Opening Address - January 2024
If your name is bolded and in green, you have been newly assigned to the listed region. Please introduce yourself on their regional forums (if applicable) and their Discord server promptly, and reply to this thread acknowledging that you have done this.
Region | Ambassador |
Augustin Alliance | Vatatzes |
Balder | Skaraborg |
Carcassonne | NutmegTheSquirrel |
Community | Quero |
Declansburg | Comfed |
Europe | NutmegTheSquirrel |
Europeia | Ruben |
Equilism | Vatatzes |
Forest | Kaschovia |
Free Nations Federation | Vatatzes |
Gay | Matzerati |
Greater Dienstad | Star Winter |
International Democratic Union | Sunshifter |
Land of Kings and Emperors | Quero |
Lazarus | Treekidistan |
Merciam | Treekidistan |
One Big Island | Pauline Bonaparte |
Spiritus | Skaraborg |
Stargate | Matzerati |
The East Pacific | Picairn |
The League | Ruben |
The Order of the Grey Wardens | Chipoli |
The Pacific | Picairn |
The Rejected Realms | Kaschovia |
The South Pacific | Matzerati |
The Wellspring | Pauline Bonaparte |
The West Pacific | Chipoli |
United Regions Alliance | Picairn |
Union of Democratic States | Fregerson |
Vibonia | Fregerson |
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