[GA, Passed] improving infant nutrition

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Ursine thingy
TNP Nation

Improving infant nutrition
Category: Civil rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Simone Republic | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Asserting that providing full and proper nutrition to infants of some sapient species has been scientifically validated to be beneficial to the said infants, with improved outcomes in overcoming childhood diseases, intellectual development and overall physical health;

Noting that, for some members of certain specific species, breastfeeding may be beneficial to both the infants and to the provider(s) of breast milk, while for others, formula milk or other nutritious products may provide a better (or only) alternative;

Further noting that, innate prejudices and misunderstandings are still prevalent in some WA states and that feeding friendly environments may not be available and impede the promotion of proper feeding for infants of certain members of specific species; hereby

  1. Defines:
    • "Breastfeeding" to mean the practice of feeding milk or other tissue discharged by the usual biological processes of the breastfeed provider to their infants (such as the pumping of milk for later storage and feeding);
    • "Feeding" to include feeding methods such as breastfeeding plus the provision of formula to an infant;
    • "Formula" to mean formula milk or (depending on specific species) other scientifically validated, full nourished, and sanitary nutrition, whether produced naturally or through technological means, required for the survival and full and proper development of infants of specific species;
    • "Government(s)" to mean governments of each WA state, including sub-national governments;
    • "Hygienic space" to mean a convenient, accessible, comfortable, sanitary, private and enclosed, environment that facilitates feeding and is free of charge at the point of use;
    • "Specific species" to mean inhabitants of WA states that belong to sapient species where feeding is beneficial to the overall health of their infants, as determined by WASP;
    • "WAHQ" to mean the WA Headquarters;
    • "WASP" to mean the WA Scientific Programme;
    • References to "such as" are merely as examples only;
  2. Requires WASP to:
    • Conduct ongoing research and provide updated relevant information for distribution to all WA states on proper feeding techniques as well as the use of formulas (including any new improvements to formulas) and the benefits to specific species;
    • Educate inhabitants of specific species the need to provide full and proper nutrition to infants, either directly or through the governments of individual WA states through such means as WASP deems appropriate;
    • Provide guidelines on maintaining sanitation and hygiene in "hygienic spaces", subject to the physical constraints of each WA state;
  3. Requires that government(s):
    • Ensure that all facilities owned by governments, as well as all medical facilities (operated by a government or otherwise) in all WA states should provide, as soon as reasonably practicable and where physically possible, "hygienic spaces", as long as the WA state has a significant portion of its legal inhabitants belonging to a "specific species";
    • Prohibit employers established in WA states from discriminating against anyone directly or indirectly on the grounds that time is required during working hours for feeding, and to impose such penalties as the said government proscribes, subject to due process of law;
    • Provide attractive incentives for employers and owners of private property to provide "hygienic spaces", through such measures that the relevant government(s) deems necessary;
    • Prohibit discrimination against any inhabitants on their choice of feeding methods, and to impose such penalties as the said government proscribes, subject to due process of law,
    • Educate their own inhabitants against prejudices in feeding methods, such as discriminating against members of a certain sapient species that cannot breastfeed;
    • Make widely available, through itself or through other providers, such as pharmacies and supermarkets, viable formula for purchase by any inhabitants of specific species;
  4. Clarifies that:
    • Terms not defined in this resolution shall be defined by WASP;
    • The competent authorities of a government are responsible for the implementation and interpretation of this resolution;
    • The WA Office of Building Management is responsible for providing convenient, private and enclosed "hygienic spaces" WAHQ and other offices of committees, bodies and organs of the WA, and the availability of such spaces to adequately satisfy the needs of every member of a "specific species" working at WAHQ or the said other offices.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations, NPA personnel, and those on NPA deployments will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote. If you are on an NPA deployment without being formally registered as an NPA member, name your deployed nation in your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution seeks to improve childhood nutrition - primarily breastfeeding for humans, but also making exceptions such as for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual parents, or for parents who cannot breastfeed - and also requires a safe, private, and clean environment for feeding, i.e. breastfeeding, milk pumping, or other feeding taking place for different species.

This resolution takes a somewhat awkward compromise over the definition of "specific species" to avoid endless, unproductive General Assembly and National and International Roleplaying debates, which seems somewhat necessary but does make the language of the resolution more cumbersome than a straightforward resolution.

With that being said, we believe improving infant nutrition is a real-life priority for many organisations, such as the United Nations' World Health Organisation and the American Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health.

For the above reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly resolution at vote, "Improving Infant Nutrition".
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For. Here as author, as usual. Yes we are talking about feeding babies now, not eating them.

The resolution is a fairly simple one that promotes infant nutrition and is a quasi-replacement for GAR491. There's various accommodations for LGBTIQA+ parents, for parents of different species (for roleplay reasons), and rules to prevent discrimination on whether breastfeeding is the "proper" way to feed children (since not everyone can breastfeed).

There's also an awkward definition of "nutrition" due to Herby complaining about sapient cars and I wanted to dodge the entire "Transformers" argument.

There's admittedly a couple of grammatical mistakes but I decided not to pull the resolution to fix it in the end.
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Infants being nourished is a good thing. This proposal helps to achieve that. Therefore, I am for the proposal.
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