Home Affairs Roll Call - January 2024
Hello Home Affairs. Time for the next Roll Call.
Please sign up using the template below to remain in the Department of Home Affairs. I will re-mask you depending on the item you check, but you will be completely unmasked on Discord. Forums will remain accessible unless you do not post after 48 hours. (A little longer than 48 hours, until Monday evening Central European Time)
Nation in The North Pacific:
Discord Username:
Mark X in the boxes for each thing you are interested in this term:
[ ] Recruiting (Telegram Lists, Manual Recruitment, ...)
[ ] Mentor (Forum, Discord and Gameside)
[ ] Birthday Messages
[ ] Reviewing Resources (telegrams, dispatches etc.)
New staffers must first apply in the Executive Staff thread, and then post their roll call here. Returning staffers who do not make it in after 48 hours will need to reapply.
Further information for the term can be found in my closing address and my opening address.
- Lionsroar
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