[GA - defeated] Heritage Protection Committee Creation

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Wolf of the North
TNP Nation
Magecastle Embassy Building A5

Heritage Protection Committee Creation
Category: Education and Creativity | Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage
Proposed by: Alto Mare | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly,
Considering that a nation's heritage is its historical, cultural and natural legacy; Considering that heritage is a public good that must be protected and preserved for future generations; Considering that the creation of a heritage protection committee is essential to guarantee the conservation and appreciation of heritage, we approve the following law:
Article 1: The Heritage Protection Committee (HePC) is created by unifying the extinct Cultural Heritage Preservation Committee and Monument Assessment Committee, whose mission is to protect:
I. heritage sites of historical value and character, in accordance with each nation's relative listing;
II. all archaeological sites of extints nations, preserving the sites in periods of war or natural disasters, also financing their restorations and studies;
III. intangible heritage,
single paragraph: The commission will decide in the future which colors or symbols can demonstrate that that heritage was listed and protected by the commission.
Article 2:The intangible heritage, with the so-called heritage being considered as follows:
§1. The musical heritage;
§2. The natural heritage;
§3. Literary Heritage;
Article 3: Establishes heritage day every October 30th.
Article 4: restablishes a list of monuments protect by the commission, regarding the list:
I. The list of protected monuments being maintained and updated by the said commission.
Article 5:The penalty for destroying:
I. listed historical heritage;
§1. 2 years in prison if the destruction is reversible;
§2. 10 to 25 years if the destruction is irreversible.
II. heritage of historical value without listing it will be 1 year in prison and payment for the restoration of said heritage.
Article 6:Funds for the restoration and protection of monuments could arise through three paths:
I. A Project that uses the full amount, allocated directly to the Commission.
II. A project that uses the public-private initiative, using this resource, part of the Commission's budget and part of an investment from companies.
III. A project to adopt the private sector, which fully uses the companies' total investment.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This resolution proposal seeks to establish the "Heritage Protection Committee (HePC)" by unifying the extinct Cultural Heritage Preservation Committee and Monument Assessment Committee, whose mission is to protect heritage sites of historical value and character, in accordance with each nation's relative listing, all archaeological sites of extisting nations, preserving the sites in periods of war or natural disasters, also financing their restorations and studies and intangible heritage.

We believe the resolution provides for overly-specific micro-management of heritage protection, in particular article 3 (which will not work for nations using different calendars) and article 5, which again fails to account for the diversity of member states across the multiverse. We believe this resolution was not ready for submission at the point of drafting and was rushed through with disregard for the conventions of the GA.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the General Assembly resolution at vote, "Heritage Protection Committee Creation".
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Packed paragraphs without spaces, Roman numerals under Arabic numerals, several grammatical mistakes, inconsistent division (section and Roman numerals), all of this is a travesty.


The emphasis on formatting is undue; however, the content is not acceptable in its own right.
This is not quite up to the standard that I would like to see in a proposal. There are a few examples of this, but to me the clearest is the setting of numeric periods of imprisonment as penalty. With some more drafting, this could have been easily rectified, and it is not an obscure convention of the GA to avoid fixed punishments. Though the idea is sound, the execution and formatting compel me to vote against this.
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