[Logo Pending]
The Economic Community of Gothis (ECoG), is an economic and political Community created to bring the nations of Gothis together to promote stability, economic growth, and development. It is headquartered in Aarbeke, Waltalriche.
The Economic Community of Gothis (ECoG), is an economic and political Community created to bring the nations of Gothis together to promote stability, economic growth, and development. It is headquartered in Aarbeke, Waltalriche.
The Kronach Accords
Commission President
-Hugo Stöcker-
Kingdom of Waltalriche
Vice President
Committee Chairs
The Kronach Accords
The Kingdom of Waltalriche, The Imperial Goynean Federation, The Royal Federation of Hessunland, The Grand Duchy of Gotmark, The Grand Republic of Gothis (Severoszlavia), and The Republic of Frisia
To FOUND an organization which shall promote international cooperation on the challenges that face Gothis;
To PROPOGATE free trade and reduced trade barriers alongside the standardization of production methods for the nations of Gothis;
To ABOLISH over time the various impediments to international travel and immigration that exist between the nations of our continent and to allow for the better flow of people across Gothis;
To ESTABLISH the foundations for transcontinental political cooperation;
And to ASSIST in the construction and maintenance of necessary infrastructure to promote a freer movement of goods, services, and capital across Gothis;
We, the undersigned signatories of these Kronach Accords, do hereby establish the Gothis Economic Community
Article I: Membership
Section 1. The Economic Community of Gothis, herein referred to as the Community, shall be an economic union established with the purpose of reducing barriers to trade, facilitating movement amongst nations on Gothis, establishing the foundation for transcontinental political structures and incentivizing infrastructure development. Members shall recognize the legitimacy of these Kronach Accords and shall abide by the provisions therein.
Section 2. Nations on Gothis shall be permitted entry to the Community after announcing their intentions in an official petition wherein they shall announce their intent to join.
Section 3. The provisions laid out in these Kronach Accords are binding upon every Member of this Community and cannot be opted out of. However, Members and their National Governments shall retain the right to self-determination, both in domestic and foreign affairs and policy.
Section 4. Any Member who shall find it necessary for their nation to not comply with legislation put forward by the Community may do so through an official petition to the General Assembly. Members in compliance with this Section and the requisite petition shall be exempt from having a grievance filed against them for opting out of passed legislation.
Section 5. Legislation passed by the Community shall not be incorporated into these Kronach Accords but shall instead be additional governing documents to this Community. Changes to these Accords and thus to the provisions that all Members of this Community are bound to shall
only be initiated and undertaken via amendments that shall require a majority of Members to be in favor of.
Section 7. Shall any Member of this Community fail to comply with these Kronach Accords and its legislation due to a filed and passed grievance, they shall be subject to sanctions, suspension of membership, or the expulsion of their nation from the Community. Sanctions and suspension of membership shall last six months except for expulsion which shall last for one year.
Section 8. If a Member of this Community finds that they have a grievance with another Member, they shall be allowed to file a petition with the Commission, who shall convene a Special Council to deal with the matter. The Special Council shall be composed of one representative from the Member who filed the grievance, one representative from the Member who the grievance was filed against, and one representative from all other Members of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Members involved in the grievance shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority (67%+) shall be required to move forward with a vote. The severity of punishment shall be based on a three-strikes policy, the first infraction shall result in sanctions, the second infraction shall result in suspension of membership, and the third infraction shall result in the expulsion of their nation. If a Member shall have found themselves expelled from this Community and have waited the requisite one-year wait period, readmittance shall require a majority vote (55%+) of the Members of this Community.
Article II: The Commission
Section 1. The Commission shall be the executive wing of this Community, composed of all permanent staffers, the President, the Vice President, and the respective Committee Chairs. The Commission shall be tasked with the administration, compliance, and record-keeping of this Community on behalf of all its Members.
Section 2. This body shall be led by a President, who shall be tasked with heading the Commission and representing this Community on the international stage, at economic conferences, and at other events. They shall be supported in their efforts by a Vice President who shall act as a check on the power of the President and act as the representative of this Community shall the President be absent. The President will be chosen by a simple majority vote of the General Affairs Committee (See Section III) and the Vice President will be appointed, and subject to GAC assent via a simple majority vote.
Section 3. The President and the Vice President shall have administrative authority to hire and fire staffers and to issue orders to be executed by subordinates. Further, they shall call sessions to open a forum for debate among all Members or to mediate debate among the Committees.
Section 4. Shall there be any Member of this Community who wishes to remove either the President or the Vice President from power, they shall be allowed to do so through the filing of Articles of Revocation to the Commission. This shall prompt the creation of a Special Council headed by a single representative from each Member of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Member who filed the Articles of Revocation and the President or Vice President, depending on who it was filed against, shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority shall be required to move forward with a vote.
Article III: Committees
Section 1. Each member nation will be a party to the committees which legislate this Community.
Section 2. The Committees will be as follows
General Affairs (GAC)
General affairs co-ordinates the work of the Community, prepares Community meetings and deals with issues crossing various council formations. Chaired by the President.
Foreign Affairs (FAC)
Chaired by the Presidency, it manages trade and development co-operation. It sometimes meets in a defence configuration.
Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin)
Composed of economics and finance ministers of the member states. It includes budgetary and community matters via an informal group composed only of Community member ministers.
Agriculture and Fisheries (Agrifish)
Composed of the agriculture and fisheries ministers of the member states. It considers matters concerning the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, forestry, organic farming, food and feed safety, seeds, pesticides, and fisheries.
Employment, and Consumer Affairs (ECAC)
Composed of employment, and consumer protection ministers.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)
Composed of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy ministers, this formation meets approximately once every two months.
Environment (ENV)
Composed of environment ministers, who meet about four times a year.
Section 2. Committee chairs will be appointed by the President, with the assent of the General Affairs Committee.
Section 3. Committee chairs must be reselected after one full year from their appointment, repeat appointments are forbidden within one term (meaning one year) of having possessed the chair, although Committee Chairs may be dismissed at any time by the President with assent from the GAC Committee.
Article IV: Community Headquarters
Section 1. The Community headquarters will be located in Aarbeke, Waltalriche at Riedrichstrasse 19. Alongside the facilities and administrative centers of the Commission.
Article V: Administration
Section 1. With the assistance of the Members of their Committee and their respective staff, the Committee Chairs and the vice President, acting on behalf of the Commission, shall compile a yearly budget to fulfil their salary requirements, their policy goals, their operations, and any other discretionary spending that is felt to be necessary. This compiled budget shall be submitted to the Commission for review by the President. Upon completion of this review process, the total sum of the Committee Budgets alongside the Commission Budget shall be totalled and submitted for payment by the Members of this Community. This annual budget and payment shall be proportionally divided among the members and shall not exceed 0.01% of a Member's total gross domestic product. Further, it shall fall upon the President to ensure that all members pay their share of the organizations budget.
Section 2. Members of the Commission, those being the President, the Vice President, and the Chairs of the Committees, shall be compensated from the General Fund of this Community.
Section 3. Members of this Community shall be responsible for compensating their representatives to the Committees within which they are a part.
The Kingdom of Waltalriche, The Imperial Goynean Federation, The Royal Federation of Hessunland, The Grand Duchy of Gotmark, The Grand Republic of Gothis (Severoszlavia), and The Republic of Frisia
To FOUND an organization which shall promote international cooperation on the challenges that face Gothis;
To PROPOGATE free trade and reduced trade barriers alongside the standardization of production methods for the nations of Gothis;
To ABOLISH over time the various impediments to international travel and immigration that exist between the nations of our continent and to allow for the better flow of people across Gothis;
To ESTABLISH the foundations for transcontinental political cooperation;
And to ASSIST in the construction and maintenance of necessary infrastructure to promote a freer movement of goods, services, and capital across Gothis;
We, the undersigned signatories of these Kronach Accords, do hereby establish the Gothis Economic Community
Article I: Membership
Section 1. The Economic Community of Gothis, herein referred to as the Community, shall be an economic union established with the purpose of reducing barriers to trade, facilitating movement amongst nations on Gothis, establishing the foundation for transcontinental political structures and incentivizing infrastructure development. Members shall recognize the legitimacy of these Kronach Accords and shall abide by the provisions therein.
Section 2. Nations on Gothis shall be permitted entry to the Community after announcing their intentions in an official petition wherein they shall announce their intent to join.
Section 3. The provisions laid out in these Kronach Accords are binding upon every Member of this Community and cannot be opted out of. However, Members and their National Governments shall retain the right to self-determination, both in domestic and foreign affairs and policy.
Section 4. Any Member who shall find it necessary for their nation to not comply with legislation put forward by the Community may do so through an official petition to the General Assembly. Members in compliance with this Section and the requisite petition shall be exempt from having a grievance filed against them for opting out of passed legislation.
Section 5. Legislation passed by the Community shall not be incorporated into these Kronach Accords but shall instead be additional governing documents to this Community. Changes to these Accords and thus to the provisions that all Members of this Community are bound to shall
only be initiated and undertaken via amendments that shall require a majority of Members to be in favor of.
Section 7. Shall any Member of this Community fail to comply with these Kronach Accords and its legislation due to a filed and passed grievance, they shall be subject to sanctions, suspension of membership, or the expulsion of their nation from the Community. Sanctions and suspension of membership shall last six months except for expulsion which shall last for one year.
Section 8. If a Member of this Community finds that they have a grievance with another Member, they shall be allowed to file a petition with the Commission, who shall convene a Special Council to deal with the matter. The Special Council shall be composed of one representative from the Member who filed the grievance, one representative from the Member who the grievance was filed against, and one representative from all other Members of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Members involved in the grievance shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority (67%+) shall be required to move forward with a vote. The severity of punishment shall be based on a three-strikes policy, the first infraction shall result in sanctions, the second infraction shall result in suspension of membership, and the third infraction shall result in the expulsion of their nation. If a Member shall have found themselves expelled from this Community and have waited the requisite one-year wait period, readmittance shall require a majority vote (55%+) of the Members of this Community.
Article II: The Commission
Section 1. The Commission shall be the executive wing of this Community, composed of all permanent staffers, the President, the Vice President, and the respective Committee Chairs. The Commission shall be tasked with the administration, compliance, and record-keeping of this Community on behalf of all its Members.
Section 2. This body shall be led by a President, who shall be tasked with heading the Commission and representing this Community on the international stage, at economic conferences, and at other events. They shall be supported in their efforts by a Vice President who shall act as a check on the power of the President and act as the representative of this Community shall the President be absent. The President will be chosen by a simple majority vote of the General Affairs Committee (See Section III) and the Vice President will be appointed, and subject to GAC assent via a simple majority vote.
Section 3. The President and the Vice President shall have administrative authority to hire and fire staffers and to issue orders to be executed by subordinates. Further, they shall call sessions to open a forum for debate among all Members or to mediate debate among the Committees.
Section 4. Shall there be any Member of this Community who wishes to remove either the President or the Vice President from power, they shall be allowed to do so through the filing of Articles of Revocation to the Commission. This shall prompt the creation of a Special Council headed by a single representative from each Member of this Community. All Members shall be free to contribute to the debate at hand and to vote on the matter however, the Member who filed the Articles of Revocation and the President or Vice President, depending on who it was filed against, shall be barred from voting. A two-thirds or more majority shall be required to move forward with a vote.
Article III: Committees
Section 1. Each member nation will be a party to the committees which legislate this Community.
Section 2. The Committees will be as follows
General Affairs (GAC)
General affairs co-ordinates the work of the Community, prepares Community meetings and deals with issues crossing various council formations. Chaired by the President.
Foreign Affairs (FAC)
Chaired by the Presidency, it manages trade and development co-operation. It sometimes meets in a defence configuration.
Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin)
Composed of economics and finance ministers of the member states. It includes budgetary and community matters via an informal group composed only of Community member ministers.
Agriculture and Fisheries (Agrifish)
Composed of the agriculture and fisheries ministers of the member states. It considers matters concerning the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, forestry, organic farming, food and feed safety, seeds, pesticides, and fisheries.
Employment, and Consumer Affairs (ECAC)
Composed of employment, and consumer protection ministers.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)
Composed of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy ministers, this formation meets approximately once every two months.
Environment (ENV)
Composed of environment ministers, who meet about four times a year.
Section 2. Committee chairs will be appointed by the President, with the assent of the General Affairs Committee.
Section 3. Committee chairs must be reselected after one full year from their appointment, repeat appointments are forbidden within one term (meaning one year) of having possessed the chair, although Committee Chairs may be dismissed at any time by the President with assent from the GAC Committee.
Article IV: Community Headquarters
Section 1. The Community headquarters will be located in Aarbeke, Waltalriche at Riedrichstrasse 19. Alongside the facilities and administrative centers of the Commission.
Article V: Administration
Section 1. With the assistance of the Members of their Committee and their respective staff, the Committee Chairs and the vice President, acting on behalf of the Commission, shall compile a yearly budget to fulfil their salary requirements, their policy goals, their operations, and any other discretionary spending that is felt to be necessary. This compiled budget shall be submitted to the Commission for review by the President. Upon completion of this review process, the total sum of the Committee Budgets alongside the Commission Budget shall be totalled and submitted for payment by the Members of this Community. This annual budget and payment shall be proportionally divided among the members and shall not exceed 0.01% of a Member's total gross domestic product. Further, it shall fall upon the President to ensure that all members pay their share of the organizations budget.
Section 2. Members of the Commission, those being the President, the Vice President, and the Chairs of the Committees, shall be compensated from the General Fund of this Community.
Section 3. Members of this Community shall be responsible for compensating their representatives to the Committees within which they are a part.
Commission President
-Hugo Stöcker-
Kingdom of Waltalriche
Vice President
Committee Chairs
Member States
The Kingdom of Waltalriche
The Imperial Goynean Federation
The Royal Federation of Hessunland
The Grand Duchy of Gotmark
The Republic of Frisia
The Imperial Goynean Federation
The Royal Federation of Hessunland
The Grand Duchy of Gotmark
The Republic of Frisia
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