glasses on, Arch-Treasurer." A few seconds of fumbling later, and Karsten got tired of waiting. "Severoszlavs."
A flicker of light twinged in the watery eyes of the Arch-Treasurer. "Ah, the Severozavs!" He burbled, smiling in victory. Karsten Voss considered correcting the decrepit bastard, but shrugged the thought off. The Stadt wasn't bringing youth to anything, after all; it was bringing cold, hard guldens, by the billion. And a handshake here or there couldn't hurt - Meinrad certainly hadn't lost his ability to do those, either, for what it was worth. It also wasn't worth correcting Meinrad, since the man would forget the correction within minutes.
Meinrad pushed on in earnest. "And the-"
"And we will therefore have to meet with them," a sullen-looking gentleman with a grey suit that matched his receding hair, incredibly sunny demeanour and desperate attempt at a combover, "to thrash out a deal." He shared a look with Karsten, a knowing look - Karsten returned an expression thanking him for preventing Meinrad from chuntering through the list of countries one by one.
"We are joining, no? That is the point?" Meinrad interjected, out of either confusion with his friend's assumption... or a genuine lack of memory, it was hard to tell. Karsten and a few of the others nodded their assent. "Then we don't need a deal, we need a letter informing them of the Stadt's intentions."
Karsten muttered and you're going to write it, are you, under his breath.
"Yes, I will indeed be writing it, you miserable little coward." Meinrad's eyes stared pointedly at a rather wounded Karsten, as the board delicately chose each of their expressions to wear... but only for a few seconds, before Meinrad returned to his usual expression of mild pleasance. "Now, as Herr Voss has so prudently brought us onto, we will need to enter arbitration with the ECG."
"I would suggest it wise that we consider which of the committees we ought to stand for, surely?" Gotthard Loewen interjected, a tall gentleman whose hair colour was a full truffle-brown despite each of his seventy years of age, his voice clear and rather smooth. Loewen owned the 47% of the shares in Traugott-Danz-Loewen that Meinrad Traugott-Danz did not own, and had served as Meinrad's Chamberlain a year ago. Chamberlains didn't last too long in the job - much too boring, and rather distracting from the everyday business running that the Stadters had to do. "Our position in the region is one of consolidated, even-handed advice when it is at its best, no?"
"Our position in the region is not contingent on holding ceremonial positions in a month-old organisation between countries who hate each other not quite enough to put aside monetary gain." Meinrad answered cordially, pointing his finger at various lines in the informative letter on the organisation. "Telecoms... Environment, I mean who gives two damns? We'll just speak with our friends in Erlagen on the matter, I'm sure they have a lot to gain from gunning for being the ceremonial head of anything ever these days."
"It didn't stop the Aurorians trading with them," Karsten noted, "Erlagen's reputation and all. This will only strengthen their willingness, and thus our hand."
Meinrad smiled, yet shook his head. "This is nothing about Waltalriche. This is about how the Stadt can benefit from the ECG. We have ascertained it can, and therefore we are wasting our breaths sitting here discussing platitudes and postures." He got up, and this time he clicked his fingers, followed by a raise of his hand. "Right, now get out of my office, the lot of you."

To the honourable representatives and member states of the Economic Community of Gothis,

The Economic Community of Gothis shares the common values of prosperity and trade without needless friction that the Stadt was built on for hundreds of years, and we would be privileged to apply to become a participating member of your community forthwith. Gothis is one continent, and any movement towards it embodying one united community of collaborating members must be a positive one. This Community would therefore represent an excellent opportunity to foster essential building of ties between our respective nations.

We look forward to an era of co-operation, flourishing partnerships and the nurturing of the synergy between our national economies, and thus look forward to your collective response.

Meinrad Traugott-Danz
Arch-Treasurer of the Free City of Friedensstadt
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Stöcker internally rolled his eyes, of course, there were always objections, but then again it wasn't the worst objection.

"The Presidency is amenable to the requests of the Grand Duchy of Gotmark and will amend the list to swap the positions of the Chairs for the Environment and the Agricultural committees."

Stöcker was then approached by his aide Erika, a piece of paper in her hand.

"A message from the Friedenstadt for you, with the compliments of Herr Traugott-Danz." She said with a polite smile.

He took the paper from her and read it over.

"I didn't think the old man was still alive, but it's good to see he has sense. We'll get this passed then and bring their membership to a vote."

"Of course Herr Ambassador." Erika nodded, withdrawing to her seat behind him.

Stöcker returned to the microphone.

"We have just received a membership application so if there are no qualms with the amendments made to the Commission Chair appointments I believe we can move this to a vote."