My Life


he/him or she/her
TNP Nation
Communist Beijing Must be China
Got inspired by El Fiji, so here goes. I already got a pretty nice headstart, considering I can do 100 pushups in 20 minutes or so, that's including distractions and breaks. Pushups until failure is somewhere around 20 to 25, I haven't bothered to check. Thanks in part to school, I built up a decent physique, in which my biceps are visible. I kinda want to get back into my daily training routine, since I've stopped for over 2 months, and that's really weakened my muscles. Blogging was never my thing, but I'll give it a shot to track my progress. Probably going to update every week or so, that's what I hope anyway. Cheers!

Edit: This is now a blog about daily happenings in my life.
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Attempted doing some situps, and managed to do 30 or so. My goal is to try and get to 50 before May, which should be possible with consistency and effort. As stated in the opening, I did 100 pushups in roughly 20 minutes today, give or take a few minutes. I might bother going for a jog later, hopefully getting to do 2km in... 15 minutes. Maybe even 14 minutes if I feel like it. See you next week, or tomorrow.

EDIT: Decided to not bother. I'm filled on Tuesday, so hopefully I can jog on Wednesday. I'll also cycle to school tomorrow, hopefully.
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Cycled to school both yesterday and today. Also did ~60 sit-ups for gym class. If it doesn't rain for long (quite unlikely), I'll go for a jog today.

Today's workout goals:
120 pushups completed
40 sit-ups in a row failed (30 only)

Update: 100 pushups completed in 19 minutes. Eventually I want to improve this. Also failed to do 40 sit-ups in a row with no breaks. It's probably too high of a goal. Since it hasn't rained, I'll most likely take a jog later.
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Cycled to school, again. I didn't go for a jog, again. I know, I'm a huge procrastinator, bad habit. Anyway, without distractions, I completed 100 pushups in 10 minutes, I consider that an achievement. I also checked how many pushups I can do to failure, and it ended up being 30. 35 sit-ups to failure as well. Overall, today was an improvement from yesterday.

Workout status:
100 pushups in 10 minutes
120 pushups completed
35 sit-ups in a row

Was supposed to update it yesterday, but was too tired to do so. Because of CCA, I got to do 100 pushups and also got back pain. Hurray, I'm an old wheezer now.

Workout status:
100 pushups in 11 minutes (+ jumping jacks & running)
135 pushups completed
No sit-ups done

UPDATE: My back pain's faded a little after some rest. Also found out I have pain in my quads as well. I guess I have to apply more Counterpain and other pain-relieving things.
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Don't expect a long update today. Life being life, catching up with me. I will go for a jog today, the procrastination is enough!

Workout status:
100 pushups in 10 minutes
100 pushups completed
40 sit-ups total completed (25 in a row)
2km in 15mins

Update: I mean, I did go for the jog. 2km in 15 minutes, including incline and decline. Pretty proud of it.
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Forgot about this thread, lmao. Anyhoo, procrastination got the best of me, and so I've done nothing today. So far, I've been successfully cycling to school every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from the 19th of March. Rather proud of that. Also, procrastination has gotten the best of me. I recall I did workout a few times, got 100 pushups in 9 minutes or so.

Look, life can happen. I have a real life, outside of the digital world. "Oh, you're just making excuses-" shut up. I have other things to do, and of more importance.
Alright, enough of the negativity, let's talk about what I've done today. Coincidentally, it's also been a month since I started this up, hurray. I participated in my CCA and all that, whatever. I might ball with my friends tomorrow morning, I'll see what happens. Also, the timings for the CCA have been updated, meaning I only need to come once a week. Eh, that has its benefits and downsides. Less physical exercise - pushups, sit-ups, all that - but more time for jogging. I think my calves and achilles heel are already built insanely well, but more jogging couldn't hurt, no? Anyhoo, I hope I update this tomorrow. Please, memory.

Workout status:
absolutely nothing.
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Geez, a lot of things have happened since the last update. Most significantly, my mental health took an absolute swan dive as of last week, and I'm still suffering from the aftereffects. Don't worry, I'm recovering. Since my mental health dropped, that translated into a new coping mechanism for me - binging. And I do mean a lot of binging. I spent quite a couple of afternoons just binging a couple of animes and doing nothing with my life, which means: no exercise. On another note, numerous people have contributed to this plummet, including someone here. Sorry to bore you with all my problems, but honestly I haven't got anyone who I can spill this shit to. I'm sorry. I changed the title as well to reflect that this is just a calm place for me to vent or something. Who knows, I'll probably just spill a lot of intense negative feelings here. Maybe this thread just devolves into that.

Workout status:
still nothing.
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Good thing this isn't a workout blog or whatever. Still, I can include it whenever I want to. The healing process is definitely taking a while - to be expected. I also bought the first volume of a manga series, planning to buy the next few whenever I finish volume 1. 16 volumes, so much reading is needed. Mmh, ran out of things to say.

What a time, one of the worst days. I got super moody again, this time at home. At least now I have a third person to vent to if I have issues. This doesn't really count, since some of yall are assholes. (I'm really blunt about this)

Sorry about the previous update, it kinda got cut off. Anyway, I'm feeling much better, got a couple test results today and I've improved a lot, so I'm feeling proud of myself. Also went for a jog/run, ran a mile in 12mins. Not my fastest, not my slowest.

On Friday, we were tasked to run a mile, so I ran a mile. In 7 minutes. And we had a physical exam the day prior. And on Friday I had CCA. All those three events are a really good mix to cause period cramps a fuck ton of abdominal pain. Screw me, man. So far, I'm recovering well, I should be back to normal by... tomorrow.

I did indeed recover. My mood's swinging, as usual. I don't think there's much I can do about it, I just have to wait till my mood swings back into happiness. On other news, we were tasked to run a mile (again) for our physical exam. Totally smashed it out of the park with a 7 minute run (again). I can go vroom, bitch!

I had absolute dogwater sleep last night. I slept 5 hours. Affected my mood this morning, as to be expected. Nothing else out of the ordinary, so that is all I have to say. Goodnight.

Again, I don't think much happened today. I'm pretty much cycling to school every day at this point, even when I have CCA. It's simply way faster than the bus. On a totally unrelated note, my PC screen got absolutely totalled. Getting a new one soon.
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My PC screen got even more totalled after my dad toyed with it. The replacement one is coming in a few days, so we've agreed to use the family TV as a temporary screen. It's stupid, but it works. Does anyone even read this? I don't care, really.

The monitor is coming in two days! Finally. The family TV screen is working just fine as my computer screen, only issue being that I can't do a split-screen. I'm also beginning to write a book somewhat based on TNP Asheron, so thanks for the inspiration! The book's going to be a novel.

Today's a public holiday, hurray. Tomorrow I have to do a presentation for some reason. Sucks for me, because I have a stupidly annoying stutter that pesters me at the worst times.
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I've been silently observing the total chaos currently occurring in TNP's halls through the perspective of other people I have contact with who are citizens or have higher ranks. Frankly, it's hilarious. I'm taking quite the stance here, but the government has been put into total chaos since Simone was elected. Just an opinion. I'm still rooting for TNP to sort itself out, though.

Nothing really special today. I've done my 100 pushups for today in the morning. Hopefully, I will go for my 2.4km jog if procrastination does not get the best of me and holds me captive by its sharp and delectable claws. For the rest of the day, I'll probably get back to putting out RP posts. Either that or just playing random games. Off I go.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go for the jog. Not that I procrastinated or anything, (i definitely did) it was due to unfortunate circumstances. Today, however, I was able to ball. Freshened up my skills, since I haven't balled in a while. Hopefully I can go jogging in an hour. On unrelated-to-exercise news, I lodged an expansion last night, and it got accepted after much bickering with Blobs. ~6500 words, sheesh. I've been writing up a bit for the starters of the first expansion post, but I got distracted by my administrative maps. Went to update it four hours ago, and I'm still not done. I swear, I have to do a regional map as well... Much to do, both health and RP-related. Off I go.

Edit: I did the jog. Success.
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Whoops, didn't update this blog. Definitely due to multiple factors, the main one being becoming besties with Borgy and talking n' being zesty with him and shit every night. He truly makes me happy. Anyway, yesterday my dad came home early, early enough so we could go jogging together. That made me happy, too. RP-related, Borgy said he'd drop his response to my post on Sunday, since there's a bunch of tests for him. I also am currently cooking up a 2K word post, my first, since my last longest post was a 1.3K. Aight, not much to say, soo... Off I go!

Happy Pride month! Leave a like if you read this! Anyway, I've gotten even closer with Borgy (might as well call him pookie from now on), despite all the bickering that we had like a married couple or a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. From his own words, I might've turned him bi. :P I have some insane powers lmao
In other news, I finally posted that RP post yesterday which ended up being 2677 words, which is frankly insane. I ended up doubling the amount of words written from my previous longest, which sounds insane to me. Thus, I'm absolutely drained of motivation, so I'll take a break from writing for a couple days. Found out Marcus is still maintaining his train thread, which is absolute perfect timing since I've regained interest in trains. I also went grocery shopping today, so uhh... Crap, got nothing else to say

Just listened to Stan for the first time, and when reading the annotations on Genius, it made me realise how deep the song truly is. Don't know how I haven't listened to it yet, frankly. Anyway, about that cycling trip that was planned with my friend... he couldn't make it. His back wheel brake spontaneously broke, and the gear only arrived today, and we were supposed to cycle yesterday. On top of that, I have to go to church today, so unfortunately no cycling. My dad said we're going to go to a VR place or something, I don't know. Also, me and pookie finally expanded. :P Pookie looks so weird now that he's expanded, and I've really thickened myself up. Hopefully I can grow to envelop all of Southern Gronland?

Edit: pookie said we gay >.< all cuz i- oh shit, what we did was wayy too outta pocket, he's right
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Today, nothing much happened life-wise. However, something just happened RP-wise. If it gets accepted by carto, it's gonna be fire. Me and pookie are making a joint RP nation! :P I won't disclose anything about it at all until it gets accepted. I've made the nation already, so for today we're planning everything. I know this post is shorter than most of the last ones, but as I've said, nothing much happened today.

I lodged the claim, sooo... The nation is Al-Amirin, if you're wondering. Oh, and I have to write 7129 words, way more than I was expecting, but nothing that can't be handled. Already completed a third of the words needed, so theoretically I only need to pump out 2 more 2.5k word posts and I'll be good on the expansion, which sounds rather mad. I'll give it my best shot though. Life-wise, nothing much, again.

Well, I found out pookie fucked up some time ago and now mods ain't letting him do shit. It's a fair ruling to be honest, and I ain't one to argue with that. I got like mad and berated him about him, then he felt bad about it. I gave a shot at a pep talk, it worked out perfectly. Cheered him up and he's back to normal. RP-wise, I'm still heavily drained, but I'm just simply forcing myself to write up something. Hopefully it'll be something... Exercise-wise, I did my ol' hundo pushups, and I really want to go for a jog tomorrow. I hope everything is timed perfectly, but right now the timeline is heavily messed up. Fingers crossed, man.

Well, um. Nothing noteworthy happened. If you're reading this, please leave. Anyway, Goji decided to stop caring about his past and move on wit it, focusing on Christ. Congrats, @Noclaf Ipsagel! Recommended some stuff for him to continue his journey. Goji, me and Laf will be there to read everything. I'll give everyone else the things I never had. Not one to end on sad notes, so congrats once again, and I hope all goes well for you. God bless.
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I've gotten too caught up being a tour guide, since I have to chauffeur my aunties all over Singapore and take them to the places they want to see. I'm not mad, it's better than wasting away at the computer after all. Anyway, I found a new joy to kill time: catfishing. Call me a fucking psychopath, I do not give a fuck. I don't really go on Tinder or Grindr, I prefer talking over the Yggdrasil bot, since there's still a chance that I could talk to regular people. I slipped myself into a man and woman's DMs, the former for dating advice and the latter for... why not? I think I'm fucked up...
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Damn, a whole month. Honestly, there are so many things that have happened since. School restarted, the end of catfishing, auditions to other schools, etc. My hands are pretty much filled with responsibilities and things to do. Frustrating? Yes. Fulfilling? Also yes. However, that's dependent on whether those other schools think I do good. And for the catfishing thing, I maxed out at 9 people/victims, whatever you want to call them. 2 women, 1 taken man (dating advice for some reason), 5 single men and 1 pedo. That one pedo shows how risky Discord can be. Only 9 people and already met one. Not good. Anyway, burnout from RPing, yay. Hoping to return to writing soon, but that could be not possible. Depends. On top of that, CCA today, so I got my exercise good. Balled on Tuesday and ran yesterday. I'm only getting my act up just because of those auditions. One is in 3 days and I'm insanely nervous about it. Ran out of things to think about and write, so... see ya later.

Another half-month, hurrah. Anyway, I've completed half of all my semestral exams, and one of the components for my finals is coming up in a week's time. Gee, being swamped with examinations sure is a joyous occasion. I love examinations. Anyway, about those auditions. I've completed all three, they all went pretty smoothly. One audition to each school. For simplicity's sake, we'll call the schools X, Y and Z. School X rejected me, which I don't really mind. School Y embraced me with open arms into their school, which makes me think that I'll probably go there by next year. School Z was keen in my skills and set me up for an interview with the head of the school on the 20th. However, I'm sitting for one of my semestral exam papers. You can see the issue. I've asked for a rescheduling, which they will get around to conducting and will tell me the new dates. I still can't believe I got into school Y, holy fuck. Anyway, wish me luck on my exams! :D

You know, I realised. Why should I share my private life with people on the internet I barely know? I've begun writing in my own diary, physically and separated from the web. I might give you a snippet of happenings in my real life, but I've no longer become comfortable with sharing my whole life on the Internet. I hope y'all get where I'm coming from. I'll revert this back to just an exercise record, which by the way, I have not been doing for a while. Excuses upon excuses. Again, apologies if some of y'all were really interested in my life, but I'm just no longer comfy with it. Have a good day, folks.

Workout status:
100 pushups completed intermittently
15 sit-ups straight

New month, hurray! Pretty hyped for this new month, finals coming up during this month. A bit annoying, but I'll take it. I've actually beginning to work out again. For once! After all, I've been pushed to do so. On top of that, I've been forced to begin revising for realsies, before this I've been relaxing my ass off. Anyway, I hope all goes well for my finals and all. Wish me luck!

Good evening folks. Or whoever is reading this. My finals are finally coming up next week. I'm partially hyped for them whilst also feeling nothing at the same time. Personally, I don't even care that much about them, it's just your regular end-of-year exam. The only thing different is that it kind of determines what high school I go to. Regardless, I'll still try and score well for them. My teachers have also been giving us boatloads of homework, so I guess I have to deal with that. Forgot to mention this, but I've started writing a novella. 4K words in the span of a couple of days. Impressive, no? Is it related to SR? No. But I'm still writing it. I plan it to be some stupid harem romance comedy novella or something, I don't know. Anyway, I'm heading off for now, good night.
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