[SC, Passed] Commend Alvalero

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Commend Alvalero (Zander Cerebella)
Category: < Commendation > | Target: Alvalero
Proposed by: Millenhaal, Co-authored by: Quebecshire | Onsite Topic

This Security Council,

Retelling the story of The Ancient Christmas Lands of Alvalero, a proud nation led Zander Cerebella, a tale spanning years and years of pure dedication, speaking of a nation which has contributed greatly to the region of Balder in particular,

Studying the humble beginnings of Zander in a set of smaller regions in a period starting in 2009, where they would display an undeveloped talent in region-building, and through a series of mergers and moves would lead the region The United States of Europe, forming a friendly, welcoming, and democratic community that achieved a sizeable population, setting the stage for their future leadership in Balder,

Fascinated that when Balder came into existence in 2011, Zander quickly migrated to the region due to its potential for growth and unique culture that was beginning to take shape. Soon after, Balder became a nexus for contentious activity and growth, starting Zander’s path in what remains their home region to the present,

Respecting Zander’s stellar leadership of this early Balder, which followed an extreme controversy between delegate Luxembourg and vice-delegate The Honorable Foxes of Fotar. Zander took control, having been a candidate before and offering stability to a region in crisis. Zander was able to guide the region to peace once again and establish a longstanding government that has weathered the years gone by,

Appreciating Zander’s diligent work in, alongside Revolution by night, building the totality of Balder’s law structure, which still stands to this day and has served Balder well over the decade it has been in use, and provided the foundation that the region operates on at its very core,

Magnifying Zander’s enormous contributions to Balder outside the delegacy, which have shaped the Balderan community at large and enriched Balder as a region, including:

  • Their appointment and success in many roles of the Statsraadet, Balder’s array of ministerial positions, a particularly notable one being the Minister of WA Affairs, where Zander moved for WA decisions to be left up to the common citizenry of Balder instead of those in power, provoking thoughtful and engaging discussions on the usage of Balder’s vote in the body.
  • The rejuvenation of Balder’s diplomatic corps, by analyzing the activity of diplomatic relationships to better understand their positions, reorganizing the Balderan ambassador program, annulling several unproductive treaties while reforging treaties with The West Pacific, The Pacific, and The North Pacific, and advocating for a more open style of foreign affairs that served the corps well.
  • Zander’s election for a combined total of 309 days as Statsminister of Balder, where Zander was extremely effective in managing the Statsraadet to better serve the Balderan populace, by recognizing and incorporating those who could prove themselves into the cabinet, and actively preventing the formation of an oligarchy that could have occurred in those early years, all the while efficiently delegating tasks so that the administration could not only perform its purpose, but excel at it.
  • Active membership in the Storting, Balder’s legislative body, where Zander proposed, discussed, and voted on laws, becoming a driving force for the activities of Balder’s legislature, eventually being elected as Talman, speaker of the house, where Zander continued to do so through diligently exerting the capacities of the office in a manner that Balder had never seen before, setting a high standard for those who would come to be elected in the following years.

Admiring Zander’s establishment of the three Viking Cities, Aarhus, Ribe, and Jomsborg, which serve to organize Balderan citizens, specialize them to tasks they enjoy performing, and provide them with a community within Balder, an initiative which saw to foster an improved regional culture and community,

Exalting Zander’s efforts to record the history of Balder through the foundation of the early iterations of the University of Balder, a prestigious institution that focuses on preserving history of the region that otherwise could have been lost to time if someone hadn’t cared to record it, providing a large resource for its study, while themself creating the document “The History of Balder” in 2017 which in detail explains the time period from its initial creation to the advent of the first monarchy,

Saluting the tremendous loyalty Zander has shown time and time again to Balder, sticking with the region through all of its hardships, the good times and the bad, building a legacy worthy of immortalization over more than a decade, to be codified into law with the passage of this resolution,

Asserting that if Zander had never been present in Balder, and had not tirelessly worked to improve the region when the odds seemed impossible, Balder could have fallen into chaos and disarray, never gaining the safety and prosperity it currently enjoys,

Hereby commends The Ancient Christmas Lands of Alvalero.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


This resolution seems to commend Alvalero, also known as Zander Cerebella, for their contributions to Balder. Zander has served as King, Statsminister (the head of government of Balder), Talman, and on the Statsraadet of the region within the past decade and continues to serve as the Duchy of Valtameri (a regional officer role) and membership on the Balderan Roll of Chivalry as a Knight of Odin within that region.


The resolution at hand seeks to commend an important contributor to improving regional culture and community within Balder, an important partner of TNP. The nomination was also worked through Heroes of Valhalla. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council resolution at vote, Commend Alvalero.

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our World Assembly Legislative League partners.
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This is from HoV. Also thread locked for the moment since Millenhaal has to do a re-submit.

Edit: unlocked.

For, due to HoV and WALL relations.
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