Midterm Update - March 2024
We have made some progress; the creation of the Analyst role is complete, we are gathering data for building the visual embassy network, and our first case study is near completion. Nonetheless, it has not been to the degree I hoped for. I take full responsibility for this failure to deliver. I still believe that, if we pick up the pace over the rest of the term, we can accomplish what I set out in my opening address, but it will take a more organized effort from me.
To that end, I will be accepting applications for a deputy minister of foreign affairs. This deputy minister will replace @Nutmeg The Squirrel, who has informed me that he wishes to resign; I thank him for his service to TNP as a deputy minister of foreign affairs, as well as in his other offices in the region. I will be working with this deputy minister to implement my key policies for the ministry going forwards. Everyone is invited to apply, even those with little to no experience in foreign affairs specifically.